The history of establishment The Institute was established under the decision of USSR Ministries Council №530 from 29 July 1991,Tajik USSR Ministries Council № 266 from 2 September 1991 For the first year of establishment on functioned 3 departments, where worked 2 PhD and 19 candidates of science. The number of students admission on 4 specialties was 88: (world economics, economics and business administration, arts and crafts, fabric and textile technology) and the Institute was the only educational Knowledge with 17 classroom.
IES nowadays 5 faculties: - «financial service» - «Entrepreneurship and Business» - «Tourism and Customs» - «Information Services and Marketing» - «Accounting and Management» At the institute also operates Gymnasium
IES nowadays The scientific and pedagogical staff of the institute consists of 179 persons, composed of professors who are working 17, 58 candidates of sciences, 42 senior lecturers and 52 assistants.
Number of graduates IES from 1996 till 2011.
nowadays Implementing, its activity on full economic accounting for the years of functioning, institute was able to create the necessary training facilities to improve working conditions and build a new business and servicing building. Presently, the institute has four educational buildings with 72 classrooms at 2246 seats. More than 300 computers with the connection to the internet are available for the students and teachers during the classes and research papers. Among the 72 institute classrooms, 9 of them are for computers using, 21 for lessons and 1 laboratory for custom.
The students are servicing by: Electronically library, 2 reading rooms with 100 seats, 2 athletic fields, 1 sport hall, 2 kitchens, cafeteria, bookstore, shop of school supplies, medical clinic, dentistry Assembly hall, Informational-communicational centre. Registration and information centre Tourism and hospitality centre Modern hostel. In information and communications center operated publisher and editors of the Institute, which published books and manuals of teachers,publishes the newspaper "Sohibkor", magazine "Paem" and other educational and scientific works and textbooks. On the initiative of the Centre of Tourism and Hospitality in the Institute was created TechnoPark on hospitality and service in tourism sphere and techno park on the pottery, where will not only students of the institute, can develop their skills in these areas, but the waiters of restaurants cafes who services organizations and other interested persons, also. Institute of Entrepreneurship & Service
Accreditation IES Over 20 years of the function, the institute 3 times passed attestation and state accreditation, demonstrating its compliance with national standards of higher professional schools and to this day has released more than 4,500 highly skilled specialists for the development of national economy. Presently, the institute preparing the specialists for more than specialties.
IES international relations The Institute is a member of many international organizations: Members of the International Academy of institutions of higher education Members of the Information Network of Central Asia - EDNET Member of the International Association of Universities – TARENA SCO leading university in the "IT" technology of the Republic of Tajikistan Member of the International Tourism Organization.
Scientific activity in IES Preparation of the experts having scientifically-practical skills is one of the basic directions of work of institute. For years functioning of institute,5 teachers have protected the thesis for PhD and 17 teachers of institute have defended the dissertation of the candidate of science. Since 2006 the postgraduate study of institute functioning on specialties – «the Economic theory», – «Economy and management of national economy» and – «Tool methods and the economic mathematics» where studying 23 post-graduate students and 17 researchers. Under the decision of the Higher certifying commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation since 2010 at institute functioning Council of dissertations protection of candidates of science on 2 economic specialties: and
The main activity directions Teaching and educational Preparation of the highly-skilled personnel meeting modern requirements of the market to come to the forefront in republic, as the basic educational center in sphere of business, tourism and service; scientific On the basis of the best domestic and foreign traditions, taking into account requirements and specificity of republic to keep and expand scientific potential in the advanced branches; cultural Transformation of institute into one of the cultural centers by creation of certain spiritual preconditions innovational Transformation of institute into the center of innovative development and scientific achievements; entrepreneurship Development of small medium entrepreneurship activity, by cooperation with business structures and the industrial enterprises, their attraction in realization of social and economic programs of institute.
Features of introduction of credit system Since 2007 the IES has passed to Credit system of training (CST). Process of Bolonsky. In 2007, CSR has been implemented in 4 groups of 1-year student majoring "World Economy" In academic year 80 academic teams are trained in CST Currently, the IES is implementing the European credit accumulation system ECTS.
Features of introduction of credit system in the IES In organizing the learning process by credit technology the program and curriculum approved by a special decision of the Ministry of Education of RT. implement the credit system uses three forms of the curriculum for each specialty: - basic (general, specialty) curriculums approved by the Ministry of Education of RT and employees to determine the content and complexity of academic work of each student - individual training plans drawn up with the participation of the academic adviser (Adviser), and determining the educational trajectory of students -working plans - is to create an annual schedule of the educational process and the calculation complexity of the training of teachers.
Features of introduction of credit system in the IES For conversion from hourly labor in loans made following relation Labor: 1 credit = 16 hours of classroom work a semester. Educational work plans in the field are divided into three sections: - general subjects (containing 74 credits); - basic disciplines - DB (116 credits); - majors - PD (containing 66 credit) - Total 256 staff on admission to the Bachelor
In the IES made the following relation of compulsory and elective subjects: - for general studies 75% to 25%; - for basic subjects 60% to 40%: - majors for 55% to 45%. - Individual curriculum for each student is formed in each academic year personally by the student, if necessary with the help of advisors. - The plan approved by the dean of the faculty and stored in the Registration Centre. Approved copy issued to the student.
Annual load of teachers in the IES (1 staff), regardless of the degree is set at the rate of 32 credits per week. From this amount, 16 credits allocated to classroom work and 16 credits for an independent student work with teachers
Features of introduction of credit system in the IES IES is responsible for all methodological support of educational process. In particular, for each specialty on faculty until July 5 to be prepared: Program of disciplines for students (Sillabus), which include topics and duration of each session; curriculum on all disciplines (in accordance with the working curriculum) with the complexity of the credits; materials for classroom work in each discipline: the texts of lectures, seminars plans, practical and laboratory classes; sets of visual aids and support materials (handouts) for the classroom; materials of for self-study student under the guidance of a teacher: typing assignments, self-control materials, sample essays, term papers, a list of textbooks and teaching materials in print and electronic forms; Materials for training and work practices: the plans and programs of the practices, forms, reporting; students' knowledge control materials of (quizzes on sections of the course, exam tests, tasks, etc)
Maintaining the list of control actions which are formed on the basis of curricula and are reflected in a group card. Formation and maintaining Sheets on disciplines and forms of intermediate and total control according to the curriculum. Maintaining Log-books of attendance. This information is used at formation of reports on the attendance analysis. Analysis of the academic debt. Data on the academic debt are reflected in a card of the student. Preparations of documents: loose leaves to diplomas. Center of registration of the accounting of progress of students.
The set of statistical reports allows to receive data by results of session: Results of test week; session Results on faculty, a course, chair, disciplines, cycles of disciplines, group; Problem groups, disciplines; Rating of faculties. For providing quality of education at Institute about the monitoring department quality of education is created. The skilled professor directs department and 5 exporters from among professorial teaching structure which carry out monitorings quality of lecture practical and written works of students and young teachers work. Results of monitoring it is systematically considered on methodical Council of Institute