Caitlin Connor Matthew
"O prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and the wives of the believers that they shall lengthen their garments. Thus, they will be recognized (as righteous women) and avoid being insulted. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful." 33:59
The verse quoted is one of the only verses in the Quran giving the dress code for women - to lengthen their garments and to cover their chest. Some Muslims of today have created unreasonable dress code for women basing it on tradition and customs claiming it to be in the name of God. However, this is clearly not what the Quran is just a male interpretation.
God talks about the ‘Queen of Sheba’s’ history in the Quran to make the point clear that women ruling as leaders is not offensive as far as God is concerned. She ran a democracy and talked with her followers before making important decisions. She was a strong leader, making decisions for herself and her people in front of any man. Muhammad is recorded in saying people with a female ruler will never be successful but God says, in the Quran that Woman and Men are equal to God and have the same status as each other. The prime ministers of Pakistan and Turkey are Muslim women.
Muslim women rejecting the Quran can loose all respect and be humiliated and put on the same level as monkeys asses or dogs. In the Easter Communist world a women’s status would not be enviable. Her work would be the same or very similar to a man’s work but her wage would be half or very little. She would have to work very hard to achieve close to what a Muslim woman can. Woman are recognised in Islam as a full and equal partner to man. Both are essential for life.
In knowledge and education she is equal to man and has been said in the Quran as Muhammad declared that women and men knew no more than each other. The declaration was very clear and is said by Muslims throughout history. She is entitled to her own opinion and expressions and all of which is taken into consideration and cannot be disregarded just because she is part of the female sex. It is reported in the Quran that not only has woman freely expressed her opinion but has taken part in important discussions and argued with the Prophet himself as well as other Muslim people of high importance (Quran, 58:1-4;60:10- 12).
Historic records show that Woman would stand next to Muslim men in war, preparing supplies, healing wounds and serving the soldiers etc. They would not be shut out like a worthless creatures. Woman would posses and earn the same as a man, if committed a crime her penalty would be no less or more than a man’s and if she is harmed, or wronged her compensation would be equal to a man’s. She would inherit an equal amount of a close friend or relative’s belongings if deceased as a man would, no more, no less.
Women in Islam are entitled privileges that a man is deprived of. She is exempt from religious duties such as fasting and praying at times of confinement and in regular periods. This does not mean she is inferior to man, this is obligatory to man although she can attend but at separate times and in a different line, of women. As praying alongside a man, the possibility of bodies touching and the woman exposing her body can happen. She is also exempt from all financial liabilities. Once a mother she is granted higher honour and more recognition in the eyes of God. She is entitled to more love from her son than a father and after marriage the husband/father has no control over her belongings.
It’s now clear that a woman’s status portrayed in the teaching’s of the Quran is very high when compared to most other religions or areas in the world. Her rights and duties are equal to a man’s but not exactly the same. However, this is only what the Quran teaches and as we know not how a lot of men have interpreted it.
.Was once the way of life until the Quran was revealed 1400 years ago. .Quran put down first limitations against polygamy. .Polygamy is permitted in the Quran but under strictly observed circumstances. .It is permitted by God but we must look at the circumstances of a polygamous relationship before it is permitted. .An example is that of the prophet Muhammad. (I shall read the story of the prophet of a piece of paper)
.Quran emphasises the limitations of polygamy. "If you fear lest you may not be perfectly equitable in treating more than one wife, then you shall be content with one." (4:3) "You cannot be equitable in a polygamous relationship, no matter how hard you try." (4:129) .Therefore despite polygamy not being frowned upon in Islam unless a person benefits then they are not permitted to enter a polygamous relationship, especially in a country where monogamy is the way of life.
.In the Quran it is made very clear that divorces are not encouraged in fact the continuation of marriage is encouraged. . Divorce must be resorted to only in exceptional circumstances. .In the Quran there are many laws relating to divorce which have to be followed. .However it is not true that women in Islam are not permitted to initiate a divorce. Women have the right to divorce their husbands as long as they abide to the laws set in the Quran.
.A common misconception surrounding women in Islam is that they are not allowed to work outside their homes. . The social structure in the East where Islam is most common encourages a women to make her house her first priority but there is no prohibition whatsoever on women having to work and earn their living. . The Muslim woman has been given the privilege to earn money, the right to own property, to enter into legal contracts and to manage all of her assets in any way she pleases.
She can hold a job or run her own business and no one has any claim on her earnings including her husband. .Historically, Muhammad's first wife was a merchant who hired Muhammad to work for her. .Muslim women went along with their husbands, fathers and brothers during battles to take care of the wounded and help in the back lines of the troops. .So in fact the idea that Muslim cannot work outside their home is wrong and it is only certain countries which encourage women to make their home their priority.
Today many Muslim women are seeking the life that the Quran talks about. They too want to travel, gain a higher education and live life alone without being ruled by any man. These women are not going against their religion when they are doing this. They are merely standing up to man’s view of it and telling him he’s wrong. They feel they should have a say in how they interpret their religion.