A Collaborative Partnership with The Center on Disability Studies at the University of Texas and The Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University
Presented By: Debbie Wilkes © A Product of the Institute on Person Centered Practices, a collaborative partnership between the Texas Center for Disability Studies at the University of Texas at Austin and the Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University. Person Centered Transition Assessment Process Person Centered Transition Assessment Process
NAME Place of birth Usually when I have free time I.. I’m uncomfortable when people ask me to.. Dream Vacation
Working Agreements for the Day Cell phones on vibrate Misery is optional Respectful listening All questions are valid Only share what you are comfortable sharing Computers are put away
Person Centered Thinking underlies and guides respectful listening which leads to actions, resulting in people who: –Have positive control over the life they desire and find satisfying; –Are recognized and valued for their contributions (current and potential) to their communities; and –Are supported in a web of relationships, both natural and paid, within their communities
What are person centered thinking skills? A set of skills that reflect and reinforce values that: –Propel the learning cycle –Help us support rather than fix –Work for humans –Work at every level in the organization –Build the culture of learning, partnership, and accountability –Affirm our belief that everyone can learn
Help people get better lives Not just better paper
How Today Works In the morning work in small groups In the afternoon work with a partner Learn methods that anchor person centered practices Organizing Concept: Important TO and FOR and finding the balance between them Use skills to develop a person centered profile Rituals Good Day/Bad Day Relationship circle Reputation Communication Chart What works (makes sense) /What Doesn’t Work (doesn’t make sense) Donut Sort
Important TO © TLC-PCP What is important to a person includes those things in life which help us to be satisfied, content, comforted, fulfilled, and happy. It includes: People to be with /relationships Status and control Things to do and places to go Rituals or routines Rhythm or pace of life Things to have
Important FOR ( Part One ): Issues of health: ― Prevention of illness ― Treatment of illness / medical conditions ― Promotion of wellness (e.g.: diet, exercise) Issues of safety: ― Environment ― Well being ---- physical and emotional ― Free from fear
What others see as necessary to help the person: ― Be valued ― Be a contributing member of their community Important FOR (Part Two):
Relationship Map Rituals and Routines Good Day/Bad Day Two Minute Drill Communication Chart Reputations Discovery/Listening Skills 6 methods for collecting information
The “Relationship Map” 1 st Discovery Skill People Map for: Family People who support me at work or school Friends People whose job is to support me at home and other places Focus person Family
Rituals guide us through our days and bring consistency, comfort and control Rituals and Routines Morning Bedtime Mealtimes Transition Birthday Not Feeling Well Cultural/Holiday Spiritual Vacation Comfort Celebration Grief/Loss
Good Day/Bad Day What is a good day like for this person? What is a bad day like for this person (or a stressful or really difficult day)?
Listening to Behavior… What is happening _____ doesWe think it means And we should A Communication Chart
Everyday Learning Skills Working/Not Working (also called “What Makes Sense/ Doesn’t Make Sense”)
Person’s perspective Parent’s perspective Staff’s perspective What works/ Makes sense What doesn’t work/ Doesn’t make sense
Management Skills Donut Sort
NOT OUR USUAL RESPONSIBILITY The Donut Sort Core Responsibilities Creativity & Judgment Defining Staff Roles and Responsibilities
Implementation of Person Centered Practices is: A Promise to listen To listen to what is being said and to what is meant by what is being said To keep listening A Promise to act on what we hear To always find something that we can do today or tomorrow To keep acting on what we hear
Implementation of Person Centered Practices is: A Promise to be honest To let people know when what they are telling us will take time When we do not know how to help them get what they are asking for When what the person is telling us is in conflict with staying healthy or safe and we can’t find a good balance between important to and important for
Understand Look/Listen What you see/hear depends on what you are looking/listening for
Important to and Important for and the Balance between them The Core Concept: And a core skill
What is important to a person includes those things in life which help us to be satisfied, content, comforted, fulfilled, and happy. It includes: People to be with /relationships Things to do & places to go Rituals or routines Rhythm or pace of life Status & control Things to have Important TO
Includes what matters the most to the person – their own definition of quality of life. What is important to a person includes only what people “say”: ― with their words ― with their behavior Important TO When words and behavior are in conflict, pay attention to the behavior and ask “why?”
