Feudalism in Western Europe


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Presentation transcript:

Feudalism in Western Europe Big Ideas…

How did feudalism develop? 1. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, Europe dissolved into different kingdoms, and this created uncertainty and a lack of unity. This lack of unity allowed different kings to compete for land and power, and it made life very hard many people. In particular people struggled with basic survival and safety, which forced them to work for a king, in exchange for land and protection.

How did Christianity spread? 2. Two powerful kings, Clovis and Charlemagne helped spread Christianity during this time. Because many people were loyal to Clovis, they become Christians like him. Charlemagne expanded his kingdom to include much of Western Europe and converted his subjects to Christianity, often times using fear and violence.

How did feudalism work? 3.  During this time, much of Europe was vulnerable to attack by various invaders looking for land and power. Feudalism developed in response to these “dark times,” and it provided people with a form of protection and stability. At the top of this system were the landowners, or kings, who allowed the peasants to work the land in exchange for protection. Feudalism created stability, even if it was an unjust system.

What were the different classes in feudalism? 4. Feudal society was very hierarchical. At the top were the monarchs, who owned the land. The monarchs gave some land to lords, who were called vassals. These vassals promised to fight for the king in exchange for land. Knights and lords would work for the vassal, and also got some land in exchange. At the bottom of the system were peasants, who were called serfs. Serfs had to work the land, and give a portion of their crops to the lords and even pay taxes. They were not slaves, but they had very little freedom and power.

How did Monarchs justify and maintain power? 5. During medieval times, the monarchs believed in the divine right of the king, which means that God had given them the power to rule over others. Even with divine right, monarchs struggled to maintain power.

What were the differences in the daily lives of lords, ladies, knights and peasants? 6. The lords and ladies enjoyed a fairly comfortable life. They enjoyed feasts and entertainment, they went hunting and played games. Their responsibilities included protecting the manor and making sure the chores of the manor were carried out. Ladies didn’t have as much power as the men, but they had important responsibilities, like raising children. The knights led lives of chivalry. They had a code of honor, learned poetry, practiced fighting, and were expected to be kind and fair to ladies. They fought for the king. The peasants had the hardest life style. They worked hard in the fields and did not get to keep all their food.

Why was this time called “The Dark Ages?” 7. Life during the medieval times could be harsh. Diseases were rampant, and people were not as healthy as they are today. Illiteracy was high, and superstition was common. For this reason, many people referred to this time as “The Dark Ages.”