Facts about The Alamo By Bria Hill
The Battle of the Alamo took place on February 23 – March 6, 1836 http://content.artofmanliness.com/uploads/2009/04/alamobattle.jpg
The Alamo was a Spanish mission that was originally called Mission San Antonio de Valero. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dd/1854_Alamo.jpg/300px-1854_Alamo.jpg
The Battle of the Alamo was a battle between the Texans and the Mexicans. http://www.eoilangreo.net/herminio/culture/al-battle.jpg
The Mexicans basically forced the Texans out of their land. http://www.greatmilitarybattles.com/%3A/Users/User/Desktop/GREAT%20MILITARY%20BATTLES/Battle_of_the_Alamo.jpg
Most of the Texans ended up surrendering to Mexican forces, however, even the Texans who surrendered were still killed. http://www.tamu.edu/faculty/ccbn/dewitt/adp/resources/images/survivors.jpg
Santa Anna was the leader of the Mexican army against the Texans. http://www.tamu.edu/faculty/ccbn/dewitt/images/santanna7.jpg
People started building the church, ‘The Long Barrack’ in 1744 however, the walls tragically fell and were destroyed about 12 years later. http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/17300/17363/alamo_17363_lg.gif
http://www.tamu.edu/faculty/ccbn/dewitt/adp/history/archaeology/images/fig2.jpg After the battle, the Mexicans managed to keep their territory for a couple of months. (March – May 1836)
The Mexicans were victorious in this battle and won against the Texans. http://0.tqn.com/d/gomexico/1/0/k/D/-/-/escudo_nacional.gif
The Alamo hasn’t always been where it is now, it actually started off near the headwaters of San Pedro Creek. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/0/06/SanPedroCreek2007.jpg/250px-SanPedroCreek2007.jpg