Definitions, Goals and Objectives Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Definitions, Goals and Objectives Chapter 3
Definitions, Goals, & Objectives Introduction Definition of Maintenance Inherent Reliability Verification and Validation Operational and Functional Goals of a Maintenance Program Maintenance Program Objectives Summary
Introduction Address basic terms and goals and objectives of maintenance What is Maintenance? Quantifiable measurement terms Basic objectives
Definition of Maintenance FAA definition: “Maintenance is defined as the inspection, overhaul, repair, preservation, and replacement of parts.” More of what people do vice what is to be accomplished
Definition of Maintenance Former chief mechanic of Boeing 777 design effort: “Maintenance is the action necessary to sustain or restore the integrity and performance of the airplane.” “…includes inspection, overhaul, repair, preservation, and replacement efforts.”
Definition of Maintenance Author’s definition: “Maintenance is the process of ensuring that a system continually performs its intended function at its designed-in level of reliability and safety.”
“Inherent reliability of an item is not the length of time it will survive with no failures; rather it is the level of reliability the item will exhibit when it is protected by preventive maintenance and adequate servicing and lubrication.”
“The degree of reliability Inherent Reliability “The degree of reliability achieved depends upon design characteristics of the equipment and the process used in determining the maintenance requirements.”
The inherent reliability of a system or component is both a function of the design and a function of the maintenance program established for it.
Verification & Validation means that a test or procedure has been written and that, when read and understood by a knowledgeable person, is deemed to be correct, adequate, and acceptable for the purpose for which it is intended.
Verification & Validation means that the written test or procedure has been performed by an appropriately trained maintenance person, and the procedure, as written, is understandable, adequate, and most importantly, proven to accomplish the intended purpose.
Operational check Operational & Functional Means to operate the equipment, system, or component as usual (all modes and functions) and determine whether or not it is useable for its intended purpose “ task to determine if an item is fulfilling its intended purpose.”
Functional check Operational & Functional Means that the equipment, system, or component has been checked out using the necessary equipment and tools to measure certain parameters for accuracy “a quantitative check to determine if each function of an item performs within specified limits.”
Goals of a Maintenance Program To deliver airworthy vehicles to the flight department in time to meet the flight schedule. To deliver these vehicles with all the necessary maintenance actions completed or properly deferred. IAW the MEL
Maintenance Program Objectives To ensure the realization of the inherent safety and reliability levels of equipment. To restore safety and reliability to their inherent levels when deterioration has occurred.
Maintenance Program Objectives To obtain the information necessary for adjustment and optimization of the maintenance program when these inherent levels are not met. To obtain the information necessary for design improvement of those items whose inherent reliability proves inadequate.
Maintenance Program Objectives To accomplish these objectives at a minimum total cost, including the costs of maintenance and the cost of residual failures.
Maintenance Program Objectives A maintenance program consists of scheduled maintenance tasks to keep equipment and systems in top operating condition. Unscheduled maintenance tasks to address in-service failures A continuing analysis and surveillance activity to optimize the total maintenance effort by improving the maintenance program Requesting a redesign of equipment An effort to minimize maintenance costs
Summary Introduction Definition of Maintenance Inherent Reliability Verification and Validation Operational and Functional Goals of a Maintenance Program Maintenance Program Objectives Summary