CONTENTS Background – how does mobility at home look like nowadays? Potential – what can be done by intervening? Objectives – what do we want to accomplish? Structure and measures – how to fulfil our goal? People – for whom is our work meant to be? Products – how do our products and findings look like? Partners – who is behind ADD HOME? Background – how does mobility at home look like nowadays?
… AND MOST MOBILITY IS DONE BY SHORT JOURNEYS THAT START AND END AT HOME! Source: Municipality of Graz – mobility behaviour of people living in Graz 03/04 II. THE TOPIC OF MOBILITY AND HOUSING
II. WHAT IS ADD HOME? CONTENTS Background – how does mobility at home look like nowadays? Potential – what can be done by intervening? Objectives – what do we want to accomplish? Structure and measures – how to fulfil our goal? People – for whom is our work meant to be? Products – how do our products and findings look like? Partners – who is behind ADD HOME?
II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING? FREEDOM OF CHOICE OF TRANSPORT MEANS AT HOME Theoretically, the choice is yours – different transport means can be chosen for each trips starting at home. BUT – how do the options look like in reality? →The analogy of animals and food sources… Source: Knoflacher – TU Wien – Head of transport institute; Design: FGM
II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING? FREEDOM OF CHOICE OF TRANSPORT MEANS AT HOME Source: Knoflacher – TU Wien – Head of transport institute; Design: FGM
II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING? FREEDOM OF CHOICE OF TRANSPORT MEANS AT HOME What can be done? → Design environment to guide people in their choice! Adapt accessibility and user perception Motivation to test and use alternative options Quelle: Knoflacher – TU Wien – Vorstand des Verkehrsinstituts; Design: FGM
II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING? FREEDOM OF CHOICE OF TRANSPORT MEANS AT HOME Source: Knoflacher – TU Wien – Head of transport institute; Design: FGM
II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING? ROLE OF TRANSPORT FOR THE CHOICE OF LOCATION „Which role did the following aspects have for the choice of the recent location of living?“ Source: ILS – trends 2/08; Design: ILS
II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING? ROLE OF TRANSPORT FOR THE CHOICE OF LOCATION „Which role did the following SENIOR CITIZENS aspects have for the choice of the recent location of living?“ Source: ILS – trends 2/08; Design: ILS
II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING? ROLE OF TRANSPORT FOR THE CHOICE OF LOCATION „Which role did the following FAMILIES aspects have for the choice of the recent location of living?“ Source: ILS – trends 2/08; Design: ILS
II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING? ROLE OF TRANSPORT FOR THE CHOICE OF LOCATION „Which role did the following SINGLES aspects have for the choice of the recent location of living?“ Source: ILS – trends 2/08; Design: ILS
II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING? THE IMPACT OF LIVING ENVIRONMENT AND DESIGN Structure / design of settlements and green spaces have influence on mobility behaviour: attractiveness of the green spaces for recreational purposes and playing reduce leisure time transportation proximity to other green and/or social spaces reduce trip lenghts and optimise modal choice neighbourhood structures and services again reduce transportation of all kinds
THE EXAMPLE OF VAUBAN (FREIBURG) Conversion of a former French military base into a new city district (5.000 inhabitants) Objective: →Car-reduced living in Vauban Mean: →Flexible management of space for parking cars II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING?
THE EXAMPLE OF VAUBAN (FREIBURG) The idea: Choice between purchase of a car parking space in a central garage building for € joining the „car free community“ for € The choice had to be made before moving in. II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING?
THE EXAMPLE OF VAUBAN (FREIBURG) The effect: Central garages could be planned and built according to actual demand Spaces for potential future garage need has been reserved This space is now used as play grounds and green spaces paid by the „car free community“ 80% of all households do not own a car II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING?
THE EXAMPLE OF ASPERN (VIENNA) Aspern is a new city district of Vienna (app inhabitants) that is currently in planning Objective: →Sustainable transport city district Idea: →Reduced number of parking lots used for increased mobility II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING?
THE EXAMPLE OF ASPERN (VIENNA) Reduction of parking spaces and construction costs on legal basis (Wiener Garagengesetz) effects of constructing central garages Use part of savings to foster sustainable means of transport discounted PT tickets for inhabitants bicycles, cars, pedelecs for rent shopping services, bicycle services improved PT access … II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING?
THE EXAMPLE OF ASPERN (VIENNA) - THE MOBILITY FOND Model of city district Aspern to calculate cost saving and potential when using less parking spaces: Facts: car parking spaces planned - Costs per parking space: € Costs underground parking: € II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING?
THE EXAMPLE OF ASPERN (VIENNA) - THE MOBILITY FOND Reduction by 30%: car parking spaces less - Costs saved: € Car parking spaces realised: % II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING?
THE EXAMPLE OF ASPERN (VIENNA) - THE MOBILITY FOND Reduction by 30%: car parking spaces less - Costs saved: € Car parking spaces realised: % II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING?
THE EXAMPLE OF ASPERN (VIENNA) - THE MOBILITY FOND Establishment of mobility fond: - take 30% of saved costs - € % II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING?
THE EXAMPLE OF ASPERN (VIENNA) - THE MOBILITY FOND What the fond could be used for: days costs for a shuttle serving the next PT stop - mobility management for inhabitants with € 365 / inhabitant pedelecs to rent - running a small mobility centre for 42 years 30% 9% II. WHAT CAN BE DONE BY INTERVENING? Originally intended costs for parking spaces
II. WHAT IS ADD HOME? CONTENTS Background – how does mobility at home look like nowadays? Potential – what can be done by intervening? Objectives – what do we want to accomplish? Structure and measures – how to fulfil our goal? People – for whom is our work meant to be? Products – how do our products and findings look like? Partners – who is behind ADD HOME?
