Math 5 Decimals and Money Instructor: Mrs. Tew Turner
In this lesson we will learn about decimals and money.
Math Warm-up Draw a 4-sided figure with all sides equal. Does your figure have to be a square?
Math Warm-up - ANSWER Draw a 4-sided figure with all sides equal. Does your figure have to be a square? The figure could be a square or rhombus.
In this lesson we will answer the question: How do you solve word problems involving money?
One of the most common uses of math in every day life is when we deal with money. What are some ways you may have to do calculations with money?
Buying things Getting paid Can you think of others?
Connecting to Previous Learning This lesson will use the American money system that is based on the dollar.
Connecting to Previous Learning One American dollar is made up of 100 cents. It is written as $1.00. $0.01 is one cent, or one penny.
Connecting to Previous Learning The other commonly used coins are: nickel = $0.05 dime = $0.10 quarter = $0.25
Connecting to Previous Learning Did you notice that the values of the coins are written as decimals? When you see a dollar amount written, it will only go to the hundredths place. This is because the smallest dollar amount is one cent, or $0.01, which is 1/100 of a dollar. Remember that it takes 100 cents to equal 1 dollar.
Connecting to Previous Learning Solving math problems with dollar amounts is just like solving any math problem with decimals.
At the craft store, Andres spent $3.16 on a box of crayons and $2.96 on a pack of markers. How much did Andres spend in all? How would you solve this problem?
At the craft store, Andres spent $3.16 on a box of crayons and $2.96 on a pack of markers. How much did Andres spend in all? The question is asking for a total, which means adding.
At the craft store, Andres spent $3.16 on a box of crayons and $2.96 on a pack of markers. How much did Andres spend in all? $ $2.96 $ Remember to line up the decimal points!
It costs $100 to buy 10 school books. If the school books all have the same price, how much does it cost to buy 1 school book?
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In your Math Notebook Independent Practice The Peter’s family ordered an olive pizza and a sausage pizza for dinner. The olive pizza cost $8.83, and the sausage pizza cost $6.57. How much did they pay for both pizzas?
In your Math Notebook Independent Practice Glen's favorite jeans usually cost $39.14, but next week they will be on sale for only $ How much will Glen save on a pair of these jeans if he waits and buys them next week?
In your Math Notebook Independent Practice Glen's favorite jeans usually cost $39.14, but next week they will be on sale for only $ How much will Glen save on a pair of these jeans if he waits and buys them next week?
In your Math Notebook Independent Practice A piece of cornbread costs $0.47. How much would it cost to buy 6 pieces of cornbread?
In your Math Notebook Independent Practice Hisolda spent $3.00 to buy 4 bottles of glue. The bottles all had the same price. How much did each bottle cost?
Lesson Review Dollar amounts are written as decimals to the hundredths. Solving problems with money is the same as solving any math problem with decimals.
Quick Check In your Math Notebook 1. Renee and Varuni decided to earn money walking their neighbors' dogs. Renee earned $49.24 walking a golden retriever and Varuni earned $11.57 walking a beagle. How much more money did Renee earn then Varuni?
Quick Check – ANSWER 1. Renee and Varuni decided to earn money walking their neighbors' dogs. Renee earned $49.24 walking a golden retriever and Varuni earned $11.57 walking a beagle. How much more money did Renee earn then Varuni? $49.24 $11.57 $ Renee earned $37.67 more than Varuni.
Quick Check In your Math Notebook 2. Glen bought 6 cheeseburgers that each cost the same amount. He spent $22.50 in all. How much did each cheeseburger cost?
Quick Check - ANSWER 2. $22.50 ÷ 6 = ? = $1.00 Still have $4.50 left
Quick Check - ANSWER 2. $22.50 ÷ 6 = ?= $1.00 $4.50 = 18 quarters= $0.25
Quick Check - ANSWER 2. $22.50 ÷ 6 = ?= $ cheeseburger = $3.75= $0.25
Today you learned how to solve math problems that involve money. Good Work with this lesson.