How to document Medicaid services in the I-Suite to assist with compliance with Medicaid standards. September 12, 2015
“What criteria must a child meet in order for the district to bill Medicaid under the SHARS program? The child must: be enrolled in a public school’s special education program; be 20 years of age or younger; Have an ARD/IEP documenting the medical necessity for services [Documentation requirements can be found in the current Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual (TMPPM), in the Provider Enrollment and Responsibilities Section and in the SHARS Section]; Have a disability or chronic medical condition; Be Medicaid eligible. 2 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently asked questions 2011
Review TMPPM – Billing Guidelines can be reviewed with Providers for training. Services covered by SHARS includes: Audiology services Counseling Nursing services Occupational therapy (OT) Personal care services (PCS) Physical therapy (PT) Physician services Psychological services, including assessments Speech therapy (ST) Transportation in a school setting These services must be provided by qualified personnel who are under contract with or employed by the school district. Furthermore, the school district must be enrolled as a SHARS Medicaid provider in order to bill Texas Medicaid for these services. Source: Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual (TMPPM) 2011 published by TMHP
Retained for 7 years Documentation ARD/IEP documents (medical necessity; examples of SHARS services) Attendance records Assessment/evaluations Provider qualifications (current licenses and certifications) Written agreements (contract) for contracted service providers Required prescriptions or referrals for services Supervision logs Session notes or service logs Transportation documentation (daily trip logs; maintenance logs/records; bus documentation; documentation for cost report) Claims Submittal and Payment Histories (R&S Reports and General Ledger) Copies of signed/notarized quarterly Certification of Funds (COF) letters and supporting documentation, including quarterly COF Reports Non-school SHARS provider affiliation letter and attachments (if applicable) Cost Report Documentation 4 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011
“The child’s name and Medicaid number should appear on every page of the medical records (see the Provider Enrollment and Responsibilities Section of the current TMPPM). This would include each page of the ARD/IEP document, session notes and service logs, and evaluations.” ARD Documents Adding the Medicaid ID to forms needs to be turned on in File Maintenance. Non-(SM) 2 clients Manually input the Medicaid ID into Student Information - General (SM) 2 clients Medicaid ID automatically inserted on all forms each month when Medicaid eligiblity is obtained. Automatic label reminder can be turned on in FM – Options/Directories to print labels to stick on ARD documents FM – Form Setup Can indicate how many labels are needed per form. Could be considered part of consent and if parent refuses number on forms then they are refusing to give consent to bill 5 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011
6 Session Notes (SM) 2 program keeps session notes. Non-(SM) 2 clients need to collect and store separately. Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011
“Are schools required to obtain parental consent prior to billing Medicaid for SHARS services?” “Yes, Section (d) of the reauthorized IDEA 2004 requires districts to obtain informed parental consent. More guidance on this issue may be found on TEA’s Division of IDEA Coordination website at: ml “ ml 7 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011
Parental Consent is obtained in 2 places in SEM ARD Signature page (pg. 7) Should be obtained at EVERY ARD – not just the Annual There is now an initial line next to consent. SHARS Letter Can be given when obtaining initial consent as it also includes the Right to Provider section. Both locations provide space for a Consent Expiration date. 8
9 Note: If there is an error message when entering the SHARS letter, the district needs to enter the district specific information in the Popups in File Maintenance – SHARS Information. ARD Page 7
(SM) 2 reads PC from signature page of ARD as well as SHARS Letter Will not bill TMHP if there is no consent at the time of the service Reports can be run to show who has consent and who does not When the letter is returned signed, the dates need to be entered into (SM)2 Parental Consent Tracker or on the letter itself. 10
11 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011 It may be reassuring to let parents know that: billing Medicaid is not a new process SHARS is reimbursement money to the schools their child’s ability to receive services outside of the school setting will not be impacted SHARS is a program under EPSDT and is not subject to any type of limit or “cap” on services they can withdraw permission at any time “Could billing SHARS cause a child to exceed any ‘cap’ or lifetime maximum on their Medicaid benefits?” There is no lifetime benefit cap for Medicaid services to children 20 years of age or younger. SHARS is a program under the EPSDT (Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment) program. Under EPSDT, there are no set limitations or cap on Medicaid services to clients 20 years of age or younger, so long as the service is medically necessary. The Medicaid services the child receives at school do not affect the type or amount of Medicaid services the child receives outside the school.
Personal Care Services (PCS) in ARD “Indication of placement in a self-contained setting [i.e., Life Skills classroom, Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities (PPCD), etc.] is not sufficient IEP documentation to support Medicaid reimbursement for PCS.” Sufficient documentation should answer: (1)Is the service provided on a one-on-one basis or group or both; (2)examples of PCS; (3)when/where are the PCS needed; and (4)the reason(s) for PCS, such as medical necessity, etc. 12 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011
14 Refer to SHARS FAQ for examples of good documentation.
15 Refer to SHARS FAQ for examples of good documentation. This section of the PCS Supplement is to document exactly what the PCS look like in the school setting. This popup field can be edited by the district SEM Administrator.
16 LOCATED IN SEM In addition to the PCS Supplement, the Transportation Info form documents the need for a bus aide or monitor which would be billed as Personal Care on the Bus.
