1. Aristotle believed that the four physical elements were the basis of all matter. A. True B. False.


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Presentation transcript:

1. Aristotle believed that the four physical elements were the basis of all matter. A. True B. False

2. Robert Bacon developed the first pair of spectacles. A. True B. False

In the Middle Ages the four humors thought to be in the human body were all except... A. Blood B. Yellow bile C. Black bile D. Water E. Phlegm

4. In medieval times the Presbyterian church believed illness was a punishment from God. A. True B. false

5. Where was the first hospital that divided its patients into wards according to their illnesses? A. Egypt B. Cairo C. Damascus D. Rome

6. The most common form of surgery in the Middle Ages was A. Blood letting B. Amputation C. Lobotomy

7. What culture is known to have been the first to advance surgical techniques? A. Romans B. Greeks C. Muslims D. Jews

8. The Black Death was a combination of what two bacteri? A. Pneumonic and meningococcal B. Meningococcal and bubonic C. Bubonic and plutonic D. Bubonic and pneumonic

9. The plows invented during medieval times worked best with oxen. A. True B. false

Social Science Sec The windmill was invented in the dark ages. A. True B. False