Construction company „RAVEL” dates back to 1990’s and was started initially as company „KAVDRATMETRS PLUSS”. In 2008 through the process of reorganization. It was united with company „ RAVEL”. RAVEL is known for high-class professionals, advanced technological level, compliance with terms, and total integrity in customer relationships are the components of reputation for company and holds a solid position at the top of ratings among one of the best construction companies in Latvia. Latvia is a comparatively small market and thus the reputation of any company,especially one working in the field of construction with long term guarantee and high level of responsibility towards it’s clients is very importants. RAVEL is a trustfull partner towards it’s clients, sub contsructors, architect, designers and other partners involved in construction process. RAVEL is proud of its objects that can be undoubtedly called consolidated impersonation of modern architecture and latest Technologies and also works of resaturation and renovation of State Architectural Monuments, for example renovation of Malpils Manor (the Prize for Best ReConstruction 2008). Objects realized by RAVEL can serve as a serious representative work of a serious enterprise and above mentioned projects explicitly speaks about achievements of the company. Characteristic features of RAVEL are excellent quality of work execution (~ 60 % of them are performed by in-house workers), strict compliance with terms of object commissioning, high level of the intellectual and engineering potential of the team. RAVEL focuses on the integrity in partnership and the use of the best solutions in construction of beautiful, modern buildings convenient for maintenance and living and delicate work of restauration and renovation of architectural values. ABOUT COMPANY
SERVICES PROVIDED BY RAVEL CONSTRUCTION WORKS. Leading role of general contractor is characterized by the ability to organize, administer and supervise the building process. Innovative know-how combined with long-term expertise ensures qualitative building supervision and professional collaboration with subcontractors. Building companies that are enduring collaboration partners of RAVEL emphasize the continuous professional growth of the company experts and high level of work organization. RENOVATION AND RESTAURATION WORKS. Qualification of construction managers is very important for general contractor - RAVEL considers it the key factor of the object’s success. Many experts at RAVEL have been making their careers by obtaining knowledge and experience from very basics of the construction industry, only afterwards holding responsible positions and ensuring comprehension of processes from their very source. Team of experts at RAVEL has expertise in all building spheres, therefore the most optimum solutions are provided for accomplishment of each task. BUILDING SUPERVISION AND EXPERTISE ON TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION. Project for implementation of works is not only normative requirement. Approved expert prepares object for embarkation on works analyzing carefully and in detail everything that is connected with technological processes, assembly, deliveries and their sequence, as well as the use of labor in the specific object. DESIGNING. Understanding and positive attitude towards collaboration issues is attractive for RAVEL partners.RAVEL is considering on how to build possible collaboration not looking for the reasons to reject it, and in case of controversial problems is trying to find solution suitable for all parties involved. RAVEL is composed by a row of partners-colleagues that are connected by common views on the quality of building and work performed dutifully. These common views help all builders to get profit as a result. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. Own manpower, tested insider workers – company’s employees are the most valuable asset of general contractor, and RAVEL pays the most attention to the development, consolidation and motivation of them. Social program for the company’s employees is considerable incentive for building sound and efficient work relationship.
SIX REASONS FOR CHOOSING RAVEL AS YOUR GENERAL CONTRACTOR Reputation gained after long-term and successful collaboration with private and public customers, as well as with collaboration partners and subcontractors. Use of up-to-date technologies and innovative methods. Impeccable quality of execution and accomplishing within scheduled terms. Consultations during development of the project on projection, choice of technological solutions and construction materials. Open communication, minimized bureaucracy related to customer. Warranty not only on the paper: RAVEL ensures warranty for completed works applying to all stages of object building. After commissioning warranty commitments are fulfilled by especial warranty service personnel that duly respond to all customer remarks. 6 REASONS FOR CHOOSING RAVEL