Making the Punishment Fit the Crime and Medieval Torture By Lucy Field
Medieval Torture During Medieval times, the torture was very violent and gory. Torture chambers began to be included in many castles. Different types of torture was used depending on what the criminal had done and their importance in society. The objective of torture in the Middle Ages was to intimidate or punish. It was also used to get information from witnesses or offenders.
Forms of torture Ripping out of teeth or nails Beating Boiling Bone Breaking Burning Choking Dislocation Drowning Roasting Starvation Tongue Removal Limb or finger removal
Forms of torture Types of inflicting pain was compression of limbs (compressed with special instruments or rope), injection of liquids/substances (e.g. water, oil or vinegar) into the accused person’s body.
Making the punishment fit the crime Rebellion/ treason Being hung or executed. Just before death you would be quartered alive. Heresy(going against the king) Resulted in death Vagrancy (a nomad) In the 1530s you would be whipped. In the 1540s you would be killed Witchcraft Mostly being burnt at the stake or hung. Also could include being naked and left in the sun.
Making the punishment fit the crime Theft Being publicly tortured (e.g. put in the stocks) Fraud Put in the stocks, then imprisoned Murder Resulted in death. Either hung or executed
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