Other Map Projections Please draw the following projections and write the descriptions in your notes.
Fuller (Dymaxion) Projection A Fuller or Dymaxion Projection maintains the shape of landmasses, but greatly distorts the water. http://www.grunch.net/synergetics/map/dymax.html
Peters Projection The Peters Projection argues that the Mercator artificially amplifies the sizes of landmasses to make the industrialized, developed nations appear to account for a greater percentage of the total geographic area than they really do. Greenland Mercator Projection Greenland Africa Africa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gall%E2%80%93Peters_projection
Azimuthal Projections Azimuthal Projections show a single hemisphere at a time, and are very precise at the central point. Distortion increases as you move away from the center. Eastern Hemisphere Azimuthal Projection Polar (Lambert) Projection Western Hemisphere Azimuthal Projection http://www.progonos.com/furuti/MapProj/Dither/ProjAz/projAz.html
Mollweide Projection An equal-area map projection capable of showing the entire surface of the earth in the form of an ellipse with all parallels as straight lines more widely spaced at the equator than at the poles, with the central meridian as one half the length of the equator, and with all other meridians ellipses equally spaced http://www.google.com/images