Charlene M. L. Roach & Gloria Davis-Cooper 34 th Teaching Public Administration Conference 2011 Panel Democratic Learning Experiences
The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (TT) identified in its Strategic Plan – Vision 2020, education, as one of its foundation pillars on which the nation would be transformed into developed country status by the year In its 2007 to 2012 Strategic Plan The UWI St Augustine Campus allocated financial resources for improving the delivery of its teaching and learning strategy to its students. Some of the components include – supporting student centerdness and learning, reforming curricula to broaden students’ experiences, promoting and enhancing faculty excellence in teaching; increasing learning effectiveness and improving the learning environment.
This presentation presents an analysis & discussion of The UWI St. Augustine Campus teaching and learning strategy – based on its most recent self study report 2010 completed as part of an institutional accreditation process recommended by the TT Government. The themes highlighted in this presentation support a people-centered approach and engagement based on TT’s Government’s Vision 2020 Plan. By so doing, The UWI St. Augustine Campus embraces an approach to governance that is responsive to stakeholders (internally and externally of this institution from various sectors) and the voice of the people. This process will help to strengthen efforts to improve its teaching and learning effectiveness and to deliver programs that can equip students with employable and other skills for the workplace, the nation of TT, the Caribbean region, the international world and beyond.
“By the year 2020, TT will be a united, resilient, productive, innovative & prosperous nation with a disciplined, caring, fun-loving society comprising healthy, happy & well- educated people & built on the enduring attributes of self-reliance, respect, tolerance, equity & integrity…in which…every citizen has equal opportunities to achieve his/her fullest potential…all citizens enjoy a high quality of life…”
“…All citizens are assured of a sound, relevant education system tailored to meet the human resource needs of a modern, progressive, technologically advancing nation…Optimum use is made of all the resources of the nation…There is respect for the rule of law & human rights & the promotion of the principles of democracy…The diversity & creativity of all its people are valued & nurtured…”
Developing Innovative People Nurturing a Caring Society Enabling Competitive Business Investing in Sound Infrastructure and Environment Promoting Effective Government
VISION 2020 UWI Strategic Plan Teaching & Learning Strategic Core Values---One of the Outcomes… Creating The UWI Distinguished Graduate Student( s)
Maintaining a commitment to the pursuit of excellence Assisting students to develop a capacity for independent thought and critical analysis Stimulating self-awareness and social awareness Nurturing a keen sense of individual and social responsibility Building respect for cultural diversity and the rule of law Promoting Caribbean identity and sovereignty, together with the development and protection of nationhood Cultivating multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration and involving alumni in this process as experts/guest speakers Preserving a climate of intellectual freedom
Engendering in students a commitment to personal growth Fostering ethical values, attitudes and approaches Encouraging community service and involvement and Dedication to development of the region
A critical & creative thinker A problem solver An effective communicator Knowledgeable & informed Competent A leader A team player IT skilled and information literate Socially & culturally responsive Ethical Innovative & entrepreneurial A lifelong learner Self-motivated
Themes Highlighted from The 2010 Self Study Report of an Institutional Accreditation
Developing & Promoting Teaching Excellence Evaluating Teaching Effectiveness Teaching & Learning Strategies Student Centerdness Tutoring & consultation Promoting student- faculty relationships
Addressing learning gaps Expanding learning experiences-e.g. world of work, minding SPEC, leadership & service, work place protocol Using Technology to enhance teaching & learning Assessing learning outcomes Monitoring & evaluating student learning Providing facilities for students with special needs Creating an effective learning environment
Use of staff/student liaison committees Face-to-face students’ consultation Online students’ consultation Tutorials Students’ class participation myeLearning course management system Group projects, interim reports & discussions Student-led presentations, seminars & mini-teaching sessions
The UWI St. Augustine Campus makes a BOLD STRIDE Towards Excellence Through Continuous Improvement in their Teaching and Learning Strategies