International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM Diagnostic Coding: International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM
Review_12 Practice Exercise Review Section 2Volume 2 Use Section 2 of Volume 2 Will require 3 codes: side effect 1.The side effect, code for poisoning for the drug 2.The code for poisoning for the drug and E-code for the therapeutic use of the drug 3.The E-code for the therapeutic use of the drug. CODE: Diagnostic Statement - CODE: Diagnostic Statement - Patient develops hives after taking penicillin Allergic urticaria Penicillin poisoning Therapeutic penicillin E930.0
Review_13 Practice Exercise Review & Acute & Chronic Pancreatitis The patient was admitted and treated for SIRS with sepsis due to streptococcus, group D; the patient has cellulites of the leg 038.0, , Because of high-risk sexual behavior, the patient is seen in the clinic for HIV screening V73.89 & V69.2
Review_14 Practice Exercise Review V01.81 Exposure to anthrax Patient with obstruction due to impaction Screening for prostate cancer V76.44
Review_15 Practice Exercise Review V50.1, A patient was admitted for cosmetic surgery (bilateral breast implants) Injury to the wrist occurred on the playground. Patient fell off slide 959.3, E884.0, E849.4 Injury left knee due to twisting injury while playing basketball at the gym 959.7, E927, E849.4
Review_16 Practice Exercise Review , E979.9 The patient had post-traumatic stress syndrome after a terrorist attack Screening mammogram for 45-year-old patient V76.12 Bilateral lung transplantation 33.52
Review_17 Practice Exercise Review 850.9, E880.9, E849.0 Concussion due to accidental fall down steps at home Chronic prostatistis due to staphylococcus 601.1, Urinary tract infection (UTI) caused by E. coli 599.0, 041.4
Review_18 Practice Exercise Review Unspecified localized salmonella infection Endometriosis of the uterus Arthroscopic examination of the left knee for chronic pain. All joint structures appear to be intact , 80.26
Review_19 Practice Exercise Review , E966, E849.6 Patient had laceration of right lung due to stab wound right chest wall during fight at nightclub. Laceration nose due to being hit in nose by surfboard while at beach. Laceration was repaired , E917.0, E849.8, Contusion and severe sprain of left ankle after falling into a hole while hiking in the mountain , E883.9, E849.8
Review_110 Practice Exercise Review V25.2 & Patient was admitted for sterilization. A laparoscopic division of the fallopian tubes was performed. Patient has Alzheimer’s dementia without behavioral disturbance & The patient had a melanoma removed from his back 4 years ago. The patient is currently being treated for metastatic melanoma of the lung & V10.82
Review_111 Practice Exercise Review , , A wife was seen with head and face injuries due to spousal beatings and abuse The colon was accidentally perforated during routine screening colonoscopy. The colon was sutured 998.2, 46.75, 45.23, Exploratory laparotomy with appendectomy for acute appendicitis & 47.09