COMPREHENSIVE TSUNAMI DISASTER PREVENTION TRAINING COURSE Public Works Research Institute – International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management Target Countries: India, Indonesia, The Maldives, Sri Lanka Cost of Action: 200,000 USD Stakeholders/beneficiaries: Nat’l & local governments; related disaster preparedness agencies
Implementation process Dates:2 June – 11 July, 2008 Place:Tsukuba, Japan Org. in funding cooperation: PWRI; JICA Japan Objective: to develop human resources who work for comprehensive tsunami disaster mitigation Participants: 11 participants; section chief-level personnel who are responsible for promoting tsunami disaster mitigation CURRICULUM 1 st -2 nd week:Lectures and practices on tsunami and its countermeasures 3 rd week: On-sight Survey along Sanriku Coast 4 th week: Interim report, practices on Tsunami propagation mapping, Google Earth, etc. 5 th week: On-sight Survey along Kii peninsula Coast 6 th week: Making and presentation of Action plan
Key Achievements Comprehensive lectures, which cover management and engineering aspects and also include technical visits, have enhanced participant’s knowledge and understanding on the comprehensive tsunami disaster prevention. Lectures on engineering aspect of coastal forest in mitigating tsunami disasters and its actual implementation in the system of tsunami disaster countermeasures in Japan have given orientation on the importance and possibility of integrating disaster risk reduction planning into environment and coastal zone management planning. Communication and information exchange among the participants were active during the course. This is a significant positive point of international networking for dissemination of comprehensive tsunami disaster prevention in the future. The technical -visits to Sanriku Coast and Kii Peninsula Coast areas in Japan (saw many defense structures and evacuation facilities; voluntary disaster management groups’ activities; visited elementary schools, etc.) have given high impression to the participant on the existence of a strong will on both the government and the community sides and encouraging its adoption to their own countries,
The participants evaluated each lecture and exercise based on 1-5 grades. The evaluation results showed that the course contents met their expectations and needs as each lecture and exercise was given more than four points. In particular, the highest point given to the coastal vegetation lecture and exercise showed their strong interest and motivation to learn feasible tsunami countermeasures for their countries. The “Project Cycle Management” exercise was also highly rated, revealing that the participants understood the effectiveness of the systematical method for analyzing problems and presenting solutions Key Achievements (cont’d)
The true actual successfulness of this training course depends on the implementation of comprehensive tsunami disaster prevention principles in the target countries. In this training course, the participants were asked not to think about direct application of Japanese tsunami countermeasures to their countries, but to recognize the difference between Japanese tsunami countermeasures and those in their countries and consider what should be done in their countries. Each participants formulated a three-year activity plan coincide with main activities in their institutions. Each action plan was discussed and supervised in the Project Management Cycle class throughout the course Key Achievements (cont’d)
Lessons Learned {What worked & what did not} # Effectt or impact of the Course: one year after the completion Q1 How do you measure the impact of the Course to the activities of local disaster management plan development in your country (or at least your institution) ? Q2 How do you measure the impact of the Course to the activities of tsunami hazard map development in your country (or at least your institution) ? Q3 How do you measure the impact of the Course to the disaster-related program implementation in your country (or at least your institution) ? Q4 How much effective the Field Trip (including Town Watching) activities during the Course influence the disaster management program development and implementation in your country (or at least your institution) ?
