Higher Education and Education for All Towards greater interaction and a new paradigm Georges Haddad Victor Ordonez November, 2004
(Basic Education) Education for All Education for All Dakar, 2000 Points of Interaction Higher Education Emerging Paradigms Jomtien, 1990 Medieval times Paris, 1998
A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE:A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE: * The Evolution of the Social Contract between universities and society –From guilds and intellectual centers for the elite –To universities expanding access to serving greater needs of society –Recent unprecedented growth Higher Education
Enrollment in higher education in Asia and the Pacific Region Southern Asia Eastern Asia Former USSR South eastern Asia Oceania
Students in higher education per 100,000 inhabitants 1980 and 1992 and 1996
A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE:A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE: * The Evolution of the Social Contract * The Evolution of the Social Contract Higher Education *Alternative forms and emerging challenges –University responsibilities toward societal issues: poverty, HIV/AIDS, sustainable development, UN Millennium Development Goals, etc. –Student responsibilities and mobilization –Privatization and collaborative partnerships
Gross enrollment ratios in higher education for 1990 and latest available year
MAIN THEMES FROM THE 1998 WCHE MAIN THEMES FROM THE 1998 WCHE –Focus on development, public good, human right –Relevance to society, and its changing world of work –Resources and financing alternatives in light of expanding access –Internationalization and fostering partnerships Higher Education
A REDEFINED ROLE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN SOCIETYA REDEFINED ROLE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN SOCIETY –Re-designing delivery systems for new demands of a radically fast-changing world of work –Responding to wider needs of society: EFA, Millennium Development Goals (gender), Sustainable Development (environment, HIV/AIDS, justice, equity, tolerance) Higher Education
Female Participation (Third Level)
A REDEFINED ROLE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN SOCIETYA REDEFINED ROLE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN SOCIETY –Re-designing delivery systems for new demands of a radically fast-changing world of work –Responding to wider needs of society: EFA, Millennium Development Goals (gender), Sustainable Development (environment, HIV/AIDS, justice, equity, tolerance) –New state governance mechanisms to incorporate broader partnerships and finance mechanisms (privatization, cost recovery, corporatization) Higher Education
Share of enrollment in private higher education
A REDEFINED ROLE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN SOCIETYA REDEFINED ROLE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN SOCIETY –Re-designing delivery systems for new demands of a radically fast-changing world of work –Responding to wider needs of society: EFA, Millennium Development Goals (gender), Sustainable Development (environment, HIV/AIDS, justice, equity, tolerance) –New state governance mechanisms to incorporate broader partnerships and finance mechanisms (privatization, cost recovery, corporatization) Higher Education
Education for All Dakar, 2000 Points of Interaction Higher Education Emerging Paradigms Jomtien, 1990 Medieval times Paris, 1998
The Jomtien 1990 Declaration and visionThe Jomtien 1990 Declaration and vision –The Imperatives for prioritizing EFA –Expanded vision for basic education Lessons from the EFA decadeLessons from the EFA decade –Statistical overview: comprehensive research results: much has been done, much remains to do Education for All
The Race Against Illiteracy
The Jomtien 1990 Declaration and visionThe Jomtien 1990 Declaration and vision –The Imperatives for prioritizing EFA –Expanded vision for basic education Lessons from the EFA decadeLessons from the EFA decade –Statistical overview: comprehensive research results: much has been done, much remains to do –From advocacy to activity to analysis Education for All
Advocacy Analysis Activity Jomtien, 1990 Dakar, 2000 Amman, 1996 Bangkok, 2000 Examples: girls’ education international aid
The Jomtien 1990 Declaration and visionThe Jomtien 1990 Declaration and vision –The Imperatives for prioritizing EFA –Expanded vision for basic education Lessons from the EFA decadeLessons from the EFA decade –Statistical overview: comprehensive research results: much has been done, much remains to do –From advocacy to activity to analysis –The next crisis: secondary education Education for All
THE UNFINISHED STRUGGLE FOR BASIC EDUCATION: CONTINUING CHALLENGESTHE UNFINISHED STRUGGLE FOR BASIC EDUCATION: CONTINUING CHALLENGES – Access: Reaching the unreached; achieving the Millennium Development Goal for access and gender Education for All
THE UNFINISHED STRUGGLE FOR BASIC EDUCATION: CONTINUING CHALLENGESTHE UNFINISHED STRUGGLE FOR BASIC EDUCATION: CONTINUING CHALLENGES – Access: Reaching the unreached; achieving the Millennium Development Goal for access and gender –Quality: relevance; drop-outs and repetition Education for All
per cent Sub-Saharan Africa Arab States Latin America/Caribbean Asia/Pacific OECD Final grade Grade 2 Grade1 Repetition rates in the first grades of primary education
THE UNFINISHED STRUGGLE FOR BASIC EDUCATION: CONTINUING CHALLENGESTHE UNFINISHED STRUGGLE FOR BASIC EDUCATION: CONTINUING CHALLENGES – Access: Reaching the unreached –Quality: relevance to learning needs; drop-outs and repetition Education for All – Broadening partnerships; enlisting the higher education sector – Role of information and innovation –Securing financial and social support
School Age Population Enrolment Average Basic Education Trend
School Age Population Budget in Education Enrolment Average Basic Education Trend
Ingredients for Success n Financial resources n Human capacity n Political/social will
Education for All Dakar, 2000 Points of Interaction Higher Education Emerging Paradigms Jomtien, 1990 Medieval times Paris, 1998
Points of Interaction Community service Re-designing content of study Teacher training: pre-service and In-Service Applying research from neuro-sciences, psychology Conscienti- zation and social responsibility Policy research and advocacy
Possible recommendations to be drawn up: Traditional outreach focused on EFA; credit for this Strengthening ministry links for pre-service and in- service teacher education Creating bridges between researchers and policy makers; fostering new partnerships Instilling social responsibility for EFA among university students, e.g. UNILIT Higher education and sustainable development (environment, HIV/AIDS, equity, etc.)
Possible calls for action: Calling on ICTs to build knowledge societies Calling on international agencies and governments to recognize the role of universities and engage them in development agendas and EFA strategies Calling on strengthening university twinning Calling on special strategies for countries in special situations Calling on NGOs in Higher Ed and NGOs in EFA to work more closely together
An Agenda for Higher Education and EFA Collaboration Specific Proposals
Education for All Dakar, 2000 Points of Interaction Higher Education Emerging Paradigms Jomtien, 1990 Medieval times Paris, 1998
Causative Factors:Causative Factors: –Globalization/interdependence: what is inevitable and what is avoidable –Complexity theory and the pace/nature of change –State, government, and systems inadequacies The Need for New Paradigms:The Need for New Paradigms: –Learning for equitable, sustainable interdependence The Delors Vision: A Lifelong Learning SocietyThe Delors Vision: A Lifelong Learning Society Emerging Paradigms
Education for All Dakar, 2000 Points of Interaction Higher Education Emerging Paradigms Jomtien, 1990 Medieval times Paris, 1998
Higher Education and Education for All Towards greater interaction and a new paradigm Georges Haddad Victor Ordonez November, 2004