Equipment Maintenance Management Program Request for Proposal 9-36 Pre-Proposal Conference May 28, 2009
Agenda Purpose of RFP Scope of RFP Key Dates Proposal Preparation Proposal Evaluation Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises Question and Answer Session
Purpose of the RFP To select a vendor that provides quality management of an equipment maintenance program at a cost effective price. Partner with the State in analyzing equipment maintenance expenditures while maintaining desired service levels and maximizing budgeted dollars.
Scope of RFP The State conducted a pilot program with the Remi Group. 14 agencies added electronic equipment from traditional maintenance contracts, time and materials maintenance, or no maintenance agreement at all. Details in Attachment N, Historical Information. Today, agency calls service vendor of choice when service is needed. Online equipment database and tracking tool for managing equipment.
Scope of RFP $462,000 in traditional annual spend currently on the program. State does not guarantee future spending at these levels Attachment A, MWBE Subcontractor Form Electronic Equipment Categories General medical, hospital, lab, and testing equipment All other electronic equipment Online Equipment Management Tool
Key Dates Activity Date Issue of RFP May 15, 2009 Pre-Proposal Conference May 28, 2009 Deadline to Submit Written Questions June 1, 2009 Response to Written Questions/RFP Amendments June 8, 2009 Submission of Intent to Respond Form Submission of Proposals July 1, 2009
OneIndiana Initiative is a secure and credentials based website for all State QPA products and services. Section 2.3.15 (Business Proposal) In order for your awarded contract to be included in, IDOA requires a yes response to questions 1-5 in Attachment G, Business Proposal. Attachment K, L, and M
Minimum Requirements (Attachment E) Vendor must meet or exceed annual commitment percentage for Minority & Women’s Business Enterprises subcontractor goals throughout the life of the contract. Attachment A Vendor shall cover preventative and/or corrective maintenance needs for hardware and/or software as it relates to equipment per the manufacturer’s specifications. Online Equipment Management Tool
Cost Proposal (Attachment D) Respondent must bid on all equipment categories to be considered a valid bid. Minimum Savings Percentage Hardware/Software Preventative and/or Corrective STATE OF INDIANA PORTFOLIO (VOLUME BASED ON TRADITIONAL CONTRACT SPEND) EQUIPMENT CATEGORY < = $1,500,000.00 General Medical, Hospital, Lab, and Testing Equipment All Other Eligible Electronic Equipment > $1,500,000.00 and <= $3,000,000.00 > $3,000,000.00 Additional Pricing Information Creative solutions that yield additional savings to the State.
Proposal Preparation Use the templates provided for all answers and do not alter templates. Please list all attachments in Attachment F, Summary of Attachments. Electronic copies of your proposal Please return in original format. Technical Proposal (Attachment H) in Microsoft Word Cost Proposal (Attachment D) in Microsoft Excel Please do not submit your entire proposal as one PDF file.
Proposal Evaluation Summary of Evaluation Criteria: 1. Adherence to Minimum Requirements Pass/Fail 2. Management Assessment/Quality (Business & Technical) 35 points 3. Cost (Cost Proposal) 20 points 4. Indiana Economic Impact 15 points 5. Buy Indiana 10 points 6. Minority (10) and Women Business (10) Subcontractor Commitment 20 points * 100 Total Points
Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises Goals for Proposal 8% Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) 8% Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) Attachment A Commitment of total participation provided by Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises The State is expecting Respondents to indicate the percentages for Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises that they are committed to achieving (if awarded this contract).
Questions and Answers
Additional Information IDOA PROCUREMENT LINKS AND NUMBERS 1-877-77BUYIN (8946) For Vendor Registration Questions For Inquiries Regarding Substantial Indiana Economic Impact A. Link to the developing “one stop shop” for vendor registry with IDOA and Secretary of State, MWBE business loop up, etc. B. Secretary of State of Indiana: Can be reached at (317) 232-6576 for registration assistance. C. Indiana Economic Impact Form: Online version available at Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises: for more information for table of IDOA certified MBEs and WBEs. E. RFP posting and updates: Go to (select “State of Indiana Opportunities” link) Drag through table until you find desired RFP/RFI number on left-hand side and click the link.
Thank You