II. THE ADD HOME OBJECTIVES Free choice of transport mean when starting trips at home Easy access to PT, cycling, walking at home Reduction of individual‘s realised mobility Motivation to use sustainable modes of transport
II. WHAT IS ADD HOME? CONTENTS Background – how does mobility at home look like nowadays? Potential – what can be done by intervening? Objectives – what do we want to accomplish? Structure and measures – how to fulfil our goal? People – for whom is our work meant to be? Products – how do our products and findings look like? Partners – who is behind ADD HOME?
II. THE ADD HOME STRUCTURE Analyse conditions for sustainable mobility concerning housing and good-practise-examples → develop demonstration projects Implementation of demonstration projects National training units teaching the results of ADD HOME to stakeholders involved in the field of housing and mobility
II. WHAT IS ADD HOME? CONTENTS Background – how does mobility at home look like nowadays? Potential – what can be done by intervening? Objectives – what do we want to accomplish? Structure and measures – how to fulfil our goal? People – for whom is our work meant to be? Products – how do our products and findings look like? Partners – who is behind ADD HOME?
II. THE ADD HOME TARGET GROUPS Construction companies Property management companies Municipalities Tentant associations Transport providers Management / energy agencies Spatial planners and architects
II. THE ADD HOME TARGET GROUPS Construction companies Responsible for planning and constructing residential areas Benefit financially from less car parking spaces to built Benefit qualitatively from increased accessibility for PT, cycling and walking Option to create a competitive advantage out of better accessibility and cheaper mobility!
II. THE ADD HOME TARGET GROUPS Property management companies Management and maintenance of houses; close contact to tenants / inhabitants Benefit from lower maintenance costs for fewer car parking spaces Creating new products raising attractiveness and quality of their houses Increased service level without additional costs due to less maintenance costs for car parking
II. THE ADD HOME TARGET GROUPS Municipalities In charge of urban and spatial development, transport planning and policies regarding both: Less car transport means less costs for infrastructure maintenance and lower costs for transport in general More space to design for people not cars Higher attractiveness by increased quality of life
II. THE ADD HOME TARGET GROUPS Tenant Associations Act on behalf of tenants in the form of a user association. free choice of transport modes at home serves their purpose to advocate tenants are ideal communicators towards construction and property management companies as well as to tenants better service level concerning accessibility for their clients
II. THE ADD HOME TARGET GROUPS Public transport providers Responsible for organisating and operating public transport services. Benefit from improved information on PT services as well as new ticket models Opportunity to gain attractiveness due to free-choice approach with at least same proximity to home by car and PT Possibility to gain a new market field with additional customers
II. THE ADD HOME TARGET GROUPS Management / energy agencies Are well esteemed consultants to construction and property management companies in terms of energy efficieny in buildings high potential to communicate energy efficiency at home in terms of transport to their customers high suitability to multiply the knowledge by their training ressources and experience extended market field and optimal access to main target groups
II. THE ADD HOME TARGET GROUPS Spatial planners and architects Able to define spatial settlement patterns and detailed neighbourhood schemes potential to foster dense settlement structures and thus better conditions for energy efficient transport modes planning residental projects for optimal energy efficienty of transport easing energy efficient structures new market niche for architects
II. THE ADD HOME RESULTS CONTENTS Background – how does mobility at home look like nowadays? Potential – what can be done by intervening? Objectives – what do we want to accomplish? Structure and measures – how to fulfil our goal? People – for whom is our work meant to be? Products – how do our products and findings look like? Partners – who is behind ADD HOME?
II. THE ADD HOME PRODUCTS Products of Analysis ADD HOME Code of Practise → Best Practise Example Collection ADD HOME Brochure „Mobility meets housing“ → National brochures on WP2 analysis results ADD HOME Summaries „Laws & Regulations“ → Aggregation of legal analysis by country ADD HOME Characteristics „ Laws & Regulations“ → Description of legal analysis by country ADD HOME Analysis Summary → Comprehensive analysis of the entire analysis
II. THE ADD HOME PRODUCTS Products of Implementation ADD HOME Demonstrations → Detailed description of all ADD HOME implementations aimed to foster direct „copy - paste“ activities ADD HOME Guide for imitation → Manual for ADD HOME target groups to initiate own actions on energy efficient mobility in housing areas
II. THE ADD HOME PRODUCTS Products of training events ADD HOME Training Materials →presentations, readers and guidance for distant learning ADD HOME Training guideline → Manual to design own training events following the pattern and approach used in the national ADD HOME training events and knowledge transfers
II. THE ADD HOME PARTNERSHIP CONTENTS Background – how does mobility at home look like nowadays? Potential – what can be done by intervening? Objectives – what do we want to accomplish? Structure and measures – how to fulfil our goal? People – for whom is our work meant to be? Results – how do our products and findings look like? Partners – who is behind ADD HOME?
ADD HOME - PARTNERS & CONTACTS Project partnership →Azienda Mobilità e Infrastrutture S.p.A. (IT) →Black Sea Regional Agency for Energy Management (BU) →Forschungsgesellschaft Mobilität – Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR gemeinnützige GmbH (AT; Co-ordinator) →Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung gGmbH (DE) →Rhomberg Bau GmbH (AT) →University of Maribor - Faculty of Civil Engineering (SI)