Transparency International Corruption Perception Index 2008 Transparency International-Estonia.


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Presentation transcript:

Transparency International Corruption Perception Index 2008 Transparency International-Estonia

Corruption Perception Index(CPI) Transparency International (international anti-corruption organisation) has been analysing the corruption perception since In Estonia corruption perception has been analysed since Today, on the 23rd of September CPI of 2008 is launched globally and simultaneously by local chapters of Transparency International.

Corruption Perception Index(CPI) Estonia’s index improved by 0.1 grade and position by one rank – score 6,6, 27th position In comparison: 2007 – score 6,5, 28th position 2008 – 180 countries 2007 – 180 countries

What is CPI 2008? Measures the degree to which corruption is perceived to exist among public officials and politicians. Draws on 13 different polls and surveys from 11 independent institutions carried out among experienced observers, such as business people and country analysts, including local experts.

Objectives Measure the level of corruption in public sector by experienced observers, researchers (business people, academic persons, risk analysts). To enhance comparative understanding of levels of corruption. To offer a snapshot of the views of experts who influence trade and investment. To stimulate scientific research and complementary diagnostic analysis on causes and consequences of corruption, both at international and national level. To create public awareness of corruption – and create a climate for change.

Methodology CPI is regularly conducted survey of surveys Broad definition of corruption – use of public power for private benefits. -Minimum of 3 surveys per country -CPI 2008 consists of 2 previous years ( years) Country scores on a scale from 10 (very clean) to 0 (very corrupt). A composite index - different sampling and varying methodologies.

What is taken into account? Focused on perception not hard data( difficult to access and questionable value – is it possible to compare condemnatory judgements, cases, publications etc.). Is considered: Bribery of civil servants; Drawbacks or hinders in public procurement ; Embezzlement of public appliances; Existence of anti-corruption policies and strategies and studies concerning their functioning; Includes as well as administrative and political corruption.

Year to year comparison CPI gives a hint for the business people and different analysts, not so much focusing on the time-series trends. Score matters more than rank.

Sources 2008 All the sources estimate the level of corruption in public sector ADB: Country Performance Assessment Ratings by the ADB AFDB: Country Policy and Institutional Assessment by the AFDB BTI: Bertelsmann Transformation Index (Estonia 2007) CPIA: Country Policy and Institutional Assessment by the IDA and IBRD EIU: Economist Intelligence Unit (Estonia 2008) FH: Freedom House, Nations in Transit (Estonia 2008) GI: Global Insights (formerly World Markets Research Centre) (Estonia 2008) IMD: World Competitiveness Report of the Institute for Management Development (Estonia 2007, 2008) MIG: Merchant International Group (Estonia 2007) PERC: Political and Economic Risk Consultancy, Hong Kong WEF: Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum (Estonia 2007)

CPI challenges Composite methodology can result in misinterpretation - Only the countries with sufficient information are analysed - Endeavours of the countries to fight corruption is not measured - inclusion of information of 2-3 years instead of one Political sensitivity of CPI - Accusation that fingers are pointed at developing countries. - Ignores the actions taken in the countries to fight corruption

What is CPI good for? promote public debates Provide an incentive to conduct complementary local diagnostics Create worldwide media coverage (raise awareness and draw attention) Drive demand for change, as a powerful advocacy tool Brand-identify TI globally

CPI 2008 Ranking Countries perceived as being least corrupt Follow: Finland, Switserland, Iceland, Nederlands, Australia, Canada, Luxembourg, Austria, Hong Kong, Germany, Norway, Ireland, United Kingdom, Belgium, Japan, USA, Saint Lucia, Barbados, Chile, France, Uruguay, Slovenia, Estonia RankCountryScoreSurveys used 1Denmark9.36 New Zealand9.36 Sweden9.36 4Singapore9.29

Rank Country Index 1.Denmark9,3 1. Sweden9,3 4. Finland9,0 7. Nederlands 8,9 11. Luxembourg8,3 12. Austria 8,1 14. Germany 8,1 16. Ireland 7,7 16. United Kingdom7,7 18. Belgium 7,3 23.France 6,9 26.Slovenia 6,7 27. Estonia6,6 28. Spain 6,5 31.Cyprus6,4 32.Portugal6,1 36.Malta5,8 45. Czech Republic5,2 47.Hungary5,1 52.Slovakia5,0 52.Latvia 5,0 55.Italy4,8 57.Greece4,7 58.Lithuania4,6 58.Poland4,6 70.Rumenia 3,8 72.Bulgaria3,6

CPI-riikide järjestus Denmark9,360,2 1New Zealand9,360,2 1Sweden9,360,1 4Singapore9,290,3 5Finland9,060,8 5Switzerland9,060,4 7Iceland 50,9 7Netherlands8,960,5 9Australia8,780,7 9Canada8,760,5 11Luxembourg8,360,8 12Austria8,160,8 12Hong Kong8,181,0 14Germany7,960,6 14Norway7,960,6 16Ireland7,760,3 16United Kingdom7,760,7 18Belgium7,36 18Japan7,38 18USA7,38 21Saint Lucia7,13 22Barbados7,04 23Chile6,97 23France6,96 23Uruguay6,95 26Slovenia6,78 27Estonia6,68 28Qatar6,54 28 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines6,53 28Spain6,56 31Cyprus6,43

