餐厅英语 我想找个好吃又便宜的地方吃早餐,附 近有吗 | ? I’d like to find a good, cheap place around here? Anything good nearby? 这附近有好吃的中国餐厅吗? Is there a good Chinese place around.


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Presentation transcript:

餐厅英语 我想找个好吃又便宜的地方吃早餐,附 近有吗 | ? I’d like to find a good, cheap place around here? Anything good nearby? 这附近有好吃的中国餐厅吗? Is there a good Chinese place around here?

如果可以的话,我们想要靠窗的座 位。 We’d like a window table, if possible. 两人的位子要等多久? How long is the wait for a table for two? 请给我们吸烟区,我们在吧台等。 Smoking, please. We’ll wait in the bar.

你可能会听到餐厅工作人员说: 吸烟区还是非吸烟区? A smoking or non-smoking table? 只要一有位子,我们马上通知你。 We’ll call you as soon as your table is ready.

点餐: 你们的招牌酒如何呢? How is your house wine? 你推荐什么? What do you recommend? 有什么特色菜吗? Are there any specials?

餐厅服务员说: 我可以先帮您上开胃菜吗? Can I start you off with an appetizer? 我可以为您点餐了吗? May I take your order? 还要再考虑一下吗? Need another couple of minutes?

问题: 请给我们一些餐巾纸,好吗? Could we get some more napkins, please? 我们少了两只汤匙。 We’re missing a couple of spoons. 对不起,这不是我点的。 I’m sorry. This isn’t what I ordered.

买单: 我想我们的账单有误。 I think there’s a mistake on our bill. 请给我们账单好吗? Could we have the check, please?

形容饭菜: 太好吃了。 It was delicious! 每道菜太油腻了。 Everything was too oily. 每道菜太咸了。 Everything was too salty. 我不喜欢这道鱼。 I didn’t care for the fish.

bride bridegroom honeymoon fiancée fiancé stag party engagement ring maid maid of honor best man wedding ceremony anniversary wedding reception wedding dress

Marriage Celebration in US   Engagement Fiancé gives future wife a ring, usually with a diamond; bride’s friends give bridal showers where bride receives household gifts; friends of the groom give him a “stag party”.   Wedding Guests attend the ceremony and, if invited, a reception afterwards; guests give gifts, usually of expensive silver, china or glassware, or money How do Chinese celebrate marriage?

Customs and superstitions   Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a silver sixpence inside your shoe.   Marry in white, you will do all right Marry in blue, your man will be true Marry in brown, you will live in town Marry in green, you should be ashamed to be seen Marry in red, wish yourself dead Marry in black, better turn back Marry in yellow, not marrying the right fellow Marry in gray, sadness will come your way What are the customs and superstitions in Chinese wedding?

Before the Interview   Research the company, its products, industry and competition;   Practice answering common questions;   Prepare a list of questions that you would like to ask the employer;   Review your resume;   Prepare several copies of your resume, references and any pertinent work samples;   Dress in a clean, conservative business suit. Remember, less is more … wear simples jewelry and use perfume and cologne sparingly.   Bring a pen and notepad to the interview to jot down information;   Arrive ten minutes early.

Questions which are often asked in an interview   What university do you attend?   When will you graduate from the university?   Please tell me about the courses you have completed at university.   What is your favorite course?   Are you a student leader at college?   Have you got any honors or rewards in your university days?   Have you been involved in any extracurricular activities at college?   Why are you interested in working with this company?   Have you applied for a similar post to any other company?   Can you sell yourself in two minutes ?   What make you think you would be a success in this position ?

  Do you work well under stress or pressure?   What is your strongest trait(s) ?   How do you normally handle criticism ?   How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work?   How do you handle your failure ?   What provide you with a sense of accomplishment?   What is most important in your life right now ? / What current issues concern you the most ?   How long would you like to stay with this company ?   Would you project what you would like to be doing five years from now ?