Have you ever heard this… “Church of Christ…ya’ll are those people who don’t believe in the Old Testament.” There could be nothing further from the truth than this statement. We believe the OT is highly valuable for its purpose and within its boundaries.
Major Purpose of the OT The major purpose of the Old Testament was to get us to Christ and Christianity (Gal. 3:24). Its one major boundary is it a temporal law, given specifically to the Israelites (Jer. 31:31-34, Heb. 8:13).
The Old Testament is not… Being our law and judge today (Jn. 12:48; Col 2:14). Making peace between Jew & Gentile (Eph. 2:14-15; Rom. 10:15, 1:16). How to become a Christian (Acts 4:11- 12).
The Old Testament is not… How to worship God today (Col. 3:17, Jn. 4:24). Not a pattern for NT church today (I Cor. 3:11; Heb. 9:11,15). Not the book to know Jesus by (2 Tim. 1:13; in prophecy—not reality).
Old Testament Answers Fundamental Questions of Life Who am I (Gen 1:26; 2:7)? Where am I (Gen. 1:1; creation not evolution). Why am I here (vale of soul making Eccl 12:13-14; one and only probationary period, to glorify God—Isa. 43:7).
Old Testament Answers Fundamental Questions of Life Who is God (Jn. 4:23, trinity—Gen 1:26, Father—Heb. 12:9ff). How long will I be here (James 4:14, Ps. 90:10-12)? Where do I go after this life (Job 14:14— Matt 25:46, Phil. 3:20-21—Heaven or Hell).
Old Testament Details Man’s Relationship with God God created man as a free moral agent and placed him in the luscious garden of Eden (Gen 2:7, Josh 24:15, 2 Pet. 1:10). God made one simple law for Adam and Eve to follow (Gen. 2:16-17; James 1:25).
Old Testament Details Man’s Relationship with God Man was tempted by the devil and sinned (Gen. 3, Rom. 5:12, Ezek. 18:4; Rom. 3:23). Ever since the first sin God has been working to get us back to the tree of lie and Himself (Rev. 22:2, Jn. 14:6).
The Old Testament Defined, Magnified, & Promised Forgiveness for Sin. The law showed sin as it is (Rom. 7:13, Rom 3:20). The law kept sin in check (Gal. 3:19, Rom 3:19, Rom. 4:15). The law showed the consequences of sin (Gen 3—death, Ezek. 18:4, Isa. 59:1-2, Rev. 21:8).
The Old Testament Defined, Magnified, & Promised Forgiveness for Sin. The law could not forgive sins (Heb. 10:4, 9:14ff). But, the law did promise forgiveness of sins (Jer. 31:34; Ps. 103:11-12, Micah 7:18-19).
OT Gives Real Life Examples Job—the value and causes of suffering. Noah and the flood—the wrath of God (Rom 1:18-20).
OT Gives Real Life Examples Nadab & Abihu—the fatality of a lack of authority. Cain and Abel—do not murder (Ex. 20). David and Bathsheba—the sin of adultery
OT Points to Christ Gen. 3:15—Victory is Coming Gen. 22:18—Blessings are Coming Gen. 49:10—Peace is Coming Jer. 31:31-34—A New “Better” Law is Coming Isa. 7:14—God in the flesh is coming 2 Sam. 7:12—A King is Coming Zech. 13:1—Forgiveness is coming