CPI-riikide järjestus Portugal6,16 33Dominica6,03 33Israel6,06 35United Arab Emirates5,95 36Botswana5,86 36Malta5,84 36Puerto Rico5,84 39Taiwan5,79 40South Korea5,69 41Mauritius5,55 41Oman5,55 43Bahrain5,45 43Macao5,44 45Bhutan5,25 45Czech Republic5,28 47Cape Verde5,13 47Costa Rica5,15 47Hungary5,18 47Jordan5,17 47Malaysia5,19 52Latvia5,06 52Slovakia5,08 54South Africa4,98 55Italy4,86 55Seychelles4,84 57Greece4,76 58Lithuania4,68 58Poland4,68 58Turkey4,67 61Namibia4,56 62Croatia4,48 62Samoa4,43 62Tunisia4,46 65Cuba4,34 65Kuwait4,35 67El Salvador3,95 67Georgia3,97 67Ghana3,96 70Colombia3,87 70Romania3,88

CPI- riikide järjestus Bulgaria3,68 72China3,69 72FYR Macedonia3,66 72Mexico3,67 72Peru3,66 72Suriname3,64 72Swaziland3,64 72Trinidad and Tobago3,64 80Brazil3,57 80Burkina Faso3,57 80Morocco3,56 80Saudi Arabia3,55 80Thailand3,59 85Albania3,45 85India3,410 85Madagascar3,47 85Montenegro3,45 85Panama3,45 85Senegal3,47 85Serbia3,46 92Algeria3,26 92 Bosnia and Herzegovina3,27 92Lesotho3,25 92Sri Lanka3,27 96Benin3,16 96Gabon3,14 96Guatemala3,15 96Jamaica3,15 96Kiribati3,13 96Mali3,16 102Bolivia3,06 102Djibouti3,04 102Dominican Republic3,05 102Lebanon3,04 102Mongolia3,07 102Rwanda3,05 102Tanzania3,07

CPI-riikide järjestus Argentina2,97 109Armenia2,97 109Belize2,93 109Moldova2,97 109Solomon Islands2,93 109Vanuatu2,93 115Egypt2,86 115Malawi2,86 115Maldives2,84 115Mauritania2,87 115Niger2,86 115Zambia2,87 121Nepal2,76 121Nigeria2,77 121Sao Tome and Principe2,73 121Togo2,76 121Viet Nam2,79 126Eritrea2,65 126Ethiopia2,67 126Guyana2,64 126Honduras2,66 126Indonesia2, Libya2,65 126Mozambique2,67 126Uganda2,67 134Comoros2,53 134Nicaragua2,56 134Pakistan2,57 134Ukraine2,58 138Liberia2,44 138Paraguay2,45 138Tonga2,43 141Cameroon2,37 141Iran2,34 141Philippines2,39 141Yemen2,35 145Kazakhstan2,26 145Timor-Leste2,24

CPI-riikide järjestus Bangladesh2,17 147Kenya2,17 147Russia2,18 147Syria2,15 151Belarus2, Central African Republic2,05 151Côte d´Ivoire2,06 151Ecuador2,05 151Laos2,06 151Papua New Guinea2,06 151Tajikistan2,08 158Angola1,96 158Azerbaijan1,98 158Burundi1,96 158Congo, Republic1,96 158Gambia1,95 158Guinea-Bissau1,93 158Sierra Leone1,95 158Venezuela1,97 166Cambodia1,87 166Kyrgyzstan1,87 166Turkmenistan1,85 166Uzbekistan1,88 166Zimbabwe1,87

CPI –riikide järjestus Congo, Democratic Republic1,76 171Equatorial Guinea1,74 173Chad1,66 173Guinea1,66 173Sudan1,66 176Afghanistan1,54 177Haiti1,44 178Iraq1,34 178Myanmar1,34 180Somalia1,04

CPI 2008 Ranking Countries perceived as being most corrupt RankCountryScoreSurveys used 177Haiti Iraq1.34 Myanmar Somalia1.04

Interesting: Ranking Country Index 109 (117)Moldova 2,9 (2,8) 67 (79) Georgia3,9 (3,4) 134 (118)Ukraine2,5 (2.7) 147 (143 ) Russia 2,1 (2,3) 151 (150) Belorussia2,0 (2.1)

Estonia in CPI tabel Year Countries Ranking Index Sources , , , , , , , , ,7 8 (2a) ,5 8 (2a) (2a)

Possible influence on Estonia’s CPI Positive: Adoption of new anti-corruption strategy for the years Active investigation of corruption by law machinery Raise in general corruption awareness Negative: Disclosure of new corruption impeachments Insufficient control over local governments and public procurement Insufficient supervision over party financing

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