Mini Society is a program used to teach children economic principles in the classroom. Slideshow by Jenny Kidd and Sandy Kelley
Opportunities for Assessment Students name their society, create and earn money, then produce goods. They sell goods or perform services in markets. Students are able to experience supply, demand, price, value, economic choices, opportunity cost and use the terms in a meaningful way.
Our Mini-Society Experiences
Mrs. Kidd’s class named their society Snoopytown
Mrs. Kelley’s class chose Winterville
Students created class money in Math when we studied money and we voted for our currency.
Then we went to work
Blake, Levi, Adrian, Dylan, David, and Brandon worked together
Students bought materials from our warehouse paying with class cash and became producers.
Mrs. Kelley’s class made products in school and at home
Some students produced goods and sold them in class.
Students earned class money by doing homework, class jobs and chores at home.
Finally, our market day arrived! Snoopytown
Some were shopkeepers while others shopped.
Others provided services
Everyone had a great time!
When Market was over, all the goods were sold
Mrs. Kelley’s class made a journal about Mini-Society
Each student got to write about the experience and what they learned.
Students were using the Economics terminology in a meaningful way.
We learned a lot about Economics!
Watch Videos Here! (Please wait for your browser to open.) See Students in Action!
To learn more about Mini Society contact Jenny Kidd, South Salem or Sandy Kelley, South Salem