Use database filter and sort functions in Microsoft Access and Excel to create fun, curriculum driven projects for kids By Sandy Dounce Technology Integration Specialist (retired)
Technology Integration Specialist Computer Teacher – 21 years Technology curriculum design (Methacton & Philadelphia Archdiocese) Workshop presenter (Methacton, PETE&C, MEC Archdiocese of Philadelphia, and Montgomery County Intermediate Unit) Author/co-author of various journal articles Author of Database Magic: Using Databases to Teach Curriculum in Grades 4-12 (ISTE, 2008) Teacher certification in PA (Elem. & Instructional Technology), BA in French, MA (Student Personnel Work) Additional courses in math & computer programming Please see my WIKIS for presentations and more classroom projects 2
3 Scientific research Statistical analysis Libraries Government Law enforcement Forensic science Computer programming Engineering Analysis Natural disasters Businesses Using database sort & filter functions … requires following directions encourages critical thinking/problem-solving provides opportunities for statistical analysis gives students practice at finding facts quickly fosters cooperative learning Databases Are Used Everywhere
Example: Database File Title: The 50 States Record: Arizona Field Names: State name, Capital, population, state bird, state tree, state flower, famous people, important dates, etc. 4
.Form – List – 5 View A Database View A Database as a … StateCapitalLocationPop.P. RankPark, Trails, etc AlabamaMontgomerySouth Gulf Islands National Seashore AlaskaJuneauWest Denali; Gates Of The Arctic N.P. ArizonaPhoenixS. west Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest N.P., ArkansasLittle RockSouth Hot Springs N.P.
Sort data by field Filter data using several fields (queries) Create reports using sort and/or filter functions to analyze data (using calculations) Organize & summarize scientific & business data (including calculations) Print a list or one record per page Merge data into a word processor 6
The sort & filter functions are data-collecting tools. The resulting statistics can be used by students to analyze data and answer questions or solve problems. We will be looking at a database on Ancient Western Civilizations to create and analyze statistics. 7
8 Use the advanced filter icon ( Access ) Click the pull-down in Advanced to select the advanced filter in ( )
9 OccupationGreekRoman Emperor012 Leader610 Philosopher91 General511 Writer1517 Dictator02 Mathematician60
Based on the statistics created using filtering techniques answer these questions: Which civilization appears to be more interested in education? Which has a stronger government? Which is more war-like? Why might the database be inaccurate? 10
11 Invention Field used Name Birth Death Made Processing sugar faster & safer facts Devised an Irrigation System facts first name Elijah McCoy Process for straightening hair facts last name Frederick Jones Norbert Rillieux Benjamin Banneker Steam engine lubricator Madame C.J. Walker 40 patents in the field of refrigeration
Database filters allow students to gather data from several fields. analyze the data, and solve a problem. Problem You work for the State Department and are in charge of giving aid to countries in South America that are not prosperous. 12
13 (Prosperous – successful, well- to-do, comfortable)
14 How long people live - How many people live in cites – How much people know – How much money they make – Life Expectancy - % urban - Literacy rate -per capita income
First, use filters on the Geography Database to determine which countries are prosperous. 15 Next, analyze the data. What do you notice about the lists in each field you notice about the lists in each field you searched? searched? List the countries that need help
16 Literacy Rate Life Expectancy% UrbanPer Capita Income GuyanaChileUruguayArgentina UruguayFrench GuianaArgentinaChile ArgentinaUruguayChileUruguay ChileArgentinaVenezuelaBrazil SusrinameParaguayBrazilVenezuela ParaguayVenezuelaFrench GuianaColombia
Discuss the relationship between the 4 statistics searched. (literacy, urbanization, income, and life expectancy) Simpler questions for younger students: Why would people who know how to read live in cities? Why would people who are educated live longer? 17
19 You are a landscape architect. You have a client who has an ugly 4 foot tall fence that she wants to cover. She likes red flowers. You want to cove the fence as much of the year as possible. Use the gardening database to find the flowers.
Databases can do various mathematical calculations. When creating a report number fields can be averaged or a sum found. Records can also be counted. 20
Example: Where in the World is Mrs. Dounce? Fields needed :Continent, Country, Cities, Climate, Exports, Languages, Special Facts, and Waterways 21
22 Denmark, Eur Gr. Britain, Eur Panama, NA Venezuela, SA Trinidad-Tobago Brazil, SA Argentina, SA Nigeria, Afr. Senegal, Afr. Morocco, Afr. Spain, Portugal Netherlands,Eur. Ireland Denmark G. Britain
Once teachers learn to use databases, they can let their imaginations go wild and create challenging and fun lessons in all curriculum areas. 23