Headmasters – international contacts keeping, organising (strategic management) Mentor – a person directly responsible for education (operative management) Teachers, vocational trainers Exchange students, their parents Other (schoolmates, other teachers)
Bilateral contracts ( between two schools, taking responsibilities, assuring legal rights) Trilateral contracts (parents – student – the sending school) Administration of skills, knowledge, competences Administration of achievements, feedback
Provides a placement - outside the school - within the school - in a company Organises practical training Nominates a mentor whose tasks are the following:
Continous contact with a coordinator abroad Organisation of the arrival and welcoming of the exchange student. Continous help with any of their problems. Being present at sending-off. Taking part in choosing an exchange student.
English language teacher The teacher resposible for youth protection Head teacher of the vocational training workshop Headmaster The teacher responsible for youth government, members of the student government
Accommodation, meals (sponsored by the sending partner) Usage of school facilities (Internet, library, gym etc.) Hungarian language lessons Intoduction into Hungarian culture, habits, environment Preparing students for acknowledging undertaken competences Administration of acquired competences
The costs of travelling abroad and back to Hungary. International student card. European Health Insurance Card. The student in question remains our school’s student for at least one year (confirmed in writing)
Representing our school with his/her best. Knowledge according to his skills and abilities Keeps contacts with the coordinators Writes memories, letters once a month
Accommodation into the hostel community Classmates Weekend programmes with families
Scholastic record (vocational subjects, foreign languages) Conduct Participation in sport and cultural activities Personal skills (aptness, independence, reliability)