Roadside Vegetation Management Solution. This technology allows you to cut brush up to 4” in diameter and apply herbicide at the SAME TIME. There is no airborne drift or soil contamination. Environmentally Safe This system can greatly reduce the amount of chemical applied per acre and controls where the chemicals are being applied. EcoBlade is only applied to what is being cut, absolutely nothing else. Cost Savings The EcoBlade system can greatly reduce the costs to manage vegetation because we allow 2 jobs to be done at the same time AND reduce the amount of chemicals used.
The EcoBlade looks like a regular slope mower and cuts brush the same way…but these looks are very deceiving!! The herbicide is pumped from the tank to the blades for application. Herbicide Containers Mowing Deck
EcoBlade’s unique design allows herbicide to stay on the bottom of the blade using centrifugal force to run the chemical underneath the blade as it spins. The amount of herbicide is precisely controlled by the speed of the tractor…this will be explained later. Bottom of Blade Herbicide
The blade bar is machine milled and balanced for chemical delivery to shoulder bolts from the center spindle out to each blade bolt Hole for chemical Spindle Hole Chemical Flow
The chemical comes through a machine milled shoulder bolt and through the chemical bar and onto the blade. Chemical Flow
Chemical Bar Blade Chemical Flow
This picture is from a demo that was done. The blue on the blade is a dye that was put into one of the tanks to show how the chemical works with the EcoBlade system. Chemical exit hole No chemical on deck shell indicates no drift. The chemical is only applied to the brush being cut.
The chemical travels outward onto the blades due to centrifugal force. The unique part of this is that the herbicide stays on the bottom of the blade and does not drop off. Blade direction Blade wing creates the air flow
The chemical stays on the bottom of the blade until it touches the very top of the stubble. The cut brush then pulls the chemical off of the blade, instantly penetrating the plant Herbicide
Dye shown being brushed onto the stem after the cut. Notice there is no dye except on the cut part of the stem.
The EcoBlade system is available with one of two types of blades Swing Blades (not available on 8’ deck) Solid Blades
Stackable clear 5 gallon Flo Thru cells Cells are pre-mixed with the prescribed chemical mix, water, and fully labeled. The customer does not have to handle the chemical at all. Flo-Thru Cells
EcoBlade is available with one of two chemical flow control systems RheostatComputer
The roller pump pushes the chemical through the hose or tube to the blades. Roller Pump Electronic motor that turns the roller pump. Roller pump - each EcoBlade has one roller pump per spindle.
The motor spins the roller causing the pump to apply pressure to the hose, thus creating suction and pushing chemical to the blades.
This plot was done in Virginia using the Wet Blade system to mow and apply Plant Growth Regulators. You can see the staked in area where no chemical was used and the area around it where the EcoBlade mowed and treated with the Plant Growth Regulator Plateau. This picture was taken a few weeks after treatment.
This shows a highway median where no chemical was applied during mowing (left) and where the EcoBlade mowed and applied Plateau on the right. This picture was taken 50 days after treatment! Chemical AppliedNo Chemical Applied
Take a look at how effective the EcoBlade system is on typically difficult to manage Salt Cedar. The image below shows a control plot that was mowed but not treated. Look at the massive amount of re-growth. Before
This image shows a plot that was mowed and treated with a mixture of Remedy and Vista in the EcoBlade system. Keep Salt Cedar under control with the EcoBlade! After
Cat Challenger MT525B with 25’ Diamond boom & travel rest & 50” Diamond cutter
Case 125 with Diamond 144” twin rotary
Diamond 6’ Wet Blade Deck with 4wd John Deere 6715
Diamond 8’ Wet Blade Deck with Challenger MT525B
Bobcat T1300 with 60” Diamond rotary
Diamond Mowers, Inc. TJ Honke Regional Sales Manager Western US & Western Canada (605)