–Issues of health: ― Prevention of illness ― Treatment of illness / medical conditions ― Promotion of wellness (e.g.: diet, exercise) –Issues of safety: ― Environment ― Well being ---- physical and emotional ― Free from Fear –What others see as necessary to help the person: ― Be valued ― Be a contributing member of their community Important FOR
Important To and For are Connected ‘Important to’ and ‘important for’ influence each other No one does anything that is ‘important for’ them (willingly) unless a piece of it is ‘important to’ them Balance is dynamic (changing) and always involves tradeoffs: –Among the things that are ‘important to’; –Between important ‘to’ and ‘for’
TLC-PCP Health and Safety Dictate Lifestyle Important FOR Important TO
All Choice No Responsibility Important FOR Important TO
Balance Important FOR Important TO
Service Life Community Life ‘Important for’ addressed No organized effort to address ‘important to’ ‘To’ and ‘for’ present Active circle of support Included in community life ‘To’ and ‘for’ present Closest people are paid or family Few real connections A Good Paid Life Focus on connecting, building relationships and natural supports ‘Important to’ present ‘Important to’ recognized Moving from Service Life to Community Life
A Good Paid Life Service Life Community Life ‘Important for’ addressed No organized effort to address ‘important to’ ‘To’ and ‘for’ present Active circle of support Included in community life Moving from Service Life to Community Life ‘To’ and ‘for’ present Closest people are paid or family Few real connections
What works/makes senseWhat doesn’t work/make sense Peter’s perspective Staff’s perspective People calling him names Not going to school with his brother Riding the school bus Not being able to use the calculator Having a younger sister Having to leave Social Studies early for lunch and not getting to eat with kids from his Social Studies class Not being able to wear his favorite hat at school Being told that he can’t do something that he wants to do P.E. class Riding the city bus to work Going out to eat with his parents and using his own money Going to movies with his brother Going to look at airplanes Working in the automotive department at Target Being with coach in Social Studies Peter runs away when he gets upset and he is too big and fast to stop When Peter buys his lunch he doesn’t want to use his debit number and wants to pay with money Peter is sometimes late to class because he likes to talk to Amile Having Peter start his school day with P.E. so that he can workout with the football team Putting an aide on the school bus to help Peter stay calm Having Peter in a special program for students with Autism Teaching Peter to use a calculator
What is important to Peter? What is important for Peter? What else do you need to learn/know? Peter Wrkbk pg 6
Possible Answers: Peter What is important to Peter? What is important for Peter? What else do you need to learn/know? Relationship with his brother and father Having some control – How he gets to school How he spends his money Being like everyone else His favorite hat Airplanes Relationship with Coach Not being called names (retarded, retardo, Rainman) Having a way to control his anger Being seen as “like everyone else” Who is Amile? How does he spend his money? Why does Peter leave Social Studies early? Why is the hat important? What triggered Peter’s angry outbursts?
Ask Yourself “What do we know?” Before asking “What do we do?” If I had an hour to save the world, I’d spend 55 minutes defining the problem. ~ Albert Einstein 38
NOT OUR USUAL RESPONSIBILITY Inside a Person’s Life Defining Staff Roles and Responsibilities Core Responsibilities Judgment & Creativity 39
Janie Wrkbk pg 8 What is important to Janie? What is important for Janie? What else do you need to learn/know?
Friends from Yearbook class Job at the realtor’s office The people who she works with at the realtor’s office Someone to change her 2 to 3 times a day Someone to place her food in front of her Having people around her who can understand what she is saying What is her relationship with her parents? Why does Janie think her parents won’t approve of the prom plan? Who will Janie’s prom date be? Janie– Possible Answers What is important to Janie? What is important for Janie? What else do you need to learn/know?
Not usually our responsibility Use judgment and creativity Core responsibilities Janie– Mrs. Carson’s Donut Wkbk pg 9
Not usually our responsibility Whether or not Janie goes to the prom Use judgment and creativity Help Janie come up with a plan to talk to her parents about the prom Call her parents to provide details about the prom Go to the prom as a chaperone so that her parents feel better about Janie going Core responsibilities Help Janie use her VOD device to explain what she want Discuss with Janie the implications of not telling her parents not knowing About the prom plan. Transportation? Prom preparations? Accessibility issues (chair? VOD?) Mrs. Carson’s – Possible Answers
Not usually our responsibility Use judgment and creativity Core responsibilities Janie’ work – Mrs. Carson’s Donut Address the issue of personal care while on the job. Become informed about Medicaid waivers and the services provided. Communicate the shift in services happening nationally. Create a work schedule that will accommodate her personal care needs Are there options for Janie’s personal care that will support her working a longer day? Could her Medicaid waiver services support her personal care on the job? Guaranteeing there will never be an accident. Whether or not Janie keeps her job.
