5 th Grade Parent Orientation 2014-15. Organization Daily Binder Daily Binder Agenda Agenda Bulldog Folder Bulldog Folder Spirals/Journals Spirals/Journals.


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Presentation transcript:

5 th Grade Parent Orientation

Organization Daily Binder Daily Binder Agenda Agenda Bulldog Folder Bulldog Folder Spirals/Journals Spirals/Journals Student Data Binder Student Data Binder

Homework Language Arts=20 minutes of reading each night, or a total of 100 minutes per week. Additional homework rare but assigned as needed. Language Arts=20 minutes of reading each night, or a total of 100 minutes per week. Additional homework rare but assigned as needed. Social Studies=as needed (usually study for tests) Social Studies=as needed (usually study for tests) Science/Health=study and apply academic vocabulary Science/Health=study and apply academic vocabulary Math=1 page per week Math=1 page per week *Homework will be written in the agenda.

Common & Summative Assessments Common Assessments are given to gauge what the students already know. These assessments guide the instruction. A common assessment may be given at the beginning of a new concept or skill, much like a pre test. However, common assessments may also be given mid way through the chapter/unit as a formative measure. This method aids the teacher in identifying those students who need further practice, students who need to be enriched and everyone in between. Common Assessments are given to gauge what the students already know. These assessments guide the instruction. A common assessment may be given at the beginning of a new concept or skill, much like a pre test. However, common assessments may also be given mid way through the chapter/unit as a formative measure. This method aids the teacher in identifying those students who need further practice, students who need to be enriched and everyone in between. Summative Assessments are given at the end of the particular concept assessing the learning and summarizing the development of the learners. These are the grades officially entered. Summative Assessments are given at the end of the particular concept assessing the learning and summarizing the development of the learners. These are the grades officially entered.

Grades -Students will not receive a zero. -Students who score below a 70% will have the opportunity for one retake. -If work is not turned in, students will have the opportunity to make up their work during study hall. -Grades are summative, so there will be less numeric grades per six weeks.

Student Data Binders All students will have a binder where they record their own progress toward learning goals. Assessments and work samples will be cumulatively placed in the data binders and students will compare their own work samples to measure progress and explain their learning. Students and teachers will use the binder to conference and monitor progress. It will be an important way to help students know what their strengths and weaknesses are so, in turn, we are able to help them set personal goals for improvement. The binder will collect data about Reading, Math and Science. Starting in the second six weeks, these binders will come home twice per six weeks so you will be informed about your child’s progress.

Remind101 This is the preferred method of communication with parents. Homeroom Teacher: Text: and enter the text message below.

Attendance Being present in EVERY class, in its entirety, is essential to your child’s learning. Being present in EVERY class, in its entirety, is essential to your child’s learning. -make appointments for after school -instruction lasts until 2:45 -Fridays are often used for assessment -a note explaining the absence must be submitted within 72 hours

Conduct Rewards/ Consequences Credit Card System Credit Card SystemClipboard Each class has a conduct chart that is passed as the class rotates. If your child is unable to follow the classroom expectations we have gone over, s/he will receive a mark on the clipboard. For each mark there will be a consequence. One mark equals 5 min. of recess your student will walk. (max of 2 marks) We use these conduct marks to determine the Mighty Dogs. This is our method of rewarding good behavior and showing students how responsible behavior has a consequence, positive and negative. They will be given a pretend account where they will practice financial accountability. They will be able to earn money as well as be debuted/charged through their choices during the school day. This system is similar to the Bulldog Buck structure, where they can earn “money” through good behavior.

Recess/Study Hall/Detention Study Hall: If your child was unable to finish his/her class work and just needed a little more time, s/he may finish it during the recess/study hall time. Also, if your child was absent and needs to make up work/tests/or instruction from the teacher this is a great time to do that. This is not a punishment, but an opportunity to complete the assignment. Study Hall: If your child was unable to finish his/her class work and just needed a little more time, s/he may finish it during the recess/study hall time. Also, if your child was absent and needs to make up work/tests/or instruction from the teacher this is a great time to do that. This is not a punishment, but an opportunity to complete the assignment. Detention: A student will walk around the playground for each mark received on the clipboard. 1 mark= 5 min. Detention: A student will walk around the playground for each mark received on the clipboard. 1 mark= 5 min. ( there is a 10 min. maximum) ( there is a 10 min. maximum)

STAAR Testing MathReading Science Mon., 3/30/15 Tues., 3/31/15 Wed., 4/22/15 Retake= Retake= No retake No retakeTues., 5/12/15 Parental help: -well rested -healthy breakfast -dress in layers *Students who do not pass the Reading retake are required by Texas state law to attend summer school.

Newsletter There is a monthly 5 th grade newsletter. It will be posted to the 5 th grade webpage. The newsletter will also be ed to you, by your child’s homeroom teacher.

Snack Snack We do have a set snack time. If you choose, please send a dry snack in for your child to eat. Snack time follows our Special Areas and before we begin our academic rotations. *We need snack donations. NO SNACKS WITH PEANUTS! Water Bottle Water Bottle Please allow your child to bring a spill proof water bottle daily. This keeps them hydrated, saves time and keeps them in class! Water ONLY please.

Birthday Treats We love to celebrate birthdays! However, our schedule is extremely full. Therefore, if your child wishes to celebrate his/her birthday, s/he will need to bring a “no mess” simple treat to be passed out during snack or at the end of the school day. Please know school policy states no birthday treats during lunch or recess. We love to celebrate birthdays! However, our schedule is extremely full. Therefore, if your child wishes to celebrate his/her birthday, s/he will need to bring a “no mess” simple treat to be passed out during snack or at the end of the school day. Please know school policy states no birthday treats during lunch or recess.

CAMP November th November th Camper fee= $130 due by Oct. 31 st Camper fee= $130 due by Oct. 31 st *Fundraising Information! *Fundraising Information! Parent chaperones welcome-fee is $100. Background check needed. (We will send a remind101 and as soon as this is up and running) Parent chaperones welcome-fee is $100. Background check needed. (We will send a remind101 and as soon as this is up and running) Camp activities include: Horseback riding, campfire, hayride, boat ride to Devil’s island, archery, hiking and more! Camp activities include: Horseback riding, campfire, hayride, boat ride to Devil’s island, archery, hiking and more! If you already know your child will not attend camp, please let us know. If you already know your child will not attend camp, please let us know.

Reminders Cookie Dough Order/Money due tomorrow! Cookie Dough Order/Money due tomorrow! Tomorrow all students need to wear shoes for P.E. Tomorrow all students need to wear shoes for P.E. Parent/Teacher conferences- early release week of Oct Parent/Teacher conferences- early release week of Oct. 6-10

Thank you for coming! If you have further questions, please contact us. Ms. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.