17 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011
18 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011
19 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions
20 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011
21 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011
22 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011
23 Provision of PCS Services In (SM) 2, Providers need to enter Date, Start Time, and End Time. System calculates Total Minutes and Units.
Documenting Speech and Related Services in the ARD ARD Schedule Page Service type, frequency, and duration need to be listed. Supports/Other line under subjects or related services. IEP Goals and objectives can be sufficient documentation for billing services Deliberations Services can also be explained/described here. Counseling as a Related Service ARD Schedule Page “Counseling” is billed by LCSW or LPC “Psychological Services” is billed by LSSP “BIP is needed to bill for emergency services and should list the need for emergency counseling” 25 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011
Schedule Page of the ARD Related Services Speech Therapy List time, frequency, and duration Any additional information can be entered on the Supports/Other line. 26 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011
Nursing Services ARD Physical Section (pg 2) Adds service to Related Service section on Schedule Page Specific services can be listed in the Other Physical box. “The ARD minutes should include recommendations derived from the RN/APN or physician’s evaluation of the student’s nursing services needs. Nursing services need to be stated with the same level of detail as is provided for the other related services. But, due to the type of services, it may be appropriate to add language such as “as needed”. 27 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011
Transportation services in a school setting may be reimbursed when they are provided on a specially adapted vehicle and if the following criteria are met: Provided to or from a Medicaid-covered service on the day for which the claim is made A child requires transportation in a specially adapted vehicle to serve the needs of the disabled A child resides in an area that does not have school bus transportation, such as those in close proximity to a school The Medicaid services covered by SHARS are included in the student's IEP The special transportation service is included in the student's IEP 28 Source: Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual (TMPPM) 2011 published by TMHP
A specially adapted vehicle is one that has been physically modified (e.g., addition of a wheelchair lift, addition of seatbelts or harnesses, addition of child protective seating, or addition of air conditioning). A bus monitor or other personnel accompanying children on the bus is not considered an allowable special adaptive enhancement for Medicaid reimbursement under SHARS specialized transportation. Specialized transportation services reimbursable under SHARS requires the Medicaid-eligible special education student has the following documented in his or her IEP: The student requires a specific physical adaptation or adaptations of a vehicle in order to be transported The reason the student needs the specialized transportation Source: Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual (TMPPM) 2011 published by TMHP
Transportation listed as a Related Service (SEM) Transportation Eligibility Form (SEM) Record medical necessity for the service Record special adaptive equipment needed. Transportation Information (SEM) Transportation Special Needs Report (RU) If student does not appear on this list with the special equipment needed listed, districts may not want to bill for that student’s transportation. For all students that will not be billed for transportation, mark their Transportation Non-billable in (SM) 2 Entering all log data enables the system to calculate the transportation information for the SHARS Cost Report. 30
31 This option needs to be selected and the textbox MUST document the specific equipment THIS STUDENT needs on THIS BUS. An additional adult or bus monitor is not special equipment. A bus monitor would fall under Personal Care on the bus.
32 Found in the Report Utility (RU)
33 (SM)2 Administrator needs to mark which student’s bus routes are NOT billable.
34 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011 At a minimum, the transportation log should include: The SHARS provider name (i.e., school district name) First Name and Last Name of each student for each trip, along with each student's ID One log per vehicle, indicating the route name/number [with documentation maintained somewhere that describes each route/trip as to the start and stop locations ] Method for identifying the number of one-way trips per day (e.g., AM and PM trips) [with documentation maintained somewhere that describes the times for each trip] -- Remember that the number of one-way specialized transportation trips must be counted for calculating the one-way trip ratio for allocating specialized transportation costs to the Medicaid program. Method for personal care services (PCS) provider, transportation aide, bus monitor, or assistant to verify own attendance for each trip and include a place for this person to sign and date the form. Method for drive to verify own attendance for each trip and include a place for this person to sign and date the form. Method for nurse to verify own attendance for each trip and include a place for this person to sign and date the form. The log can be maintained per day and for several days, with applicable dates noted on the log. Mileage needs to be maintained somewhere; but, not on the log.
36 (SM) 2 can assist with the compiling of the data for the Cost Report. Calculates the IEP Ratio Identifies student who were Medicaid Eligible at ANY time during the year. Identifies which students were receiving a SHARS service. (SM) 2 knows which students actually receive PCS. Transportation logs track the number of one-way trips
37 IEP Ratio data
38 Transportation Data
Can a SHARS provider provide services beyond the IEP requirements? No, the IEP authorizes the maximum services that can be provided and billed. Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), districts are required to follow the IEP requirements. Any services billed to Medicaid in excess of those stated in the IEP could be subject to recoupment. 39 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011
If a student needs constant monitoring all day, even during instructional time, is the entire day billable as personal care services? The IEP should clearly justify the need for constant supervision or monitoring and any other PCS (such as toileting, feeding, etc.) required during the school day. The documentation needs to answer the following questions or provide the requested documentation: (1) examples of PCS; (2) when/where are the personal care services are needed; (3) reason(s) for PCS (such as medical necessity, etc.); and (4) why can’t the student perform the age appropriate task? 40 Source: TEA SHARS Frequently Asked Questions 2011