Maintenance Optimisation At Rovno NPP Robert Hudson
EUROPEAID PROJECT /123833/C/SER/UA Transfer an Operational Safety Culture Support implementation of nuclear safety improvement projects Transfer of know-how To develop a state of the art preventive and predictive maintenance system for mechanical, electrical and I&C equipment
Rovno NPP Design of West-Ukraine NPP began in 1971, later to be named Rovno NPP 1 of 4 Sites operated by Energoatom Unit 1: VVER-440 Model B-213, start up December-1980 Unit 2: VVER-440 Model B-213, start up December-1981 Unit 3: VVER-1000 Model 320, start up December-1986 Unit 4: VVER-1000 Model 320, start up October-2004
ACTIVITIES Review the existing maintenance system Identify potential safety issues and challenges Provide recommendations on improvement of the existing system Develop a methodical guidance for preventive and predictive maintenance of active mechanical, electrical and I&C equipment Provide training for Rovno NPP personnel Draft a pilot preventive and predictive maintenance programme for one selected equipment type of each component group (mechanical, electrical and I&C)
PROPOSED METHODOLOGY Based upon significant experience of maintenance improvements at UK power stations, and more recently Slovenske Elektrarne’s Mochovce NPP, it was proposed that the basis of Rovno NPP maintenance system improvements be Reliability-Centred Maintenance Reliability-Centred Maintenance (RCM) is a structured methodology that defines preventive maintenance regimes that: Reduces the probability of failure Restores the inherent level of equipment reliability Ensures that plant performance is not degraded by time nor usage
PROJECT STRUCTURE It is proposed that the project be divided into four distinct phases: Phase I - Visioning, RCM training of nominated Rovno NPP personnel during a UK Study Tour (including RCM software) Phase II - Completion of a pilot RCM study of a selected nuclear safety system Phase III - Implementation of the recommendations from Phase II Phase IV – Finalise recommendations for ongoing improvement of the Rovno NPP maintenance system, review of results against the benchmarks defined in Phase I and complete the transfer of know- how to Rivne NPP personnel
PHASE I DETAILED TASKS Define objectives and performance parameters Analyse the current Rovno NPP maintenance system Form the RCM Focus Group Select system(s) for the pilot RCM study Define an implementation strategy Deliver RCM training (in UK) to the RCM Focus Group Rivne personnel Identify Rovno’s Predictive Maintenance (PdM) capabilities
PHASE II DETAILED TASKS Preparation of pre-RCM study materials at Rovno NPP, e.g. system manuals, maintenance data RCM Focus Group meetings each comprising one week at Rovno NPP Plant walkdown of the selected pilot system Recording of the RCM Study results via the RCM software
PHASES III AND IV Verification of the RCM report(s) Preparation of implementation documentation: Work planning requirements Compile Affected Documents/Drawing List (ADL) Presentation of results to Rovno NPP management Preparation of Safety Submission for regulatory endorsement Presentation of the Safety Submission to the Ukrainian regulatory body (SNRCU) Implementation via local Rovno NPP procedures Close out workshop and post-project debrief Final report production and submission
RESULTS TO DATE 20+ Energoatom personnel trained in the RCM methodology Make Up Water and Boric Acid Regulation System RCM analysis complete RCM Report, including RCM Software output, complete Supporting Safety Submission to SNRCU currently being drafted Comprehensive assessment of RNPP Condition Monitoring capabilities nearing completion