2012 RFP Technical Assistance April 18, 2012 Oregon Title IIB – Math and Science Partnerships (MSP) Mark Freed Mathematics Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education Cheryl Kleckner Science Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education
Overview Part 1 – Changes to Oregon IIB (MSP) – Why STEM? Part 2 – Oregon STEM Education Initiative – Rational – Definition – Components Part 3 – Walk through of 2012 Title IIB RFP – Option 1/Option 2 – Dates Q & A Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Part 1 – Oregon Title IIB Changes Why STEM? Reauthorization of ESEA (initial impressions) – Title IIA (Highly Qualified Highly Effective) – Title IIB (MSP Highly Effective: STEM) Other possible changes to Title IIB Formula to States Competitive to States – Competitive within - Competitive within Separate partnerships Connected partnerships Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Part 1 – Oregon Title IIB Changes Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance Past Title IIBOR STEM Title IIB (2012) Multiple Regional Partnerships PD Focused on either: Math content Science content Math & Science content PD Focused on: Math & Science content Incorporate technology & engineering as needed (contextual learning) Connected Components Partnerships comprised of: K-12 Higher Education Partnerships comprised of: K-12 Higher Education Community Partners Separate Evaluators Separate Measures Separate Reports Limited resource sharing Separate Evaluators Common Component Measures State Report Collect Resources/Lessons developed
Part 2 – Overview of Oregon STEM Education Initiative STEM meeting for RTTT application (Win 2009) Continued meetings of ODE STEM staff (Win/Spr 10) Initial meetings with Intel Education (Sum 2010) STEM advisory committee (Fall 2010-Sum 2011) o Publication of Oregon STEM Initiative (Nov 2011) o Regional STEM meetings (Dec 2011-Feb 2012) o Publication of Title IIB RFP (April 2012) o STEM common measures meeting (Feb/Jul 2012) Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Part 2 – Overview of Oregon STEM Education Initiative Defining the Problem – If STEM is the solution, what is the problem it is to solve? Defining STEM Education (ODE) – What changes if we define STEM in terms of what we are already doing? Defining STEM Collaboratives/Work – Would we know what “STEM work” is if we see it? Moving Forward – Supporting STEM Education Collaboratives Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Defining the Problem What problem is STEM education supposed to fix? Pipeline Mainline Employers Higher Education Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Defining the Problem What problem is STEM education supposed to fix? Pipeline Mainline Employers Higher Education <40% who enter STEM programs complete a STEM degree (Engage to Excel, February 2012) Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Defining the Problem What problem is STEM education supposed to fix? Pipeline Mainline Employers Higher Education 70% of college students are women and/or members of a minority group <45% of STEM majors are women and/or members of minority group (Engage to Excel, February 2012) Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Defining the Problem What problem is STEM education supposed to fix? Pipeline Mainline Employers Higher Education Employers: Skills needed to succeed in the workplace – Professionalism/Work Ethic – Oral/Written Communication – Teamwork/Collaboration – Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Employee “deficiencies” (HS) – Basic knowledge in writing, math, & reading – Written communication – Critical Thinking/Problem Solving – Professionalism/Work Ethic Employee “deficiencies” (2- year & 4-year) – Writing & Written Communication – Leadership (Are They Really Ready for Work?, 2007) Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Defining the Problem What problem is STEM education supposed to fix? Pipeline Mainline Employers Higher Education Oregon University System Faculty Survey Most disciplines agree on the importance of: – Calculations/Middle School math – Basic Algebra – Statistics Most disciplines agree on the “relative un-importance” of: – Geometry – Advanced Algebra (Trigonometry) (What Math Do Students Need to Succeed at a Public Oregon University?, 2010) Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
STEM does not seem like…STEM seems like… Defining STEM Education What changes if we define STEM in terms of what we are already doing? Its own discipline Math courseSTEM course Science courseSTEM course CTE courseSTEM course A way to teach (e.g. STEM Education) Problem Solving/Reasoning Communication Authentic Applications Interconnected in nature Contextual (career oriented) Interesting/Engaging Engages the Community (employers/industry) Simply the separate disciplines steMStemsTemstEm SteMsTEmStEM stem Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Defining STEM Education What changes if we define STEM in terms of what we are already doing? Oregon’s STEM Education Initiative defines STEM Education as: “An approach to teaching and lifelong learning that emphasizes the natural interconnectedness of the four separate STEM disciplines. The connections are made explicit through collaboration between educators resulting in real and appropriate context built into instruction, curriculum, and assessment. The common element of problem solving is emphasized across all STEM disciplines allowing students to discover, explore, and apply critical thinking skills as they learn.” Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Defining STEM Work Would we know what “STEM work” is if we see it? What should STEM work look like? – Exercise: “Describe and activity that reflected what thought of as STEM work” – What are common elements of these descriptions? Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Defining STEM Work Would we know what “STEM work” is if we see it? Components of STEM Education Effective Instruction Effective Learning Environments Coherent Standards & Policies Effective Leadership Community Engagement Research & Evaluation (teacher) (student) (content) Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Moving Forward Supporting STEM Education Collaboratives Title IIB RFP – Seeking to support four STEM Education partnerships in Oregon – Establish a few common measures across partnerships – Support collaboration across partnerships – Build a database of STEM activities Network with other states Other state work: STEM Task Force; OR Education Investment Board; Proficiency Credit; ESEA Waiver Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Part 3 – Oregon Title IIB RFP Overview – Option 1 – Option 2 RFP Details – Funding – Scoring – Dates Resources – MSP MSP – STEM STEM – NGSS NGSS Questions? 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance 17
Title IIB MSP Contacts: Mark Freed Mathematics Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education Cheryl Kleckner Science Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education Thank You!