WHO IS KATIE A? year old Caucasian female Placed in foster care at age 4 Mental health assessment at age 5 37 different placements including 4 group homes; 19 stays in psychiatric facilities; 7 stays in shelter care
BACKGROUND Lawsuit filed 2002 against CA Social Services and Health Departments as well as Los Angeles county Settled statewide Dec ISSUES: Failure to assess mental health needs Inadequate mental health services Poor foster care placements-overuse of congregate and shelter care
KEY THEMES Shared needs of children and families- shared practice and responsibility Coordinated Comprehensive Community based services- intensive care coordination and intensive home based mental health services; therapeutic foster care
WHO IS IMPACTED? KATIE A SUB-CLASS DEFINED In foster care or who are at imminent risk of foster care placement by DCFS; being considered for Wraparound, TBS, inpatient, level 10 and above group home Eligible for services under the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) program
WHO IS IMPACTED continued Have a mental disorder Require individualized mental health treatment
IMPLEMENTATION California developed a Core Practice Model Guide for counties, providers, families and youth California developed a Medi-Cal Manual for Intensive Care Coordination, Intensive Home Based Services, and Therapeutic Foster Care for the Katie A Subclass Members
IMPLEMENTATION Every county was asked to complete a readiness self assessment and a service delivery plan and submit them by May 15, 2013
LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION DSS and DBH to continue implementation planning: Continue to design service delivery model, operational needs and resources Review of data systems for Child Welfare and Mental Health Local training needs around the Core Practice Model and fiscal requirements Participation in State-sponsored trainings and meetings
NEXT STEPS Continue sharing knowledge and ideas for improving system Identity training, facilitation, and technical assistance needs