Trends in Higher Education Series 2005
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Ten-Year Trend in Funds Used to Finance Postsecondary Education Expenses, to
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Total Student Aid by Type Estimated Student Aid by Source for Academic Year in Current Dollars (in Billions)
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Types of Grants and Loans Growth of Federal, Institutional, Private/Employer, and State Grant Dollars in Constant (2004) Dollars, to Growth of Stafford, PLUS, and Nonfederal Loan Dollars in Constant (2004) Dollars, to
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Source: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), National Postsecondary Student Aid Student (NPSAS), 2004 undergraduates, Data Analysis System (DAS); calculations by the authors. Student Debt Levels Debt Levels of Undergraduate Degree Recipients,
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Distribution of Federal Aid by Type of Institution,
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Grants and Loans for Undergraduate and Graduate Students Percent Share of Total Aid, to
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Average Student Aid Per Full-Time Equivalent Student to
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Pell Grants Maximum Pell Grant As a Percentage of Published Tuition, Fee, Room & Board Charges at Public and Private Four- Year Colleges & Universities, to
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Pell Grants Number of Pell Grant Recipients, to Total Pell Expenditures, Maximum Pell Grant, and Average Pell Grant in Constant (2004) Dollars, to
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Source: Based on annual survey of National Association of State Student Grant and Aid Programs (NASSGAP). State Grants to Undergraduate Students Total Need-Based and Non-Need-Based State Grants in Constant (2004) Dollars, to
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Source: David Mundel, unpublished reports, 2005; based on NPSAS: Institutional Grants: Private Colleges and Universities Average Institutional Grant and Average Pell Plus State Grant Per Full-Time Dependent Student by Family Income Level and Price Level,
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Institutional Grants: Private Colleges and Universities Average Institutional Grant and Average Pell Plus State Grant Per Full-Time Dependent Student by Family Income Level and Price Level, Source: David Mundel, unpublished reports, 2005; based on NPSAS:
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Income Distribution of Dependent Students by Tuition Level, Private Four-Year Institutions,
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Source: David Mundel, unpublished reports, 2005; based on NPSAS: Institutional Grants: Public Colleges and Universities Average Institutional Grant and Average Pell Plus State Grant Per Full-Time Dependent Student by Family Income Quartiles,
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Note: Loan aid includes federal loans only, not private nonfederal loans. Growth in Tuition and Fees, Income, and Aid Inflation-Adjusted Changes in Tuition & Fees, Family Income, and Student Aid, to and to
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Source: College Savings Plans Network (National Association of State Treasurers. College Savings Plans Total Assets in Section 529 College Savings Plans, 1996 to 2005 Number of Section 529 Accounts (with Average Savings), 1996 to 2005
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Source: Individual Income Tax Returns, Preliminary Data 2003, Source: Individual Income Tax Returns, Preliminary Data 2003, Individual Income Tax Rates and Shares, 2002; calculations by the authors. Federal Education Tax Credits and Tuition Deductions Federal Education Tax Credits: Distribution of Savings by Adjusted Gross Income Level, 2003 Federal Tuition and Fee Deduction: Distribution of Savings by Adjusted Gross Income Level, 2003
Trends in Higher Education Series 2005, October 18, Sandy Baum Senior Policy Analyst The College Board