1 Tanzania Traditional Energy Development and Environment Organization Tanzania Experience on methodological framework for sustainable development. By G. Ngoo and E.N Sawe September 2005
2 Presentation Outline Overview of Global sustainable development framework Experience with sustainable development framework in Tanzania The PRSP Reviewing Process Role of Energy in the NSGRP TaTEDO’s field approach on implementation energy programmes/projects for sustainable development Conclusion
3 Overview of Global Sustainable Development Framework In 1992 the UN Rio summit launched agenda 21 as guide to Sustainable Development I996 the OECD called for the formulation and implementation of a sustainable development strategy in every country by In 1998, World Bank and UNDP introduced a Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) as a long term strategic horizon of say 15 – 20 years and within this framework Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) was launched.
4 Overview cont….. Overview cont….. However, developing countries encountered much more challenges in achieving Sustainable Development. (Extreme poverty, political instability, population growth, HIV-AIDS, Malaria, poor access to modern energy etc.) In September 2000 the world leaders unanimously adopted the Millennium Development Goals for reduction of poverty, hunger, mortality, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women. Energy could not be given priority Poor access to modern energy services significantly contribute to the challenges.
5 Tanzania is committed to the MDGs. Efforts to ensure sustainable development in Tanzania have been focused on poverty reduction. In 1999 National Vision 2025 was prepared as a guiding framework for poverty eradication. The Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRSP) was formulated and implemented as medium term strategy for the period of 3 years (2001 – 2003). Sustainable development framework in Tanzania
6 Some of weakness and lessons drawn from implementation of PRSP in Tanzania Lack of awareness and ownership of the PRSP Failure to provide the opportunity for a “bottom up approach”. Limited collaboration with stakeholders. Poor participation of non-priority sectors like energy sector. Participation of the poor in the PRSP was not institutionalized within the Local Government Reform Programme. Inadequate mechanisms in dealing with cross-cutting issues such as environment, HIV/AIDS, gender and employment Lack of PRSP communication strategies Inadequate resources to implement PRSP consultations.
7 Number of consultations were made nationwide and within and between different sectors and stakeholders. The key efforts were to shift from “priority sector approach” to the “outcome oriented approach”. Inter ministerial consultative workshop - to identify key areas of inter-sector linkages and establish modalities for fostering them in the implementation of poverty reduction strategy. A national workshop – to ingrain consensus around the strategy among government and non-government actors (CSOs) The process climaxed by the poverty policy week – to find more consensus, foster ownership, increase awareness and deepen the understanding on specific issues that required more attention. The PRSP Reviewing Process
8 Some of issues that come out in the consultations Linking formerly “non –priority sectors” to poverty reduction outcomes, recognizing that all sectors contribute to growth and poverty reduction Capacity constraints of managing the PRS/Poverty Monitoring System at central and local government levels; Harmonization of national policy processes and alignment of sector development strategies and plans of the NSGRP; Enhancing partnership between and among sector ministries; The need and how to mainstream cross –cutting issues; Linkages between key international and national development initiatives. Tanzania’s Vision NSGRP and MDGs The NSGRP with 18 goals in three clusters - economic growth, improvement of life and social well being, and governance and accountability.
