Episode “ I 3” A New Hope for PLCs Held captive by a low graduation rate and an ever widening achievement gap, the CMS Els await you …. “their only hope.” Heeding the call of your ESL Dept., you travel to the Obaverse seeking educational support for Els from a net- work of peers and master teachers using the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards.
Aaaa Imagine not having to travel for off-site pd… to connect with remote peers and students … & to receive pd from Subject Matter Experts… as most teachers con- fess to feeling un- prepared to teach Els… -CAL
“Join us!” “You must join the Obaverse and feel the virtual EL support grow among you, your peers, CAL, TESOL, and Oregon University.”
“The Obaverse surrounds us, binds us,,.” “It flows through Virtual PLCs.,.” “Webinars,” “and the COMMON CORE & NGSS” Education Connections Network ESL PD and Graduate Courses EL Resouce Bank
“An online network of educators sharing resources, lessons, and professional development activities for integrating the Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards into instruction for Els.” -The Center for Applied Linguistics Interactive Resource Repository - resources to study and use during EL relevant Standards Based Instruction PLCs online - Math, Science, and English teachers sharing expertise resources and experiences Subject Matter Expert Sessions – virtual sessions presented by scholars and experts in the areas of SBI and Els Online Professional Development- offering mini (five-week) online courses about EL methods and instruction that provide continuing education credits & reflect graduate level coursework applicable to an ESL certificate ObaWorld Implementation – coaching and support for teachers’ use of online learning with their own students
“Master…I will try.” “…NO…” “Did I mention the free graduate level classes?” $
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