Under Construction II Improving Health and Safety in Construction SMEs Partners’ presentation Start-up meeting Hotel Novotel Centre Tour Noire 23rd February Brussels With the financial support of the European Commission
General overview 13 partner associations 11 SMEs associations 11 SMEs associations 2 trade unions 2 trade unions 10 EU Member States 1 candidate country – Turkey EBC as project coordinator The Voice of construction crafts and SMEs in Europe 17 members in 11 EU countries 600,000 companies – 2,500,000 workers
UNPR plays a dynamic role into the social dialog between the government, trade unions and employers’ representatives, issuing, improving and changing the laws. UNPR is entitle to improve the Health and Safety regulations in our country due to its permanent connection with all certified companies in the field, from all over the country, that belong the specific sector and highlight the real situation of specific domains. UNPR, through its permanent representative in Brussels is first informed about the new Health and Safety European regulations; through the means of social dialog and proper dissemination, these are implemented in national laws. UNPR - ROMANIA
This project, by its workshops and collection of best practices will support the information exchange and implementation of the new Health and Safety European regulation in our organization, adjusting also the old ones and then directly into Romanian specific laws, improving the efficiency of our national specific regulations, implicitly labors’ Health and Safety. It would be of much help, to create a network of working groups (besides those already made, a good exchange between all partners) to organize visit studies at the spot, thus to get acquainted about each country’s reality and practical solutions. UNPR - ROMANIA
INTES – TURKEY INTES was established in 1964 and today made up of 130 members of medium and large size companies who are the leaders of the construction sector. INTES presents its members on national platform through membership to ‘Confederation of Turkish Employer Association (TISK)’. INTES aims to defend and extend its members economic rights, follow the sector related developments and contribute to the implementation of policies and regulations related to the sector. It is affiliated as a national organisation to be able to provide necessary information and materials at the highest level. The work programme of INTES is extremely diverse covering a wide aspect of political, research, education, vocational development and social activities. All of its activities are published through its web sites. The shortage of well trained workforce in construction sector is a fundamental issue for INTES members. In order to meet the needs of the skilled workforce, INTES has established ‘Turkish Vocational Training Centre’ in This centre offers a diverse range of courses in occupational sectors and one of them is industry specific trainings on ‘Labour H&S’. Until today, more than 5000 workers have been trained in this Centre. INTES was also assigned to developed professional standards for predetermined 30 occupations in construction sector. Simultaneously, ‘Measurement&Assessment in Construction Sector, Training-Employment-Certification System’ is being improved based on recognised vocational standards. These studies aim to make a productive contribution to the adaption of the concept of trained based on qualifications adapted in EU. In order to qualify for a certificate, INTES will apply to Turkish Acceditation Agency to get approved to be an accreditation body.
INTES – TURKEY INTES has carried out various activities to increases the awareness of the H&S. Since 2004, INTES has been involved seven EU projects and two of them have vital importance regarding the social dialogue and the contribution of the ‘Occupational Health and Safety’. Active Manpower Market Program-Training and Zero Accident Policy in Construction Industry, Strengthening Social Dialog for Innovation and Change in Turkey- Safe Construction Project, Besides these projects; INTES has taken an active role in ‘Occupational Health and Safety in Constructions Campaign, 2006’ by preparing and distributing; brochures, posters, fact sheets, power point presentations, etc. and orginising photograph competition. INTES brings in two important publications to the sector. One of them is ILO Publication ‘Safety Construction-Occupational H&S in Work Place’ that has been translated to Turkish by INTES and the other is ‘Safe Construction’ that cover training documents. INTES has completed vocational standards of ‘Labour H&S Officer’. With in this scope, necessary skills, knowledge and particular tasks have been defined in cooperation with field specialist and workers.
INTES – TURKEY Get information and know- how on the implementations of the risk assessments in the EU countries and exchanging practices with the partners Comparison of the needs of SMEs on S&H in Turkey and EU countries and having wide knowledge H&S regulations Building a new and closer cooperation between the Turkish organisations and the EU countries on the sectoral dialog.
