NEARC Nashua, NH Using a Mix of Technologies to Collect and Present Geographic Information on the Web (or desktop) Aleda Freeman MassGIS (Office of Geographic and Environmental Information) Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA)
NEARC Nashua, NH Short history of online mapping at MassGIS Examples of requests to web map services + responses Gallery of the wide variety of applications (and technologies) using the services 3 Parts
NEARC Nashua, NH Created in 1988 as the GIS office for the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs (EOEA) and its constituent agencies 1999 Legislation (MGL chap 21 sec 4B) established the “Office of Geographic and Environmental Information” in EOEA. Its mission is very broad: “Collect, consolidate store and provide geographic and environmental information in order to improve stewardship of natural resources and the environment, promote economic development and guide land-use planning, risk assessment, emergency response and pollution control.” What Is MassGIS?
NEARC Nashua, NH MassGIS Users PUBLIC SECTOR State agencies Regional planning agencies Cities and towns Colleges and Universities Federal agencies PRIVATE SECTOR Private non-profit organizations GIS consulting firms Engineering and surveying firms Colleges and Universities Utilities
NEARC Nashua, NH History of Web Mapping Services at MassGIS Late 1990s: Use of ESRI ArcView Internet Map Server (discontinued) From late 1990s to today: Use of ESRI ArcIMS 1999: E-gov initiative spurs development of OGC WMS/WFS mapping service 2002: MassGIS offers OGC standard based WMS/WFS with custom software (MapAccess) (requests translated to ArcIMS XML) (discontinued) 2004: Installation of GeoServer (open source, reference implementation of OGC standards) Oracle with ESRI SDE is the common data storage for all these map servers
NEARC Nashua, NH Current Online Mapping ESRI ArcIMS GeoServer map servers data storage types of applications OpenLayers MapBuilder ESRI ArcMap iPhone Flash uDig Gaia Google maps Google Earth desktopbrowser SDE with Oracle
NEARC Nashua, NH 2 Main Types of OGC Requests WMS – Web Map Service (GetMap) -Image of a map returned (PNG, TIFF, etc) -Can get a legend graphic WFS – Web Feature Service (GetFeature) -Feature info returned (attributes and/or coordinates) For WMS or WFS: -Can filter on attributes or geometry -Can get data back in > 3,000 projections Requests can be URL or XML Many output formats: JPG, PNG, GML, KML, SHP, PDF, XLS, CSV
NEARC Nashua, NH WMS URL Example /geoserver/wms?VERSION=1.1.1&REQUE ST=GetMap&SERVICE=WMS&LAYERS=ma ssgis:GISDATA.TOWNS_POLYM,massgis:G ISDATA.SCHOOLS_PT&STYLES=Black_Lin es,&BBOX= , , , &SRS=EPSG:26986&WIDTH =570&HEIGHT=435&FORMAT=image/png
NEARC Nashua, NH WMS Result
NEARC Nashua, NH WFS URL Example ature&version=1.0.0&service=WFS& propertyname=TOWN,POP2000&type name=massgis:GISDATA.TOWNS_P OLYM&CQL_FILTER=POP2000>
NEARC Nashua, NH WFS Result (partial)
NEARC Nashua, NH Clients to MassGIS OGC WMS/WFS Clients using OGC WMS/WFS can connect to MassGIS’ GeoServer for maps and data Clients include: Simple URLs (in an image tag on a web page for example) Viewers built w/ OpenLayers (JavaScript library) Viewers built w/ MapBuilder (JavaScript library) Viewers built w/ Java or JSP ESRI ArcMap Open Source GIS desktop clients (such as uDig, Gaia) Google Earth Google Maps USGS The National Map Clients I don’t know about
NEARC Nashua, NH Agencies/Orgs with Apps Using MassGIS web map services Programmers doing their own work: DEP, DCR, DOE, DFG, MassHistoric, Town of Amherst, Merrimack Valley Planning Commission, USGS Orgs getting benefit of MassGIS- created applications Community Preservation Coalition, State Police, CZM, Massachusetts Broadband Initiative
NEARC Nashua, NH Client – ArcMap
NEARC Nashua, NH Client – ArcCatalog/ArcMap
NEARC Nashua, NH Client – DCR Forestry Viewer (OpenLayers)
NEARC Nashua, NH Client – DCR Forestry Viewer (OpenLayers)
NEARC Nashua, NH Client – State Aid Viewer (Google maps)
NEARC Nashua, NH Online SLD Snippt
NEARC Nashua, NH Client – The National Map (ESRI HTML viewer)
NEARC Nashua, NH Client – GOS Gadget (Windows Vista or 7)
NEARC Nashua, NH Client – MBI Survey (Google Maps geocoding) Massachusetts Broadband Institute Survey
NEARC Nashua, NH Client – MBI Survey (Google Maps + WMS) Massachusetts Broadband Institute Survey
NEARC Nashua, NH Client – Welldrillers (MapBuilder)
NEARC Nashua, NH Client – CZM MORIS (Java Web Start)
NEARC Nashua, NH ITD XML Gateway Some agencies (DEP, EOHHS) not allowed to contact MassGIS web services server directly – requests must go through ITD XML Gateway and be validated by schemas Available through the gateway: WMS WFS Geocoding requests to ArcIMS (AXL, not OGC)
NEARC Nashua, NH ArcIMS statistics 80 mapservices (composed maps) 5,700 requests/day 1,000 geocodes/day 40 viewers use maps or geocoding
NEARC Nashua, NH GeoServer statistics 851 layers 1,266 SLD named styles >22,000 requests/day images served from cache 23% of the time
NEARC Nashua, NH Recent New Events Upgraded GeoServer (from to 1.7.6) new rasters - XLS, CSV outputs - curved labels - faster - many other improvements/bug fixes
NEARC Nashua, NH Planned Improvements Currently profiling GeoServer vs. SDE to see where improvements in data access can be made Plan upgrade to GeoServer version 2.0 Continue to document ways of accessing the web mapping services on lyceum site.
NEARC Nashua, NH MassGIS Webservices Info Working examples of requests and responses with MassGIS data Subscribe via RSS for updates Links to many online mapping applications Public Google group for users (56) of the services Look up EPSG code values for projections This Powerpoint
NEARC Nashua, NH