Extension units 1 Medicine in the Ancient World and the Early Middle Ages Ideas of cause and cure; the recording and transmission of knowledge in Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome and in the Muslim world. Public health provision in Ancient Rome and in England in the Middle Ages. The role of key individuals: Hippocrates and Galen.
Ancient medicine Causes – Egyptians – undigested food rotting in bowels stuck in channels -All societies – gods+spirits. -Greeks – 4 humours -Romans – beginnings of the bad air/miasma idea – swamps – army was getting sick near them. 4 humours -Galen – brain controls body -Islamic medicine challenged ideas of how body worked. 4 humours
Communications Egyptians – 1 st documented society Greeks/Romans – big empire Hippocratic Collection (200 books) Greeks – observation – written records. Alexandria – library.
Cures etc Egypt – natural remedies – eg honey Pray to gods eg Imphotep Hygiene – priests Greece – observed, recorded. Diagnosis – what the problem is. Prognosis – what’s the likely outcome. Exercise. Asclepius. -4 humours – getting rid of the extra Romans – similar.
Public health -Why? Romans needed healthy army -Clean water -Medieval times – gets worse. 14 th century London – banning throwing rubbish etc.
Revision sessions Monday 7 th – G316 – 3:30 – paper 1 Thursday 10 th – G316 – 3:30 – paper 2
What sort of question will you get? Progress? Compare? Why? Intro – say what your argument is.
What can we learn from these sources about changing understanding of causes of disease? Medieval flagellantsLouis Pasteur
Pasteur Why does he matter? Germ theory 1861 Germs cause decay – therefore they must cause disease. Koch – proves germs cause disease – anthrax Competition to find germs+vaccines Could be asked to look at – Why they succeeded/impact of their success