THE REGIONAL CENTER FOR ADVANCED MANUFACTURING (RCAM) Addressing the Needs of Chemical Process Operations
ADDRESSING THE NEEDS OF CHEMICAL PROCESS OPERATIONS 1. RCAM and the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP) 2. Chemical Process Operations Program 3. Questions & Answers
CREATING A 21 ST CENTURY WORKFORCE The Challenge… Face potential for tremendous turnover and loss of skills in coming years High % of retirement eligible people in technical fields Technology advancements Continuing need for scientists, engineers, operators, maintenance mechanics, business support employees and craftsmen to operate and maintain high-tech manufacturing and business facilities. Partnerships are the key to success
ADVANCED MANUFACTURING PARTNERSHIP (AMP) A public/private partnership to address workforce development Goals Support existing industry training needs Create a pipeline of individual interested in technology careers (educational outreach) Support economic development Key Partners City of Kingsport Domtar Paper Company Eastman Chemical Company Kingsport Chamber of Commerce Northeast State Community College TN Department of Economic and Community Development
INNOVATIVE, STATE OF THE ART TRAINING… Industrial Maintenance Program Customized Training Chemical Operator Fundamentals
AMP Camp 5 th year in 2013 K-12 Outreach Mobile outreach Classroom visits Career discussions PROMOTE ADVANCED MANUFACTURING…
Career Services Center Skills assessment Resume writing Interviewing skills Access to employers and job placement Scholarships Awarded $700K in scholarships to non-traditional students Established endowment fund Career Readiness Certificate EXCEPTIONAL STUDENT SUPPORT…
REGIONAL CENTER ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Build Develop and Grow Physical construction Curriculum development Student outreach Advanced skills training Enhanced work-entry programs Specialized training AACC National Recognition Continually innovate to meet workforce needs Additional Grant Funding
Program Description Technical Certificate Program – 28 credit hours Prepares individuals to work in chemical manufacturing and or related fields Articulates to a General Technology degree Feeder for Eastman Chemical Company - “Chemical Operator Apprentice Program” CHEMICAL PROCESS OPERATIONS
Fall CHEM Introduction to Chemistry CHEM Introduction to Chemistry Credits: 4 or CHEM General Chemistry I CHEM General Chemistry I Credits: 4 INTC Quality and Inspection INTC Quality and Inspection Credits: 3 INTC Industrial Concepts INTC Industrial Concepts Credits: 3 INTC Equipment I INTC Equipment I Credits: 1 INTC Equipment 2 INTC Equipment 2 Credits: 1 MATH Intermediate Algebra MATH Intermediate Algebra Credits: 3 Spring CHEM General Chemistry I CHEM General Chemistry I Credits: 4 or CHEM General Chemistry II CHEM General Chemistry II Credits: 4 INTC Safety in the Workplace INTC Safety in the Workplace Credits: 3 INTC Applied Physical Science INTC Applied Physical Science Credits: 1 INTC Basic Instrumentation INTC Basic Instrumentation Credits: 3 Technical Elective Credits: 2 CHEMICAL PROCESS OPERATIONS
Combination of lecture/lab courses and online content Hands-on instruction includes both lab scale and pilot scale environments PROGRAM CONTENT
Courses Intro to Chemical Manufacturing Applies Chemistry Applied Math Applied Physical Science Instrumentation Equipment I Equipment II Equipment III Equipment IV Distillation Online Content - Example ONLINE CONTENT
Tool to deliver and administer online content Tool to meet the needs of industry clients or continuing education needs DELIVERY PORTAL