UNDP & CDM: Strategy for Efficient Implementation Forum MDP Maroc Project de Renforcement des Capacités sur le Mécanisme de Développement Propre Arun Kashyap Climate Change & CDM Adviser UNDP April 2004
Underlying Principle Millennium Development Goal Halve the proportion of people living in extreme poverty by 2015 Water, Energy, Health, Agriculture & Biodiversity (WEHAB) Climate Change - a cross cutting issue
Efficient CDM Process Obtaining high value investments New investments to catalyze reduced carbon development Divert existing investments to areas that would reduce GHG emissions Host country approval – Designated National Authority Sustainable development criteria – host country responsibility Lead to high quality CERs Obtaining optimum price for CERs
Learning by Doing: UNDP’s Experience - Findings Existence of win-win project opportunities Large proportion of small size projects Good rate of return on a project is a necessary but not a sufficient condition Demand for transparent government infrastructure and clarity on institutional responsibilities Critical need for human, institutional and systemic capacity and enabling environment
Designated National Authorities (DNAs): Learning Project promotion and Project over- sight represent inherent conflict Inputs from diverse stake holders can be beneficial Efficient administrative structures reduce transaction costs Clarity in implementation guidelines Sustainable Development Criteria
Sustainable Development Criteria Equity, Efficiency and Sustainability and Defined by national priorities Microeconomic and Project based Ability to Measure and Monitor Operational Transparent Participatory Minimal – Keep it Simple
Sustainable Development Vs. MDG Indicators Can MDG Indicators provide guidance for development of the Sustainable Development Indicators?
Other Lessons Need to start now! CER price is a concern Need to understand the market Reduce transaction costs Long term and equity perspective ⇓ Capacity Development
Spectrum of Needs Human, Institutional & System-wide Capacity Geographical and Project Equity Small size projects Efficient and Participatory Policy Environment & Innovative Macroeconomic Instruments Long term perspective Obtaining optimum terms of trade
CDM Strategy Capacity Development to Implement CDM Human Institutional System-wide Learning by Doing Small Size Projects
UNF CDM Project: Phase 1 Project Entrepreneurs -Brazil: Bioenergia, BP -South Africa: PIKITUP, Mondi UNDP (coordinator) WBCSD, UNIDO, UNCTAD Host Government Bilateral support DANIDA Learning-by- Sharing for other Entrepreneurs PDDs Developed Civil Society (Universities, NGO) Potential Buyers: Danish Gov’t, PCF
UNF CDM Project: Phase II UNDP (coordinator) UNIDO, UNCTAD, WBCSD, Natsource Host Governments Secondar y Partners (donors, industry, civil society) Project Entrepreneurs Pipeline of Bankable CDM projects Sustainable Development Criteria Support to DNA Advisory Services for Projects and GHG Market Network of South- South Knowledge Sharing ENABLING ENVIRONMENT FOR EFFICIENT CDM
UNDP-CDCF Collaboration CDCF UNDP GEF SGP Projects Non-SGP GEF Projects UNDP Energy Projects (TTF) Develop Portfolio of Viable Projects UNDP - GEF SGP -Entrepreneurs - UNDP COs Small-Scale CDM Projects CDCF - CDCF Plus
UNDP-Canada CDM Efforts UNDP DFAIT CDM Institutional Capacity Development - Progress towards SD criteria - Progress towards effective DNA Host Government -South Africa -Brazil Private Sector -Civil Society -Other donors (DANIDA, WB)
UNDP CDM User’s Guide
Country Level Activities Ongoing q Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Malaysia, Morocco, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Trinidad & Tobago, South Africa Planned q Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, African Region, SIDS In house capacity building Best practices