Medical Terminology List 8
scapul/o scapula (shoulder blade) –Scapulalgia Pain in the shoulder blade –Scapular Pertaining to the shoulder blade
son/o Sound –Sonogram –Sonography –Sonorous
thyroid/o Thyroid gland –Hyperthyroidism –Hypothyroidism –Thyroidectomy –Thyroid gland –Parathyroid
top/o to put, place, position –Topical –Topography –Topalgia
troph/o development, nourishment –Trophic –Trophology –trophopathy
inter- between –Intervertebral –Intermuscular –Internal –Internatal –Interspinal
Intra with in –intracranial –Intrauterine –Intravenous –Intramuscular –Intrapartum –Intrapsychic –Intrathoracic
If you give an injection of pain medication into the muscle (IM). Would you say it was an –Intermuscular injection –Intramuscular injection
mal- Bad –Malignant –Malodorous –Malnutrition –Malpractice
meta- change, beyond –Metastasis –Metabolism
neo- New –Neonatal –Neoplasm –Neoplastic
para- beside, near, along the side –Paralysis –Paraplegia –Parathyroid –parathyroid hormone
peri- Surrounding –Perianal –Periosteum
poly- many, much –polydipsia –Polyuria –Polyneuropathy –Polyphagia
post- after, behind –Postmortem –Postpartum
pre- Behind –Precancerous –Prenatal
pro- before, forward –prolapse
-ine pertaining to
-lapse to fall, slide –Prolapse
-mission to send –Remission –Admission
-mortem Death –Postmorteum
-ous pertaining to –Malodorous
-partum Birth –Postpartum
-phagia to eat, swallow –Dysphagia –Aphagia –Polyphagia
-phasia to speak –Aphasia –Dysphasia –bradyphasia