Lessons Learned (cont’d) # Utilization of course content within last one-year activities and and the next year activities
Lessons Learned (cont’d) # Utilization of course content within last one-year activities and and the next year activities Lectures that are indicated by 50% or more of the respondents to have close relation with their activies within last one-year within next year Overview of tsunami countermeasure in Japan 88% Project Cycle Management (PCM)75% Local Disaster Management Plan incl.tsunami75% Activities for awareness raising incl.education75% Lecture and discussion on coastal vegetation63% Relief activities after disasters63% Basic viewpoints of disasters 63% Improvement of local resilience to tsunami50% Structural measures50% Practice on coastal vegetation50% Practice on “Project Cycle Management”88% Local disaster management plan (inc.tsunami)75% Activities for awareness raising incl.education63% Lecture and discussion on coastal vegetation63% Relief activities after disasters63% Basic viewpoints of disasters63% Practice on coastal vegetation63% Types of tsunami-induced disasters50% Structural measures50% Overview of tsunami countermeasures in Japan50%
To evaluate what is truly beneficial to the participants, further data should be collected from continuous monitoring of implementation activities by the participants after returning to their home countries. ICHARM will keep communicating with the participants and monitor the progress of each country’s implementation process based on the action plans developed and submitted at the end of the course by each participant. In order to facilitate communication between ICHARM and the participants, a special window in ICHARM’s website will be provided for discussion and consultation related to comprehensive tsunami disaster prevention How the outcomes will be sustained…
# Countries and their activities within last one-year CountryLast year activitiesClassification Indonesia Planning and arrangement of activities for rehabilitation and utilization of coasts and ocean for several areas in Indonesia, such as District of Indramayu West Java, Semarang City and District of Jepara in Central Java, Dumai City in Province of Riau, Rehabilitation and utilization of coast and ocean Mapping and manage of spatial data for mangrove area Development of Mangrove Information Centre (MIC) in District of Berau (East Borneo). National Tsunami Early Warning & Evacuation Drill Drill & exercise Tsunami exercise/drill at North Maluku, September 2008 Tsunami drill team at Banda Aceh, 2 nd November 2008 Tsunami Drill team at Manado, 27 th December 2008 Preparation for Indian Ocean Wave’09 Exercise Annual International Workshop & Expo on Sumatra Tsunami Disaster & Recovery Seminar &Workshop Workshop on Tsunami Recovery in Aceh for Canada-Sri Lanka University Consortium Multi_Disaster Risk Reduction System Disaster risk reduction analysis Disaster Risk Analysis for Java Island Sri Lanka Flood Management work in Western Province and in Sabaragamuwa Province. Flood management works Investigation, Designing, Estimating and Construction of Irrigation Projects. Procurement Work. Training Programs to Staff of Disaster Management Centre and others Agencies Training & drill Hazard mapping exercises, Mock drills and Awareness programs for the vulnerable community Work in emergency operation center Operational work Maldives Awareness programmes on Disaster Risk Reduction for island communities Training SOP development training for stakeholders Trained some communities on how to develop disaster management plans Held consultative workshops for stakeholders to develop a National Strategic Action Plan on DRR Disaster platforms development Final draft of disaster management bill completed Developed draft curriculum for schools INDIA Dissemination of that was gained during Training course to the superiors and shared with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the nodal Ministry for Disaster Management in India, for considering applying the findings of the report while planning tsunami countermeasures. Dissemination activities Un-official personal effort in sharing the experience on tsunami with as many people as possible in order to disseminate experience to the widest section of people. Preparation on UNDP programmes on “Disaster Risk Reduction”, which was approved and will take off shortly in different parts of the country during the period Platform development
Future plans?? Maintains communication with the ex- participants; e.g. maintains website and develops helpdesk Provides the required course in the frame of PWRI’s whole activities. Conducting related research in tsunami disaster risk reduction; e.g. develops Guideline of Planning & Design of Tsunami Mitigative Coastal Forest (in add. to FAO and JWRC’s works)
# Requirement on the similar training related to coastal and climate hazard Country Requirement Classification Indonesia Strategy on Coastal resilience to facing natural disaster (climate change) Strategy and management on disaster Method and strategy to engaging community awareness Comprehensive Flood Management in a lowland urban area for anticipating sea level rise (global warming) Flood Indicator Assessment & Mitigation Indicator development for mitigation Disaster Damage & Loss Assessment Use of Spatial Technology in Disaster Mitigation Technical training Training for prevention of coastal abration disaster and marine polution Comprehensive Tsunami Disaster Prevention Training Course Tsunami TEWS Standard Operating Procedures Maldives Disaster Management Disaster management Community management Evacuation Emergency actions Emergency health Town planning Town planning and construction Construction Sri Lanka Flood Management Flood management Training on Flood disaster management and Mitigation Training on Cyclone (disaster management) Cyclone management India Flood Management; Cyclone Management; Earthquakes; A course on drought