1 Alexander Gelbukh Moscow, Russia
2 Mexico
3 Computing Research Center (CIC), Mexico
4 Chung-Ang University, Korea Electronic Commerce and Internet Application Lab
5 Special Topics in Computer Science Advanced Topics in Information Retrieval Alexander Gelbukh
6 Information Retrieval In a huge amount of poorly structured information find the information that you need when you dont know exactly what you need or cant explain it Key concepts: The Web User information need Ranking
9 Importance Knowledge: the main treasure of man Web: Repository? Cemetery of information! Natural language and multimedia information oPoorly structured, badly written Corporate and organizational document bases oSenate speeches: Mexico oMedical data collections oCorporate memory. Microsoft knowledge base Future: data explosion increasing importance
10 Perspectives Corporations: corporate databases Organizations: document bases Government oEuropean Union multilingual problem oThe same in Asia Academy oLots of open research topics oWeb topics oComputational Linguistics topics oIntelligent technologies, AI
11 Textbook
12 Contents 1.Introduction 2.Modeling 3.Retrieval Evaluation 4.Query Languages 5.Query Operations 6.Text and Multimedia Languages and Properties 7.Text Operations 8.Indexing and Searching 9.Parallel and Distributed IR 10.User Interfaces and Visualization 11.Multimedia IR: Models and Languages 12.Multimedia IR: Indexing and Searching 13.Searching the Web 14.Libraries and Bibliographical Systems 15.Digital Libraries
13 Calendar 1.March 4Presentation of the course 2.March 11Chapter 1: Introduction. Paper presentation. 3.March 18Chapter 2: Modeling. Paper presentation. 4.March 25Chapter 3: Retrieval evaluation. Paper presentation. 5.April 1Chapters 4-7. Paper presentation. 6.April 8Chapter 8: Indexing and Searching. Paper presentation. 7.April 15Chapter 9: Parallel and Distributed IR. 8.April 22Midterm exam. Consultations. Discussion. 9.April 29Chapter 11: Multimedia IR: Models and languages 10.May 6Paper presentation and discussion. 11.May 13Chapter 12: Multimedia IR: Indexing and Searching 12.May 20Paper presentation and discussion. 13.May 27Thesis presentation. 14.June 3Thesis presentation. 15.June 10Paper presentation and discussion. 16.June 17Final exam. Consultations. Discussion.
14 Class structure Main course: Information Retrieval Discussion of previous chapter. Questions I briefly present a new chapter Research seminar: Natural Language Processing Discussion of previous paper. Questions. oIdentification of possible research topics Presentation of a new paper or current work Discussion and questions Goal: publications!
15 Evaluation Oral tests Written test Activity in paper presentations and discussions Preparation of papers for publication
16 Papers for the next classes March 11: Challenges in the Interaction of Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing Ricardo Baeza-Yates March 18: Head/Modifier Frames for Information Retrieval Cornelis H.A. Koster
17 Thank you! Till March 11