Relating to the poor: A Case Study in using Service- Learning to teach undergraduate development economics October 18, 2003 Wilmington, NC James F. Casey Washington and Lee University Lexington, VA
“think like economists” Heckman or Darity?, Mankiw or Sen? Heckman or Darity?, Mankiw or Sen? McGoldrick or Schuhmann??? McGoldrick or Schuhmann??? Soft Hearts & Hard Heads Soft Hearts & Hard Heads Critical & Caring Critical & Caring The notion of a “Caring Economist” The notion of a “Caring Economist”
Econ 280: Development Economics Introduction to the study of Development Economics. Introduction to the study of Development Economics. 1. overview of Development 2. theories of growth and development. 3. factors of production: physical, human and natural capital. 4. "global issues."
The Service Learning Component What is service learning? What is service learning? Why use it? Why use it? Why I use it. Why I use it. How I use it. How I use it.
What is service learning? Service-Learning is a method of experiential learning that links the classroom with the local community. It requires students to spend time, outside of class, volunteering and to relate this volunteer experience to the educational theories they learn in the classroom. Service-Learning is a method of experiential learning that links the classroom with the local community. It requires students to spend time, outside of class, volunteering and to relate this volunteer experience to the educational theories they learn in the classroom. Service-learning suggests an active approach to learning economics or perhaps an active approach to learning to “think like an economist.” Service-learning suggests an active approach to learning economics or perhaps an active approach to learning to “think like an economist.”
Why Use it? Service connected to specific courses can enhance the learning of the course content (Markus, Howard and King 1993). Service connected to specific courses can enhance the learning of the course content (Markus, Howard and King 1993). Service-Learning has impacts on students' personal, social and cognitive outcomes (Giles and Eyler 1994). Service-Learning has impacts on students' personal, social and cognitive outcomes (Giles and Eyler 1994). Participation in a service-learning program can improve the interaction between faculty members and students. Participation in a service-learning program can improve the interaction between faculty members and students.
Why I use it expose students to poverty expose students to poverty alleviate common misperceptions alleviate common misperceptions invest in someone else's human capital and, of course, their own invest in someone else's human capital and, of course, their own careful caring economists careful caring economists
How I use it each student must meet with the Community Service Coordinator, and the Service Learning Coordinator, during the first week of the term each student must meet with the Community Service Coordinator, and the Service Learning Coordinator, during the first week of the term volunteer 10 hours volunteer 10 hours journal journal 3-4 page paper linking the experience to a particular theory of development from class 3-4 page paper linking the experience to a particular theory of development from class
Results to date students in Economics 280 have served 660 hours (10 hours X 66 students) of which I have documented 370 hours in the Rockbridge area students in Economics 280 have served 660 hours (10 hours X 66 students) of which I have documented 370 hours in the Rockbridge area 1. Exposure / empathy quotes 2. Links to class quotes 3. Other quotes
Exposure / empathy quotes “This made me question my assumption that parents with low incomes neglect their kids.” “This made me question my assumption that parents with low incomes neglect their kids.” “Poor people probably have more in common with everyone else than they do differences.” “Poor people probably have more in common with everyone else than they do differences.” “I feel I have more compassion for the poor in this country because I can relate to them on a human level. Its not so abstract for me now.” “I feel I have more compassion for the poor in this country because I can relate to them on a human level. Its not so abstract for me now.”
Links to class quotes “For the record, this element of the course was very helpful in applying the classroom knowledge. I got to see your Harlem example and Sen’s viewpoints applied to real world situations with real kids that were begging for me to hug them and put them on my shoulders. It is all so humbling.” “For the record, this element of the course was very helpful in applying the classroom knowledge. I got to see your Harlem example and Sen’s viewpoints applied to real world situations with real kids that were begging for me to hug them and put them on my shoulders. It is all so humbling.” “The experience enabled me to see, first hand, the benefits of investing in the human capital of a nation’s youth.” “The experience enabled me to see, first hand, the benefits of investing in the human capital of a nation’s youth.”
Other quotes “This has been a good experience for me, and one that I plan to continue for the rest of the year.” “This has been a good experience for me, and one that I plan to continue for the rest of the year.” Thank you for the inspiration of this service learning component.” Thank you for the inspiration of this service learning component.”
Conclusion “Can an economist be both critical and caring?” (Rebecca Blank, Jan. 2003) “Can an economist be both critical and caring?” (Rebecca Blank, Jan. 2003) YES YES and service learning can help and service learning can help