SDMSZS CZECH REPUBLIC Association of Very Small, Small and Medium Employers in Construction in the Czech Republic Umbrella organisation Created by SPTZ and Construction Crafts in 2005 SPTZ Construction Crafts SPTZ Construction Crafts Technical contractors in building Industry building Industry 25 member organisations Member of EBC Member of the Czech Chamber of Commerce
GOAL Become partner of tripartite social dialogue Not member of national social dialogue yet Current Activities in Occupational Safety and Health: Current Activities in Occupational Safety and Health: Co-operation with the Czech Chamber of Occupational Co-operation with the Czech Chamber of Occupational Safety and Health: Safety and Health: - exchange OSH knowhow, experience and good practice related - exchange OSH knowhow, experience and good practice related to the construction at the national level to the construction at the national level - collaboration in tackling OSH in construction in the long-time - collaboration in tackling OSH in construction in the long-time - help to assess and prevent risks in compliance with the Czech - help to assess and prevent risks in compliance with the Czech legislation legislation SDMSZS CZECH REPUBLIC
What we are expecting from this European project? - transfer of OSH experience and good practice - transfer of OSH experience and good practice examples at the European level examples at the European level - solving of the common OSH problems in - solving of the common OSH problems in construction after project termination construction after project termination - possibility to discuss the improving of the OSH in - possibility to discuss the improving of the OSH in construction at regular or irregular intervals construction at regular or irregular intervals
IPOSZ - HUNGARY The largest national employer and professional organisation of Hungarian micro and small-sized enterprises, and crafts The spiritual repository of craftsmen's corporations and their successive structures since 1884 A national umbrella organisation of 279 legally independent craftsmen's corporations operating on a voluntary basis, including 220 regional craftsmen's corporations 39 national professional craftsmen's corporations 20 county associations A total of 50,000 individual entrepreneurs and business companies, 200,000 employees, 6,000 apprentices, and 110,000 assisting family members
FOBC - MALTA MALTA’S 11 MAJOR BUILDING CONTRACTORS Mission: 1. Effective lobbying 2. Ensuring high quality standards 3. Promoting Health & Safety 4. Developing standard documentation
FOBC - MALTA Construction accounts for: 16% of accidents at work 16% of accidents at work 62% of all fatalities 62% of all fatalities FOBC works closely with OHSA and strives to improve employee awareness
FOBC - MALTA FOBC SEEKS WAYS OF GENERATING: Effective enforcement Greater participation from contractors Worker training Strategy to diminish accidents at work Health and safety is integral to the success of any project
LBA – LATVIA LBA has 150 members Mission: 1. To co-ordinate and protect interests of the members of the Association - in the labour market of the construction sector, in relations among employers and employees, in relations with customers; 2. To promote the best practises in construction sector; 3. Social dialogue; 4. Informative support.
LBA – LATVIA Activities in H & S Participation to the legislation process (participation at drafting of concepts; improving normative acts etc); Cooperation within Social dialogue; Organizing seminars on Health and Safety in construction; Consultative help for members.
LBA – LATVIA Expectations and objectives Theorethical and practical knowledge about Health and Safety in construction within EU; Adaptation of best practice on Health and Safety in construction at SMEs - mostly small enterprises; Practical experience how builders association can help SMEs to improve Health and Safety in construction.
LCA – LATVIA LCA was founded on May 23rd, 1990 and ever since one of LCA’s major activities is taking part into the implementation of the health and work safety tasks
LCA – LATVIA According to statistics the average lifespan of Latvian population is one of the lowest among the EU countries The quality of life is highly affected by hard and harmful work conditions, occupational diseases, industrial accidents and such accidents with lethal outcome The work safety statistics in construction industry is especially alarming
LCA – LATVIA Lately one of the most efficient tools to fight the unsafe working conditions in the construction sites is joint visits with the State Labour Inspection representatives to the construction sitesLately one of the most efficient tools to fight the unsafe working conditions in the construction sites is joint visits with the State Labour Inspection representatives to the construction sites The most common reaction of the employers heard during the visits was:The most common reaction of the employers heard during the visits was: “We hoped that you will not show up in our site!”
LBA – LITHUANIA Founded 15 years ago 176 member companies General construction companies – 90 Special operations companies – 43 Construction industry companies – 13 Design and expert companies – 6 Scientific research, training, consultancy and publishing organizations – 23 The Republican Association of Windows and Doors Producers – 30 companies in this sector The Lithuanian Builders Association consists of: 38 small enterprises –– 21,59% 112 middle enterprises –– 63.63% 26 big enterprises –– 14,77%
LBA – LITHUANIA ACTIVITIES in OH&S 1.To organize vocational training (the importance of occupational safety and health as part of occupational skills) 2.To organize implementation of management systems (in particular OHSAS) 3.To propagate “Best practice” on improving Health and Safety in SMEs 4.To propagate information on the control of compliance with the requirements of labour, occupational safety and health legislation, and on the occupational safety and health situation in enterprises 5.To take part in preparing of the projects of legal acts, prevention measures for reduction of accidents at work 6.To assist in occupational risks assessment and prevention 7.To propagate safety methods at workplace and self-learning