Focus in on a specific issue or area of life Helps you dig deeper Working/Not Working Bridge to action planning What needs to be maintained/enhanced? What needs to change? Negotiation Skill All must feel listened to – accurately reflect perspectives Start with common ground Remain unconditionally constructive Done in partnership
© TLC-PCP USE THIS INFORMATION TO BUILD THE A G E N D A FOR THINGS THAT ARE TO STAY THE SAME USE THIS INFORMATION TO BUILD THE A G E N D A FOR THINGS THAT NEED TO CHANGE Disagreements Wkbk pg 10 Person’s perspective Staff’s perspective What works/ Makes sense What doesn’t work/ Doesn’t make sense
Wkbk pg 11 What Works/ Makes Sense What doesn’t work/ Doesn’t Make Sense Laney’s Perspective Having my own money to spend Sitting by myself Shredding paper in the school office Having a daily written schedule with set rules Using crude language and people telling me to stop Wearing my favorite jeans every day Being in spirit club Work at training site w/o being paid Not being able to sit with the boys at lunch time Parent’s Perspective Having a social environment at school Going to community work sites Being in spirit club Having daily schedule for home and school Taking courses to meet the state curriculum requirements and not concentrating on what we think she should learn Laney being banned from some community worksites Staff’s Perspective Laney has an aide assigned to work with her Shredding paper in the school office News-2-You and Modified curriculum Sitting with a group of peer helpers at lunch A written schedule Coming to school late in the mornings Laney cussing at co-workers and using crude language in the community Not having a change of clothes when she has an accident Not willing to wear different jeans Laney yelling profanities at school and having no consequences
What is important to Laney? What is important for Laney? What else do you need to learn/know? Laney Wrkbk pg 12
Possible Answers: Laney Her jeans Having money Having some space of her own Not being a part of the Spirit Club A written schedule Knowing the rules Space and time to herself Why does Janie not want to be a part of the Spirit Club? What happened to cause her to lose her job? Does she earn money other places? What is important to Laney? What is important for Laney? What else do you need to learn/know?
How The Afternoon Works You will be asked to use discovery skills and share what you have written with a learning partner Don’t use these methods until you’ve tried them on yourself. And organize that information to keep the person at the center of everyday support and planning. Relationship Map Routines and Rituals Good Day /Bad Day 2-Minute Drill Communication Chart Reputation Exercise Learn how to gather information (discover) using: Wrkbk pg 13
Learning about Support Power Over Power With
Questions That Help You Get to Support Rather Than Fixing What can other people do to help you be successful with what is important to or important for you? When things were not working for you, did anyone ever do something that helped you to cope? What did they say or do? When you were having a bad day did anyone do something that made the day a bit better? When you were having a good day did anyone do something that made the good day even better? What support would you like? Wkbk pg 15
We Use a One Page Profile to: Create a positive picture of who the person is and how to best support (including any challenges). Establish a shared understanding of good support between person, family and providers. Inform action planning A One Page Profile may be several pages long
Each Requires Experts The person who knows how to develop either profile is a Process Expert The person(s) with the information that goes into descriptions are Content Experts TLC-PCP For Today’s Training: You are the Process Experts when you are helping your partner develop and organize his/her own information. You are the Content Experts when you are sharing information about yourself.
Not just better paper Help people get better lives
________________________’s One Page Profile Purpose of the profile To learn how to organize information from discovery conversations and prepare to participate in Person Centered Transition Assessment Developing your own person centered description Description (OPP) pg 2
DISCOVERY Gathering Discovery Information Before we try this with each other… Facilitation Skills are necessary
Facilitation Skills Used By Process Experts To: Have meaningful conversations Ensure that the person we plan with remains in charge as we learn
Linear: Branching: Having a conversation Not an interview (or an interrogation)
Questions that help us learn more of what we need to know So tell me more about that… What do you like about… What is it about this… What does that look like? What is happing for you then? Are some mornings better than others..
