Introduction “Have you forgotten how it felt that day to see your homeland under fire and her people blown away. Have you forgotten when those towers fell we had neighbors still inside… Have you forgotten all the people killed some went down like heroes in that Pennsylvania field. Have you forgotten about our Pentagon all the loved ones that we lost and those left to carry on.” (Darryl Worley- Have you Forgotten?” Jesus made a spiritual application when 18 people died in a tower to the people still living of their need to repent and so will we (Luke 13:4-5).
Have You Forgotten God Your Creator? God’s people had forgotten Him even though the prophets warned them many times. (Dt. 32:18, 39; Is. 51:12-13; Jer. 44:4, 9-10) Brides do not forget their wedding dress but they had rejected God to commit spiritual adultery and refused to admit their guilt (Jer. 2:32-3:2). They trusted in the lies of the false prophets who said there would be peace instead of calamity (Jer. 13:25; 5:31; 6:13-16; 23:14-17) If the prophets had stood for truth, the people would have turned away from sin (Jer. 23:22).
God Punishes those who Forget Him Pride led to His people forgetting Him when they went into the promised land (Deut. 8:11-20). God wanted Moses to teach the Israelites a song so that when they went into the land and practiced idolatry it would be a witness against them (Deut. 31:19-22). The Israelites died by famine, pestilence, and the sword because of their sin (Jer. 44:6, 11-13). The ones who survived went into captivity and only a few ever went home again. (Jer. 21:8-10; 22:8-10; 44:14)
But God does not Forget those who would Obey His Will Like a mother does not forget the child she nursed, God will not forget His children as He has inscribed them on the palms of his hands. (Isaiah 49:14-16) God promised and made a new covenant whereby man’s sins would be forgiven through the blood of Christ (Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:13; 9:15-17; John 20:28-29). God promised never to leave or forsake those who would do His will (Mt. 28:19-20; Heb. 13:5).
Conclusion Have you forgotten God your Creator like many Americans have forgotten 9/11? You have if you are continuing to practice sin [fornication, adultery, greed, pride, envy, deception, theft, etc] (Mark 7:21-23). You have if you believe false teachers who preach the errors of inherited depravity, faith only, and once saved always saved. God will punish those who forget Him with unquenchable fire (Heb. 2:1-4; 10:26-31)!
Conclusion If you have realized that you have forgotten God there is still hope for you since Jesus died for you so that you would not die in your sins and go to torment (Rom. 5:6-9). God has promised to forgive and be with those who are willing to repent and be baptized. (Mt. 28:18-20; Acts 2:38; Heb. 13:5) Christians- do not forget God’s word and be prideful but teach it to your children and grandchildren (Dt. 4:9; 6:1-2; Eph. 6:1-4).