The United States of America Expands Westward Manifest Destiny The United States of America Expands Westward
Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion Oregon Trail Texas Mexican Cession Gold Rush and California
Manifest Destiny SWBT Define that term. Apply it to American History by Mapping out the land acquisition by the USA from 1803 to 1853 giving each segment a title Describing how the land was acquired providing one example of each By Diplomacy By Conquest Describe various groups of people that were part of the settling of the West.
Manifest Destiny Study the following picture List all the people in the image Describe them. What are they doing? Where are they going? What emotions are they feeling? Who/What is most prominent? What does the artist want us to believe? Would all “Americans” feel the same way?
The rapid settlement of the United States’ inland empire was soon recorded in census reports. Between 1800 and 1840, the population of Ohio grew from fewer than 50,000 people to 1.5 million. In Illinois, census totals jumped from about 12,000 in 1810 to nearly 500,000 in 1840. Alabama census takers saw the state’s population of slaves alone rise from about 47,500 in 1820 to more than 253,000 in 1840 – a more than fivefold increase. This movement of people westward led to the creation of many new states. The admission of Michigan to the Union in 1837 brought the number of states to 26, or twice the original total of 13 As the number of stars dotting the American flag rapidly increased, many people came to believe that the United States was destined to continue growing and expanding. It seemed to the that God had chosen their country to spread the blessings of freedom and American civilization across the Mississippi and beyond. In 1845, newspaper editor John L. Sullivan wrote of “our manifest destiny to oversperead the continent allotted by Providence for the development of our yearly multiplying millions.” To carry out this mission, Americans would have to confront two nations that claimed large parts of North America: Mexico and Great Britain. They would also have to reach some accommodation with the original inhabitants of the land, the American Indians. Only when the nation overcame those obstacles could the American flag wave freely “from sea to shining sea.”
Research Manifest Destiny Divide into groups. Each group: gets a reading reads, thinks about, then writes answers to the questions on the next slide then shares the answers with the class while the other students take notes
For each Section, Answer: Why did the USA want that section of land? What were the problems or obstacles to obtaining that land? What are the main details about how that land was acquired? What are the boundaries of that land? What are the benefits to the USA of having that land? (see #1) Any additional important information to tell us? Each Group’s notes will be graded for completeness of information – Participation points!
15.2 Louisiana Purchase Why? Obstacles? Details? Boundaries? Benefits? Additional? Why? Full access to Mississippi River Obstacles? Owned by France Details? First just wanted New Orleans for $7 million, but France offered much more for $15 million Boundaries? Mississippi to Rocky Mtns, triangle with bottom point at New Orleans Benefits? Full access to River, No French presence Additional? Constitutional issues, $0.02 -3 per acre
15.3 Florida Why? Obstacles? Details? Boundaries? Benefits? Additional? Why? Stop Seminole raiding, complete East Coast, lessen Spain influence Obstacles? Owned by Spain, Seminoles warlike Details? Jackson told to stop Seminole raiding but he successfully invaded Florida, JQA says to Spain, “Govern or get out!” Boundaries? Florida coastline to Alabama Benefits? Handle the Seminoles, No Spanish presence Additional? Spain was to keep Texas
15.4 Texas Why? Obstacles? Details? Boundaries? Benefits? Additional? Why? Gain cotton growing land Obstacles? Owned by Mexico Details? First colonized by Americans, then rebellion to free Texas from Mexico, The Alamo and then other battles Boundaries? Rio Grande River to south, Benefits? Land gained for cotton and other uses, lessen Mexico influence Additional? Texas was independent for 9 years
15.5 Oregon Country Why? Obstacles? Details? Boundaries? Benefits? Additional? Why? Complete coast to coast, good land, Oregon Fever (Lies!) Obstacles? Claimed by Russia, Great Britain, Spain, USA Details? Russia and Spain drop out, Shared then split with Great Britain Boundaries? 49th parallel, northern border with California Benefits? Access to Pacific and important rivers Additional? Peaceful acquisition diplomatically from Great Britain.
15.6 War with Mexico Why? Obstacles? Details? Boundaries? Benefits? Additional? Why? Ambition, Manifest Destiny Obstacles? Owned by Mexico Details? Offer to buy from Mexico refused. Annexation of Texas led to contention of southern Texas border, war in USA as well as an invasion into Mexico. Purchased from Mexico. Boundaries? Modern California, Arizona, New Mexico Benefits? Straight Coast to Coast Additional? Some Americans considered war with Mexico like bullying our neighbors.
Life in the West People’s Stories
Life in The West Explorers Reasons – contact Indians, map passages Hardships Legacies Reasons – contact Indians, map passages Hardships – rough territory, wildlife, language, food Legacies – Maps, Information, CAN BE DONE!
Life in The West Californios Reasons – 1) convert Indians 2) get land Hardships Legacies Reasons – 1) convert Indians 2) get land Hardships – long distances from neighbors Legacies – Spanish names of places, crops: grape, olives, citrus, initial settling
Life in The West Mountain Men Reasons Hardships Legacies Reasons – Trapping of furs, freedom and adventure Hardships – solitary, dangerous Legacies – found trails and paths, mapmaking, personal journals describing their hardships
Life in The West Missionaries Reasons Hardships Legacies Reasons – to convert Indians, to develop religious institutions for future white settlement Hardships – travel difficulties, cultural differences Legacies – opening the west to white settlement
Life in The West Pioneer Women Reasons Hardships Legacies Reasons – followed husbands, look for husbands, adventure Hardships – long journey, hard work, disease, Legacies – schools, libraries, literary societies, suffrage movements
Life in The West Mormons Reasons Hardships Legacies Reasons – escape persecution, gather as a group Hardships – persecution, unpromising land, Legacies – settled in the Great Basin with new ways to farm
Life in The West Forty-Niners Reasons Hardships Legacies Reasons – GOLD! Supply those who mined GOLD! Hardships – travel, few women, inflation, crime and wildness, mining was difficult, Legacies – quick population growth, name for a football team.
Life in The West Chinese Reasons Hardships Legacies Reasons – California called “ Gam Saan (Jin Shan)” = gold mtn. Hardships – mistreated - whites saw them as competition for certain jobs Legacies – Chinatowns and sharing of culture, service industries: restaurants, cleaning, railroad