© TLC-PCP Our Mantra for the Exercises Guess: look at what is written and guess in your head Ask: ask your partner if your guess is correct, have a conversation Write: write down what you learn Wkbk pg 16
Relationship Map Rituals and Routines Good Day/Bad Day Two Minute Drill Communication Chart Reputations Discovery Skills 6 methods for collecting information
PCP page 3 The “Relationship Map” 1 st Discovery Skill People Map for: Family People who support me at work or school Friends People whose job is to support me at home and other places Focus person Family
Relationship Map Rituals and Routines Good Day/Bad Day Two Minute Drill Communication Chart Reputations Discovery Skills 6 methods for collecting information
Morning Ritual © TLC-PCP
__ ___________________ ___ ‘S MORNING RITUAL Look for the blank Morning Ritual in your workbook. Wkbk pg 17
Develop Your Own Morning Ritual Write down your morning ritual Start with how you wake up and end with leaving or when you feel your morning routine is completed. Include favorite products you use. For example: shaving cream? Soap? Hair products? Tea? Coffee black? Soda? Quiet time? Include as much detail as you are comfortable with-do ensure you include enough details so that you can learn how to collect sufficient information Tell us how long it takes – indicate what time it starts and what time it ends.
Rituals and Routines Morning Going to bed Mealtimes Transition Birthday Cultural/Holiday Not Feeling Well Spiritual Vacation Comfort Celebration Grief/Loss Wkbk pg 18 Rituals guide us through our days and bring consistency, comfort and control
Relationship Map Rituals and Routines Good Day/Bad Day Two Minute Drill Communication Chart Reputations Discovery Skills 6 methods for collecting information
Bad DayGood Day
Bad Day Write Your Name __________________________ Wkbk pg 19
Good Day During Work Week Bad Day During Work Week A really good day A day that is too challenging It is a work day. Write down a composite of actual good moments and bad moments that have happened at anytime a day when you also work. Good Day/Bad Day What happened that contributed to your good day? What do you look forward to doing? Who do you look forward to seeing? What happens that gives you energy to deal with difficult situations? What motivates and interests you at work OR on a work day? What threw your day off? Made the day bad for you? Made you frustrated? Bored? Took the fun out of it? Be sure to include those daily frustrations
Organizing Discovery Information Into the Person Centered Description 1 st Learn what is Important TO your partner from their Morning Ritual and Good Day Bad Day. Then practice pulling Best Support from discovery information in consultation with your partner.
Morning Ritual Get up two hours before leaving Morning coffee alone Talk with kids over breakfast ___Important To__ Organizing Discovery Information Into Important TO Good Day Bad Day ___ Not being rushed. Having time to focus on myself and my family before I start work 15 minutes alone before first meeting Demands for consultation NOW. To organize my work before starting my work Wkbk pg 21
Learning about SUPPORT from Important TO h Important TO me What others need to know and do to best support me 1. Not being rushed -Having time to focus upon myself and my family before work 2.Time to organize my work before beginning my work 1.Don’t rush me, don’t ask me to move faster. 2.Give me time to myself when I’m organizing my work Have a conversation and using the “guess, ask, write” process, add to the support list. As you add each item, ask “Is there something that other people need to know or do to support you with that?
Organizing Discovery Information Into the Person Centered Profile 1 st Learn what is Important TO your partner from their Morning Ritual and Good Day Bad Day. Then practice pulling Best Support from discovery information in consultation with your partner.
Add to your person centered profile I h Important TO me What others need to know and do to best support me ( OPP pg 4)
Relationship Map Rituals and Routines Good Day/Bad Day Two Minute Drill Communication Chart Reputations Discovery Skills 6 methods for collecting information
You know the person best and you have a 24 hour flu. You have to have someone else provide support for 1 day. It is someone you trust but who doesn’t know the person. You want to give them an overview, a summary in 2 minutes of what they need to know to support the person successfully. What would you say? Imagine… 2 Minute Drill
Relationship Map Rituals and Routines Good Day/Bad Day Two Minute Drill Communication Chart Reputations Discovery Skills 6 methods for collecting information
Communication Chart Listening to Behavior Recording Communication The Communication Chart supports discovery and informs action.
