The Minor Prophets A Study of Obadiah
The Author of Obadiah ● Who was Obadiah? ● Who were Obadiah's parents? ● Where was Obadiah born? ● When and where did he die? ● Twelve other “Obadiah's” mentioned – Many are mentioned in genealogy lists – Nothing links these “Obadiah's” to this book
The Author of Obadiah ● We simply do not know who wrote Obadiah, except that his name was Obadiah! ● I would like to BRIEFLY mention a few possibilities
The Author of Obadiah ● The officer in Ahab's house who hid and fed 100 prophets of Jehovah when Jezebel massacred the prophets of Jehovah (1 Kings 18:3-16) – This event occurred about years before the book of Obadiah was written, if it were written around 845 BC (more on the time of Obadiah later) ● One of the teachers sent out by Jehoshaphat was named Obadiah (2 Chronicles 17:7-9) – Jehoshaphat's reign ended 3-5 years before Obadiah was written, if 845 BC is the date
The Author of Obadiah ● Obadiah was the name of an overseer of the work of repairing the temple in Josiah's day (2 Chron. 34:12) – The repair began in the 18 th year of Josiah, about BC, about years before Obadiah was written, if it were written in 586 BC
The Date of Obadiah ● There seem to be two possibilities for the time of Obadiah, about 845 BC and about 586 BC ● Verses mention an invasion of Jerusalem that Edom was involved with – This could have been the invasion during the reign of Jehoram (2 Chron. 21:8-17) – This could have been the invasion of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar just before the Babylonian captivity (2 Kings 24:1-2)
Date of Obadiah – the Late Date ● Compare Jeremiah 49:7-13 ● Compare Ezekiel 35:1-10 ● Compare Psalm 137:7 ● These texts are referring to the invasion of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar ● The “we” in Obadiah 1 refers to other prophets, these other prophets
Date of Obadiah – The Early Date ● Verse 11 “cast lots”; Babylon cast no lots for Jerusalem, they laid claim! ● The passages mentioned previously specify Babylon, Obadiah does not ● If Obadiah was later, then his entire work is basically copied from Jeremiah (Jer. 49:7-22)
The Early Date, About 845 BC ● Keil, Hailey, and Bob accept the early date, and it seems reasonable ● This makes Obadiah the earliest written prophet ● This places him in Judah during the reign of Jehoram ● He writes about the event mentioned in 2 Chron. 21:16-17
Jacob and Esau ● Paul gives us a brief synopsis of the enmity between Israel and Edom in Rom. 9:6-13 ● They struggled in Rebekah's womb and at birth (Gen. 25:22-26) ● Jacob took Esau's birthright (Gen. 25:27-34) ● Jacob stole the blessing from Isaac (Gen. 27) ● They had an anti-climactic meeting after this (Gen )
Jacob and Esau ● Edom refused to allow Israel to pass during the wandering (Num. 20:14-21), which caused Israel trouble ● However, Israel was instructed not to meddle with Edom (Deut. 2:1-7) ● David put Edom in subjection (2 Sam. 8:13-14) ● Edom revolted, prompting Obadiah's prophecy (2 Chron. 21:16-17; 2 Kings 8:20-21) ● Edomites became known as Idumeans; Herod was an Idumean
Jacob and Esau ● Throughout the Prophets, Edom is used as a symbol for unregenerate men; those in open rebellion against and disobedience to God ● “Esau was a profane man” (Heb. 12:16)
Edom's Judgment is Decreed: Obadiah 1-4 ● Who is bringing judgment on Edom? ● Edom is smitten with absolute arrogance! ● They trusted in their rough terrain ● The Lord says, “No matter how high you are, I will bring you down.”
Edom Will Be Completely Destroyed: Obadiah 5-9 ● It will be worse than thieves; nothing will be left in Edom! ● Oh how Esau will be searched out! ● Even their friends and confederates will turn against them, even secretly ● The wise men in Edom will be destroyed ● “Teman” is a prominent tribe in Edom (Gen. 36:11); used to refer to Edom itself sometimes
The Reason for Edom's Destruction: Obadiah ● Edom committed violence against Israel, specifically when he took part in an attack on Jerusalem ● Though Edom did not instigate, his participation was complete enough to warrant judgment ● Edom plundered Jerusalem during the attack ● Edom killed those who tried to escape Jerusalem ● Edom sought out and gave to the enemy those who did not attempt to escape
The Day of Jehovah Is Near: Obadiah ● This may be the first use of the term “Day of Jehovah”, though this term is used throughout the prophets to refer to God's judgment ● In the Day of Jehovah, Edom will be completely destroyed ● The other nations will drink and swallow up Edom ● Edom will be as though they had never been
Zion Will Be Exalted Over Edom: Obadiah ● This portion seems to be Messianic, “On Mount Zion there shall be deliverance... and holiness” ● “Then saviors shall come to Mount Zion... and the kingdom shall be Jehovah's” ● The Edomites were forced out of their land into Southern Judah, and were in subjection under the Macabees. Their identity was lost completely during the Roman empire. ● The only way for Edom to escape is to accept the Messiah, to go to Zion for deliverance
Zion Will Be Exalted Over Edom: Obadiah ● Notice Acts 15:15-18 compared with Amos 9:11- 12; This is how Israel will possess Edom ● The Sepharad in verse 20 is an uncertain location ● However, the point is that all of the remnant of Israel would be remembered, they will hear the gospel as it is preached throughout the world