LBA – LITHUANIA Expectations from this project 1.To exchange position to Health and Safety among project partners including join vocational training projects 2.To divide experience and good practice on improving Health and Safety in SMEs 3.To get information how to involve micro enterprises and self-employees in the associated action 4.To get information how to improve Health and Safety in SMEs 5.To transfer “Best practice”- the health and safety skills card (join project with partners)
ANAEPA – ITALY Safety on the workplace Safety is a value that is unfortunately only clearly perceived at the moment it is missing. For this reason the keyword to approach the issue of safety on the workplace is:PREVENTION ANAEPA works for the training and the sensitization of enterprises Training: ANAEPA organizes seminars for its territorial representatives. One of the last seminars was focused on: ‘Safety in building and construction’ - may ANAEPA also organizes training seminars for the staff responsible for the prevention and protection within individual enterprises (RSPP) and for those who design systems for the management of Safety on the workplace Information: ANAEPA produces guides and books for professionals, enterprises and workers
ANAEPA – ITALY Legislation: several proposals submitted to the relevant Ministries in order to foster prevention and reduction: Contracts push the adoption of the concept of the most interesting proposal instead of the ‘least expensive’ – safety expenditure is no longer subject to reduction in the tenders Contracts push the adoption of the concept of the most interesting proposal instead of the ‘least expensive’ – safety expenditure is no longer subject to reduction in the tenders New framework law on safety on the work place D Lgs 81/08 – cooperation with relevant Ministries New framework law on safety on the work place D Lgs 81/08 – cooperation with relevant Ministries Proposed bill of law on ‘criterias for the access to the building and construction profession’ Proposed bill of law on ‘criterias for the access to the building and construction profession’
ANAEPA – ITALY ITACA The Itaca project is an operational tool of the ‘Conference of the regions and of the Provinces. It deals with safety in ‘contracts with the Public Administration’ and help the estimation of safety cost in the contracts. ANAEPA has been appointed as the coordinator of a subcommittee that creates tolls for enterprises professionals and ‘contracting out’ organizations in the matters of Safety
FILCA CISL – ITALY Presentation of FILCA It represents and protects workers from building, building materials,wood,and stone sectors. One of the 3 main Italian trade unions Filca Cisl had 292,837 members in 2008.
FILCA CISL – ITALY Health and safety Sectors (especially building and stone) with the highest rate of accidents (frequently fatal). Initiatives both from trade union side and from paritarian bodies (employers and trade unions, like Scuola Edile, Formedil, ext..), the last ones for building sector. Workers’ representation (RLS, RLST,RLSSA).
FILCA CISL – ITALY EXPECTATIONS Exchanging experiences and points of view on the matter with other countries. Learning more of Health and Safety about other countries laws, collective agreements, bodies that deal with this matter. Learn from each other.
CAPEB – FRANCE Organisation : The Capeb member : Missions : - Defence and promotion - Negotiation - Advise and assistance CAPEB members CAPEB representativeness -average SME of 3 employees -40% of self employed persons
CAPEB – FRANCE MAIN WORKING THEMES MAIN WORKING THEMES Musculo-Squeletal Disorders (MSD’s) Chemical Risk Occupational Road Risk (ORR) Asbestos Health and Safety at work
CAPEB – FRANCE A best knowledge of the others members’ problems and good practices Identification of common problematics leading to european projects
FMB – UNITED KINGDOM Introducing the FMB and the UK construction industry Founded in 1941 Largest employers' body in the UK for construction SMEs with 13,000 members across the UK. Recognised voice of construction SMEs. Members are typically small and micro firms carrying out Domestic RM&I works or regional developers. UK construction industry: 250,000 firms employing over 2.1 million Contributes 8.2% of the UK’s Gross Added Value. Despite strong Health and safety culture, the UK construction industry still averages around 77 fatalities per annum.
What does the FMB do to improve health and safety? Research and information department Research and information department Health and safety help line Health and safety help line Factsheets Factsheets FMB website FMB website Subsidised software support HBXL Subsidised software support HBXL Articles and inserts in Master Builder Magazine. Articles and inserts in Master Builder Magazine. Good relations with the regulator Good relations with the regulator Training Training Worker Safety Advisor? Worker Safety Advisor? FMB – UNITED KINGDOM
What does the FMB expect to address and gain from the Project? 1. Exchange of information on health and safety practices 2. To learn from European partners. 3. To help European partners. 4. Raise Awareness of the government imposed barriers to improved health and safety in the UK 5. VAT and the informal economy. 6. Regulatory over load leading to confusion and waste FMB – UNITED KINGDOM
BOUWUNIE - BELGIUM Flemish Association of Construction SMEs Founded in ,000 member enterprises Member of the Flemish Association of SMEs UNIZO Member of EBC Services: Information and communication Business contacts Local centres for representation and services Advice on administrative and taxation issues Recognised Social partner in Belgium
BOUWUNIE - BELGIUM Health and Safety: Bouwunie is recognised social partner in the sectoral Health and safety Fund (NAVB-CNAC, – Advice and information: cd-rom “health and safety” (prevention-plan) cd-rom “safety instruction sheets for the construction sector”) in co-operation with Provikmo (external prevention-service on safety and health for SME’s) information meetings (ex. working on height)
BOUWUNIE - BELGIUM Expectations from the Project Getting answers on: 1. How to encourage health and safety in SME’s (learning from good practices in other countries) 2. Are there specific programs of training in co-operation with social partners? E-learning? On-the-jobtraining? 3. Does different legislation exist on health and safety for SME’s in the other countries (different from the general legislation)?