Driver’s Education Section IV Day 3
Objectives DMVM – pages (Copy these) »Vehicle Operating Space »Reference Points »Communication with other drivers »Vehicle Control Devices »Good Driving Habits »Distracted Driving
Day 3 Bell Ringer #3 / 3 paragraphs (5 sentences in each) / Explain what may have happened in this picture. Give your report of the scene. / 3 paragraphs (5 sentences in each) / Explain what may have happened in this picture. Give your report of the scene.
Determining Vehicle Operating Space Determining Vehicle Operating Space (Do not copy) Markers represent edge of sightlines Outline of pavement area around the car the driver cannot see from the driver’s seat Rectangles are the tire patches and asterisks represent the vehicle’s forward and rear turning axis T – 2.33 Topic 5 Lesson 1 ** Forward Rear
Reference Points (Do not copy) Knowing how to read where your vehicle is when stopping or parking
Front Limitation (Do Not Copy) Front Limitation AT INTERSECTIONSAT INTERSECTIONS IN A STOPPING POSITIONIN A STOPPING POSITION PARKINGPARKING You will need to know where the front end of your vehicle is when you are: T – 2.37 Topic 5 Lesson 2 STOP LINE
Front Limitation Reference Points (Copy this slide) To stop 3-6 inches from the line in front of your bumper, stop when your line of sight runs under the side view mirror reference point to the line in front of your vehicle.To stop 3-6 inches from the line in front of your bumper, stop when your line of sight runs under the side view mirror reference point to the line in front of your vehicle. Maintain a normal driving position when targeting your reference point and do not lean forward or sideways.Maintain a normal driving position when targeting your reference point and do not lean forward or sideways. T – 2.39 Topic 5 Lesson 2 Reference Point Line of sight Reference point
Rear Limitation (Do Not Copy) BACKINGBACKING PARKINGPARKING You need to know where the rear of your vehicle is when you are: T – 2.40 Topic 5 Lesson 2
Rear Limitation (Copy this slide) To align the rear bumper three to six inches from a line or curb, you need to stop when the line or curb appears near the middle of the rear right window when looking over the right shoulder. T – 2.42 Topic 5 Lesson 2 Reference point
Communicating with other motorists DMVM – page 28 Lights VA law requires motorists to use headlights during inclement weather, night, or visibility being reduced to 500 ft. Must use headlights when wipers are used for bad weather. BE SEEN IN INCLEMENT WEATHER!
Communicating with other motorists DMVM – page 29 Turn Signals Develop a good habit 3 or 4 seconds ahead of time Speed limit more than 35 MPH, signal at least 100 feet before turning point Speed limit less than 35 MPH, signal at least 50 feet in advance.
Hand Signals DMVM – page 29
The Top Ten Errors (Do Not Copy) Topic 4 Lesson 1 T – % not attending to the path of travel (distractions – cell phone, sound system, passengers, etc.) % driving five or more mph too fast for conditions % 6.6% driving too fast through a curve % 6.3% inadequate search at an intersection and moving in front of cross traffic % 6.1% lack of attention at an intersection and being struck by another driver that resulted in crashes involving teen drivers are:
The Top Ten Errors (Do Not Copy) Topic 4 Lesson 1 T – 3.32 that resulted in crashes involving teen drivers are: 6.6.5%improper evasive action—quick turn not executed properly or braking instead of steering 7.3.9%failed to maintain visual lead 8.3.9%failed to see action developing at side of the roadway 9.3.9%following too closely %willfully taking right-of-way
A+ C+ Developing Good Driving Habits (Copy this slide) Preparing Driver and VehiclePreparing Driver and Vehicle Smooth, Gradual Starts and StopsSmooth, Gradual Starts and Stops Using Reference Points for Vehicle PlacementUsing Reference Points for Vehicle Placement Getting Visual Targets before MovementGetting Visual Targets before Movement - Using a Vision Control, Motion Control, Targeting, and Steering Control Sequence Visually Targeting the End of the Path of Travel as far as 15, 20, or 30 seconds from the VehicleVisually Targeting the End of the Path of Travel as far as 15, 20, or 30 seconds from the Vehicle Based on concepts from Mottola, F. R. (1999). Empower Yourself. p. 5 T – 3.33 Topic 4 Lesson 2
A+ C+ Developing Good Driving Habits (Copy this Slide) Based on concepts from Mottola, F. R. (1999). Empower Yourself. p. 5 Be Alert to Changes to the Line of Sight (LOS) or the Path of Travel (POT)Be Alert to Changes to the Line of Sight (LOS) or the Path of Travel (POT) Adjust Speed and Lane Position to Increase Space to Front, Side, or Rear for Restricted LOS-POTAdjust Speed and Lane Position to Increase Space to Front, Side, or Rear for Restricted LOS-POT When Approaching a Red Light, Adjust Speed to Time Your Arrival for a Green LightWhen Approaching a Red Light, Adjust Speed to Time Your Arrival for a Green Light T – 3.34 Topic 4 Lesson 2
A+ C+ Developing Good Driving Habits (Do not Copy) Based on concepts from Mottola, F. R. (1999). Empower Yourself. p. 5 Prior to Intersection Entry, Check the Left, Front, and Right Zones or AreasPrior to Intersection Entry, Check the Left, Front, and Right Zones or Areas - Check the area that can be viewed best first so that more time can be focused on the obstructed area Whenever Your Foot Goes to Brake or Accelerator, Check the Rear View MirrorWhenever Your Foot Goes to Brake or Accelerator, Check the Rear View Mirror Prior to Moving to the Left or Right, Check Side View Mirror and Mirror Blind ZonePrior to Moving to the Left or Right, Check Side View Mirror and Mirror Blind Zone T – 3.35 Topic 4 Lesson 2
A+ C+ Developing Good Driving Habits (Do Not Copy) Based on concepts from Mottola, F. R. (1999). Empower Yourself. p. 5 Make it a goal to maintain a four-second following interval from the vehicle in front and to the rear.Make it a goal to maintain a four-second following interval from the vehicle in front and to the rear. - This protects you from the unexpected actions of other drivers to the front and rear. When stopped behind vehicle, leave space to move around the vehicle in case of an emergency.When stopped behind vehicle, leave space to move around the vehicle in case of an emergency. Reduce stress by being courteous rather than competitive while driving. Competitive drivers are not winners.Reduce stress by being courteous rather than competitive while driving. Competitive drivers are not winners. T – 3.36 Topic 4 Lesson 2
Dangerous Driving Behaviors DMVM – page 29 Distracted Driving Increased numbers, especially in young, inexperienced drivers. Passengers, phones, pets, radio, food, etc. Crashes, sirens, etc. Approx. 13% of all traffic crashes in VA, per year, involve distracted drivers.
End of Section 3 Test on Day 4!!!