In the life of Kearstan Williams
My family speaks American English My grandmother still has her Australian accent and I love hearing her speak! I am studying Spanish I also am very interested in sign language
Christianity-derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible There are approximately 41,000 denominations (Wikipedia) My family is Baptist We attend Heritage Baptist Church Our youth group is called Elevate
We love to celebrate with food in my family Lots of Sunday dinners with the FAMILY We cook together a lot and share family recipes Our favorite dish to make together is Mexican Chicken Casserole.
American Clothing has come a long way the last century, especially with women’s options. The Roaring 20’s The Hippie 60’s Pop Culture 90’s Now each American really has their own style As for me, I love all fashion and want to design..
Although there are no famous artists in our family, we all enjoy art. Drawing is a big hobby of mine. Photography is big in our family too (Mom is always taking pics ). We enjoy all Genres of Music, but some of our favorites are; Country, Hip Hop, and pop. One of my grandmothers collects African American Art, while the other has a lot of Indian artwork including lots of dream catchers.
Multiracial-I am a blend of many ethnicities. My mom is Caucasian(White) and my dad is African American(black). My grandmother(mom’s side) is Australian and my grandfather(mom’s side) is German- American. My grandmother(dad’s side) is Creole also known as Cajun Indian and my grandfather is African American.
POETRY-Maya Angelou QUOTES-Ghandi SCRIPTURES-BIBLE BOOKS ◦ A. Fiction ◦ B. Non Fiction ◦ C. Self Help ◦ D. School Textbooks
Kearstan Williams-Born June 1 st, 2001 Mom-Dawn Dad-Rod Brother-Kyrian Sister-Kailyn Grandmothers- Jennice and Cozetta Grandfathers-Preston and Henry Great Grandmothers-Dulce and Codell Great Grandfather-Alan
Every year we go to Tennessee in the Summer We stop at Corkys BBQ in Memphis on our way to Nashville for dinner. In Nashville, we visit the Grand Ole Opry. We are Magic Springs Season ticket holders and go LOTS each summer. BASEBALL is another family tradition and it keeps us travelling and making memories as a family.
Holidays are a time to celebrate with our friends and family. Traditions my family has created over the years; ◦ A. Before Thanksgiving Dinner we all stand in a circle and tell what we are thankful for that year. ◦ B. Christmas Eve all the kids get together and make some type of craft and snack for Santa. The idea and supplies comes from my Aunt Liz and it’s always so much fun. ◦ C. Christmas Eve is also when we get to open and wear our brand new pajamas and read Twas the Night Before Christmas.
We are citizens of The USA WE love the fact that our government embodies Liberty, Equality, Democracy, Unity, and Diversity. Each election year we watch the debates and press conferences as a family. In 2008 we watched as Barack Obama made history by becoming the first African American to become the President of The United States.
Hope you enjoyed that! For more photos and information on my culture and background, please feel free to check out my scrapbook. Completed by Kearstan Williams