Stone Bridge Rowing Club The Form of things A Picture Story
Catch Position Body Preparation Legs compressed Shoulders forward of the hips Arms extended, shoulders match handle Hand lift to place oar (put it in)
The Drive Portion After connection (catch) Legs pick up the boat Shoulder’s level does not change Arms and upper body connect to the legs Hang on the handle After legs whip the back Catch Placement/Body Prep/Leg Shove Push w/ Legs, No Shoulder Lift, Stay low, Hang and Uncoil
Drive to Acceleration As legs are used up shoulders take leg speed to the bow Stay tall Set the shoulders draw the arms Chin stays up Set the Back, Draw the arm to finish, no hump wrist Accelerate Back, Arms Hang. Then Pickup Drive - Finish As Legs are used up, Back swings to bow
Finish to Release Set Your body Tall Shoulders, past Hips No slouch Finish off body Elbow up off gunwale Center off the boat Shoulders square
Recovery to Catch After Release Let boat move Hands lead the body Weight swings to stern Keep balance Feel boat move under Pull lightly with toes Catch is the end of Recovery Tap down over crotch, show the blade face then feather Hands, shoulders, slide 3/4 slide, body set, from here lengthen slide to full, lift hand to place oar, seat does not stop in stern Catch is the end of the Recovery, Repeat Cycle