Industrialization Industrial revolution begins in England in the 1780s. They had a lot of capital ( money ) to buy machines and factories. Capital was coming from their colonial empires.
1768: James Hargreaves- Spinning Jenny 1782:James Watt – Scotland – steam engine 1840 – cotton products were England’s most valuable product – first railroad in England.
FYI... Process of spinning and weaving cotton used to be done by individuals. Now by machines. Two step process by people called Cottage Industry. Entrepreneurs – business people.
Reasons for Industrial Revolution Changes in Agriculture – more food/less jobs Enclosure Movement Capital and Entrepreneurs Natural Resources- Home country& colony Increased Markets
1850 – trains were going 50 mph. Factory workers were in great demand. Better pay in factories. Left the family farm for the factory Worked in shifts. Revolution spreads to the rest of the world. Add canals & railroads.
America six out of seven were farmers – one out of two. Robert Fulton – steamship Railroad was called THE greatest invention.
Social Impact City populations grew rapidly due to the factories. Most lived in miserable conditions. Tenement housing, filthy, disease. Social reformers called for change.
Women & Children Made up 2/3 of the cotton workers. Age 9 is minimum to work. Paid half what a man gets. Bad working conditions led to a Socialism movement. Believed in equality of all people.
Children ages 9-13= 8 hour days Children = 12 hour days. Robert Owen – British Utopian Socialist. Started a cooperative community in Scotland manufacturing cotton. ALL worked for the community.
His Socialist belief : People would show their natural goodness if they lived in a cooperative environment. His plan flourished. A similar attempt in New Harmony, Indiana in the 1820s failed.
Development of New Classes Industrial Middle Class * Factory Builders * Salespeople from factories * Machine makers * Factory Managers Industrial Working Class
Inventions of the Revolution
The Telegraph Completed by Samuel Morse in 1837-Made popular by the election of 1844 Many telegraph lines ran across railroad lines-many train stations contained telegraph offices
Down On The Farm John Deere invented the steel plow to cut through thick soil Cyrus McCormick developed the mechanical reaper to cut down wheat much quicker-This reduced harvest time to 1 hr per acre
Isaac Singer perfected the sewing machine making sewing machines a symbol of prosperity and making it a tool for women to earn money out of the homes
Other Home Improvements Iceboxes Iron stoves Improved clocks-cheaper Indoor plumbing-Hotels matches/safety pin
New Factories Factories changed from water power to steam allowing factories to be built closer to cities and transportation centers