Belief that it was inevitable and ordained by God that the U.S. would expand to the Pacific Ocean
Oregon Who Went? o Looking for good cheap land o New Start because of economic problems How they got there o Wagons o Walked Utah Who went? o Mormons Escape Religious Persecution How they got there o Wagons o Handcarts o Walked
Texas o Mexican Independence 1821 o Encouraged Americans to settle $.12 acre Wanted flow of manufactured goods Help protect area from Indian attacks o Stephen F. Austin Given land grant to establish colony “No drunkards, gamblers, profane swearers or idlers would be allowed.”
Causes o Mexican politics unstable o Cultural differences Catholic vs. Protestant Spanish vs. English Slavery Abolished 1821 vs. Southern Slave Owners
Santa Ana o Imprisoned Austin for inciting Revolution o Suspended local government in Texas o 1835 Austin returned War was only option o Mexican troops sent to enforce Mexican law The Alamo- Feb. 23, 1836 o Spanish Mission used as Fort o Believed Controlling Fort would stop Mexicans o Texans trapped and slaughtered
Sam Houston o Commander of Texan troops Surprise attack on Mexican troops Killed 630 Mexicans in 18 minutes “Remember the Alamo” Captured Santa Ana Made him sign Treaty of Velasco Independence for Texas Republic of Texas o Houston elected President
James K. Polk- 11 th President o 1845 annexed Texas o Believed War could add CA and NM Border Wars o Texans Border was the Rio Grande o Mexicans Border was Nuecos River 150m. NE of Rio Grande o Polk tried secret negotiations to buy CA and fix border dispute Mexicans wouldn’t even talk J.C. Fremont led military exploration into CA Mexicans entered disputed territory Polk asked for War, Congress Approved
New Mexico 1846 o Mexican troops joined U.S. troops o No shots fired California 1846 o Settlers seized Sonoma o Declared Independence o Joined by NM troops o Mexican troops gave in quickly Mexico 1847 o Generals Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott One year of fighting Mexicans conceded defeat
Provisions o Rio Grande border o $15 million for CA and NM o 1853 Gadsen Purchase $10 million for southern RR route Current Borders of US created
Sutters Mill Jan. 24, 1848 o Gold found o By 1849 population over 100,000 From U.S. and World o San Francisco became supply center for world markets