When we listen … Communication becomes more complex People become more interested in other ways of communicating A few people who didn’t use words begin to do so Wkbk pg 22
What is happeningWhat I Do What I think it Means I want you to Communication Chart Description (OPP) pg 5
In the environment What’s just gone on The “trigger” The action What others notice Can be seen, heard, and felt by others Meaning of the the action What the emotions and feelings are What’s going on inside What other people should do or say in response Or not do or say Communication Chart When this is happens I do thisIt usually meansAnd I want you to #1 #4#2 #3 Wkbk pg 23
Great Things About Misty She has an amazing audio-graphic memory She is friendly (never meets a stranger) She is helpful She shows great enthusiasm She has great empathy towards others She is very observant Like & Admire
Communication Chart For Misty What Is HappeningWhat The Person Does What It May MeanWhat I want you to do Misty makes a mistake like leaving out a period in a sentence. Eavesdrops on others conversation and is told to get back to work. I jerk my head to the side, rolls my eyes, and rock back and forth more quickly Doesn’t like to be told no or be corrected. Encourage me by saying “Please do this. You will help me if you do this.” Build into my desire to please and help others Misty is talking to friends on the phone for a long time or is talking to people at church or school Says I’ll call you back later and doesn’t call them back. At school and church says, “I’ll call you later. Doesn’t know how to end a phone conversation and doesn’t want people to think that she doesn’t care or is rude. Give me phrases to use to end conversations on the phone or when I’m in a social situation and remind me of the phrases when you see that I may need help..
What is happeningWhat I Do What I think it Means I want you to Communication Chart © TLC-PCP Description (OPP) pg 5
What is happeningWhat I Do What I think it Means I want you to Communication Chart Description (OPP) pg 5
Relationship Map Rituals and Routines Good Day/Bad Day Two Minute Drill Communication Chart Reputations Discovery Skills 6 methods for collecting information
Reputation Exercise
Name:__________________________________________ Wkbk pg 24
Write your name here Positive Reputation 3 Mild Negatives List 3 of your own MILD negatives. Note: you will share this with a partner Example: Workaholic Stubborn Loses Things Once you have your worksheet back, read it. Is there something that others don’t know that you would add? Do so. Cross out what doesn’t ring true for you. To begin with don’t write In this section on your own worksheet. First others will write on this section for you.
3 Steps to Learn From and Address Negatives Arrange your papers like this Positive Reputation 3 Mild Negatives Important TO me (pcp p. 4) How to best Support Me 2 nd Step Is there something about the negative that tells us something about what is important to your partner? 3 rd Step If a negative is actually a negative at times: ask what do others need to know or do to support your partner at this time? 1 st Step Is there something about the negative that is actually a positive? List of 3 mild negative s Think thru one negative at a time
An Example Positive Reputation Important TO me How to best Support Me 2 nd Step To both work and learn with like-minded people-Even if it takes more time to do so To spend time just for me and to have meaningful and fun time with my family and friends. 1 st Step Strong Commitment To Work 3 rd Step Know that I need to balance attention to work by scheduling regular time off for me and for family and friends. Ask me, remind me. 3 Mild Negatives Example: Workaholic
Person Centered Description- Introduction Open your person centered profile to Page 2 titled “Like and Admire” Review notes from the Reputation Exercise Write your own positive introduction Pcp pg 2
Relationship Map Rituals and Routines Good Day/Bad Day Two Minute Drill Communication Chart Reputations Discovery Skills 6 methods for collecting information
The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices envisions a world where all people have positive control over the lives they have chosen for themselves. Our efforts focus on people who have lost or may lose positive control because of society's response to the presence of a disability. We foster a global learning community that shares knowledge for that purpose. All are welcome to share and learn.
Student’s voice is heard Parent and student values are shared Develop achievable postsecondary goals based on interest and ability Develop goals that lead to community life Honest approach to planning Person Centered Transition Assessment Process
PC-TAP Provides a Person Centered Description to prepare students for transition –Meets all requirements for Indicator 13 –Can be used to support transition at all levels Includes –What others like and admire –Relationships –Things that are Important FOR and Important TO –Characteristics of people who can support the student –Communication Chart –A detailed plan of action for student, family, school and agency WkBk 26
Certification Process PC-TAP is based on skills from Person Centered Thinking (as developed by The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices) and requires training and modeling to ensure the integrity of the process. A trained facilitator will receive a certificate from The Institute for Person Centered Practices after becoming certified.
Train Participate in a one-day training and complete the One Page Profile. Review and discuss their own One Page Profile with a certified PC-TAP trainer. Train
Model –Observe process with 2 students with varying eligibilities. –After each assessment the trainees will discuss and evaluate the process Train Model
Certification Upon endorsement, the trained facilitator will receive a certification from The Institute for Person Centered Practices All trained facilitators are expected to attend an annual Gathering to prevent drift in content. Train Model Certified
Evaluation Please take a minute to complete the evaluation form in your packet.
Thank you!!!