9 Role of Energy in achieving NSGRP targets GoalOperational targets Energy link with NSGRP Promoting sustainable and broad-base growth Accelerate GDP growth rate to attain a growth rate of 6-8%per annum by 2010 Energy is crucial in the development of infrastructures such as roads, airports and communication networks Access to modern energy facilitates enterprises development thereby increase employment Energy is needed for agricultural mechanisation (ploughing, sowing, harvesting), water pumping for irrigation, and crop transportation, processing and storage,
10Cont… GoalOperational targets Energy link with NSGRP Improve food availability and accessibility at household level in urban and rural areas Increase food crop production from 9 millions tons in 2003/04 to 12 millions tons in 2010 Energy inputs for drying agricultural crops have potential of reducing crop waste, improving farm productivity and improve food nutrients. 95% of all staple food needs cooking and use of modern energy technologies can reduce the cost and make activity efficient Reducing income poverty of both men and women Reduce proportion of rural population below the basic needs poverty line from 38.6% 2001 to 24%in 2010 Clean and efficient energy reduces larger share of household expenditures on medication, time to fetch firewood and to cook. Reliable energy services offer scope for rural enterprises and allow income generating activities
11Cont… GoalOperational targetsEnergy link with NSGRP Ensuring equitable access to quality primary and secondary education for boys and girls Increase gross and net enrolment of boys and girls in primary schools, secondary schools and colleges Access to modern energy is essential for better teaching equipment, photocopy. Electricity enables access to education media and communication in schools. Modern energy create a more child friend environment at school – reduce class drop out. Improve health and well-being of all children and women and of especially vulnerable groups Reduce infant mortality, children, mortality maternal mortality and HIV prevalence Energy is needed to store medicine improve medical equipment services (sterilizers) and lighting Indoor air pollution from fire smoke contribute to respiratory infection in children and women while cooking Combustion of fossil fuels is larger source of health-damaging through air pollutants and GHGs
12Cont… GoalOperational targets Energy link with NSGRP Increase access to clean, affordable and safe water, sanitation, decent, shelter, and sustainable environment. Increase proportion of people with access to clean and safe water, reduce water related environmental pollution · Energy allows water pumping and boiling, disinfections, purification, storage, and distribution. · Pumping water reduces drudger and time spent for collecting water, mostly for women and children.
13 Field experience approach on the use of energy for sustainable development TaTEDO’s approach is like a PALM Local level baseline information collection Problems identification and participatory planning Capacity building for dissemination Demonstration, awareness raising and adaptation Participatory monitoring and evaluation Learning and replication of lessons and experiences Participatory
14Cont... 1.Local level baseline information collection through secondary information and interviews, 2.Participatory problems opportunities identification, needs assessment and preparation of local level plans with targets through PRA,
15 Cont… Cont… 3.Demonstrations, awareness raising and adaptation,
16 Cont… Cont… 4. Capacity building for dissemination, and market development for technologies transfer,
17 Cont… Cont… 5.Participatory monitoring and evaluation at all levels.
18 6. Learning and replication of lessons and experiences
19 Summary of Program & projects Progamme/Project Name TechnologiesAchievements Integrated Sustainable energy services for poverty reduction and environmental conservation (ISES- PRECP) Site: Dar es Salaam, Coast Region Mwanza Shinyanga, Tanga, Kilimanjaro and Arusha Improved bio stoves, Improved charcoal production, tree planting solar, wind, small hydro and ICT technologies Firewood stove - 114,531 Charcoal stoves – 25,000 Trees planted - 420,824 Solar PV – 385 Solar drier – 50 Capacity building – training Village technicians – 258 trained Charcoal producers – 246 Tree nursery owners – 80 Solar technicians ICT to local partners – 8 SMEs - 17 established
20 Cont.. Cont.. Progamme/Project Name TechnologiesAchievements Developing sustainable rural energy strategies at District level (DSRESD) Site: Bukoba, Monduli and Same Woodfuel stoves, Biogas, Use of Jatropha oil, tree planting Fire wood stoves –2088 Institutional Biogas Plant- 1 Jatropha tree planting – 28,750 On-farm tree planting – 128,858 Trained village technicians – 38 Trained Trainers - 6 Dissemination of Bio- energy technologies (DBT) Site: Dodoma, Tanga Bio – stoves Ceramic liner production workshop Ceramic line Bio-waste stoves – 30 Charcoal stove Trained village technicians - 12
21 Cont.. Progamme/Project Name TechnologiesAchievements Biodiversity conservation for mount Kilimanjaro through promotion of improved stove made firewood stoves. Site: Kilimanjaro Woodfuel stoves and tree nurseries Improved firewood stove - 85 Tree planting – 18,036 Trained village technicians - 35
22 Conclusion M odern energy is a growth engine for sustainable development, It is encouraging that it has been prioritized in the NSGRP. However, more capacity building is required in all development sectors in order to integrate energy in the sectoral policies, strategies, programmes and projects.