Welcome to Year 1 Staff Teachers: Catherine Fox/Liz Rees; Sophie Withey TAs: Laura Davies; Kim Hartley; Jo Charles; Carmi Coles.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Year 1 Staff Teachers: Catherine Fox/Liz Rees; Sophie Withey TAs: Laura Davies; Kim Hartley; Jo Charles; Carmi Coles

Things to Remember PE: Gymnastics/Games on a Friday. PE Kit: Shorts & t-shirt for Gym; Jogging bottoms, jumper, t-shirt and trainers for Games. Wellies for outdoor learning when muddy/wet. Fruit Tuck: 20p/day or £1/week. Fruit Tuck Shop is open during morning play. Water bottles in class. Loom Bands: Only for play times. Labelling all items of clothing & footwear.

Topics Autumn Term: Family Album; Supermarket Spring Term: Mini Zoo Summer Term: Carnival; Big Wide World Topics will usually involve a trip. This HT we are going a to St Fagans to investigate how people lived in the past:

Family Album Please see leaflet for more information. Homework: Bring in a photograph of their family. Interview a parent/grandparent about their childhood.

Our Day Mornings 9:00-9:30: Assembly/Circle Time 9:30-10:15: Read Write Inc 10:15-10:30: Slot Ddrillio 10:30-10:45: Play Time 10:45-11:55: Maths 11:55-12:55: Lunch Afternoons 12:55-2:05: Language Time 2:05-2:15: Play Time 2:15- 3:15: Challenge Time

Language Time Carousel of activities to practice reading, writing, spelling and oracy. Your child will take part in a different activity each session. The Teacher always focuses on a piece of written work. The TA listens to individual readers and records progress. Examples of other activities: sentence building; hot- seating; completing a questionnaire; writing some news; practicing Fred Talk with a partner using words from RWI; guided reading

Maths Time Carousel of activities. Your child will take part in a different activity each session. The teacher and TAs have a focus group and there are also independent activities. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: Number Wednesday: Shape, Space & Measure Activities are practical but children also record their work regularly. Numicon resources are the basis for our learning. Each session begins with 10 minutes counting practice. 1s, 10s, 5s, 2s forwards and backwards and bridging the tens numbers.

Challenge Time Children choose from a variety of challenges. The challenges involve all areas of the curriculum and are mainly linked to our topic. Each area has a Teacher Challenge which the children complete first and then they go onto a Star Challenge. Sometimes they can set their friend a challenge in an area. See additional sheet. The children are also allowed to revisit an area the following day to complete a challenge. During this time the Teacher moves around the areas to observe & interact with the children to further develop their learning.

When will my child be reading? 45 minutes of RWI everyday 1 hour during Language Time each day. During Challenge Time depending on the activity. A TA will listen to your child read their home reader once a week and change their book. They will be given an ORT book and a non- scheme book of their choice. Please can their reading books be in their bag everyday as their reading day will not always be the same. Remember: Listening to a child reading a book of which they have practised is only 1 way of monitoring progress. Your child’s reading is monitored more effectively through the other activities mentioned above. For a Teacher listening to a child reading a book that they have practiced is not teaching them how to read. The activities mentioned above teach your child to read.

For more information about RWI Google Ruth Miskin/Read Write Inc Your child will be assessed at the end of each HT to ensure progress in their learning.

Award System Sun, star, cloud Children are given a star sticker on their reward chart when they go on the star. When star chart is completed they get a special certificate from Mr Evans. Restorative Practice: Each child is treated the same when a problem occurs.