TechStyle Sustainability What is your District’s TechStyle? Very similar to Lifestyle Sustainability Varies by districts ability to: Maintain financial health Fulfill expectations of community Example Example
Overview Technology Sustainability Defined Ongoing Costs – Many districts account for upfront costs, but fail to recognize ongoing costs. Different than most budget areas in school districts. Roofs (20 Years), Buses (10 Years) Why? Constant Change. Shorter Cycles. Technology Vision Defined Infrastructure Educational Technology Operational Technology
UnifiedCommunications Technology Management Network BusinessManagementNetwork Network Core (Infrastructure) 21 st Century Classroom IntegratedDatabaseSystems Web Access IT Policies/Procedures Best Practices (MS Blueprint) OperationsNetwork FOUNDATION CORE MISSION SUPPORT
UnifiedCommunications Technology Management Network BusinessManagementNetwork Network Core (Infrastructure) 21 st Century Classroom IntegratedDatabaseSystems Web Access IT Policies/Procedures Best Practices (MS Blueprint) OperationsNetwork FOUNDATION CORE MISSION SUPPORT
UnifiedCommunications Technology Management Network BusinessManagementNetwork Network Core (Infrastructure) 21 st Century Classroom IntegratedDatabaseSystems Web Access IT Policies/Procedures Best Practices (MS Blueprint) OperationsNetwork FOUNDATION CORE MISSION SUPPORT
UnifiedCommunications Technology Management Network BusinessManagementNetwork Network Core (Infrastructure) 21 st Century Classroom IntegratedDatabaseSystems Web Access IT Policies/Procedures Best Practices (MS Blueprint) OperationsNetwork FOUNDATION CORE MISSION SUPPORT
UnifiedCommunications Technology Management Network BusinessManagementNetwork Network Core (Infrastructure) 21 st Century Classroom IntegratedDatabaseSystems Web Access IT Policies/Procedures Best Practices (MS Blueprint) OperationsNetwork FOUNDATION CORE MISSION SUPPORT
Wired or Mobile Input / Output Devices Interactive Presentation Device Document Camera Student Response Devices Classroom Audio System Wireless Access Point Engaging Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Web 2.0 Applications Integrating Technology Into the Curriculum Internet Safety & Digital Citizenship Online Learning Communities Classroom Phone Online Grade Book Teacher Website Teacher Communication Tools Adaptive Technology
Network Infrastructure $200,000 Student Management System $72,000 Technology Staff $700,000 (Not ITF,TSS) Financial Management System $55,000 Telecommunications $150,000 Administrative/Staff Computing $50,000 Teacher Computing $120,000 Teacher Laptops $200,000 MS Student Computing 1:3 $167,000 MS Student Computing 1:2 $250,000 MS Student Computing 1:1 $500,000 Elem Student Computing 1:7 $98,000 Elem Student Computing 1:6 $115,000 Elem Student Computing 1:5 $138,000 Elem Student Computing 1:4 $172,000 Elem Student Computing 1:3 $230,000 Elem Student Computing 1:2 $344,000 Foundational Components – $477,000 / $1,177,000 with Technology Staff Building Block 1 (Computing) – $327,000 min / $1,438,000 max at 1:1 Elem Student Computing 1:1 $688,000 Middle School ITF (x3) $300,000 Elementary TSS (x9) $110,000 Professional Services Curriculum $60,000 Instructional Technology / Prof. Development - ??? Building Block 2 - Instructional Technology / Assessment - ~$520,000+ Technology Based Assessment ??? Building Block 3 - Other Technology Initiatives - TBD Assistive Technology $50,000 + D47 Technology – Sustainability Model (Costs listed are annual) Minimum to Sustain Current Model: $2.024 Million (Including Technology Staff) Technology Saturation Model: $3.5Million (Including Technology Staff)
NON Negotiables Lesson #1 Budgeting for non-negotiable items, no cutting corners Infrastructure Antivirus Example Extending Life Cycles
Major on the Majors Lesson #2 Major on the Majors Example of non-core business technology that chokes educational technology budget Have a plan/vision for educational technology
U Gotta Give to Get Lesson #3 Technology should replace something, not be in addition to. Calculators replaced by Mobile Apps Overheads replaced by LCD Projectors Paper replaced by Online Content & Electronic Lockers/Distribution Textbooks replaced by 1:1 or BYOD
Put First Things First Lesson #4 Order of Operations Know your dependencies Example of IPTV before projectors
When the $ Runs Out Lesson #5 When funding is good, you still need to evaluate the long term costs. Construction FFE ARRA EPRT - Educational Programming Review Technique What to cut when times are tough. Tendency to sacrifice infrastructure.
Just in Time Inventory Lesson #6 It is important to understand how long it takes to roll out new technology. Don’t buy everything at once. Most of it will sit too long and be obsolete once deployed.
Bleeding Edge Syndrome (BES) Lesson #7 Being First is not cutting edge, it’s bleeding edge. Usually costs more You are the test subject (pilot, beta tester)
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow Lesson #8 Choose established vendors Avoid companies that are here and gone in a very short period of time.